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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    The game is a bit dead right now but when it will go out of the game preview and hopefully have a successful launch, I'm crossing my fingers that your website will take off. Aside from some responsive issues, it works really well.
  2. 1 point
    Thank you for your work. It's really nice. I will use it in the future
  3. 1 point
    I'm seeing this too, now that I've tried to do a few. I can see that the way in is through the bottom, but try as hard as I can, I can't quite get under the hole to enter because I'm colliding with the sea floor.
  4. 1 point
    I spend most of my time treasure hunting and am surprised that this bug has not been addressed yet. 1 out of every 3 Shipwrecks is not accessible due to the ship having clipped into the terrain. Sometime, the ship is entirely under the terrain with only the masts visible above the sand. This has been an ongoing issue making every dive a gamble. It doesn't matter is the recovery level is a 2.0 or a 20.0, you only stand small chance of actually being able to reach the chest, which may be underground itself. I know on your roadmap you've said you'd like us to spend more time at sea, as that is your intention for how we should be engaging with the game. I'm trying. But, between cold snaps, heat waves (I have 80 fortitude and it does very little), Ships of the Damned, dense fog, faster vitamin depletion at sea, cyclones, terrible low wind resulting in exhaustivey long trips and very very little reward for the risk of losing your ship, I see nothing to incentivize this.
  5. 1 point
    I had marked out a spot on my island which has a sizeable bay and we moved to the island weeks ago. I found a place where I wanted to build a nice star fort in the water, we even checked if we could build there( and we could). Only one other person owns the island, and they gave us build permissions so we could build in the middle of the water (which we didn't need because we could still place things anyway, but it never hurts to be careful.) After setting up our initial base it was time to start building the star fort. but guess what? all of a sudden we can't build underwater anymore. the moment we touch the water with any building piece, it gives us the error: "enemy foundation too close" etc. But we double and triple checked the area, there is nothing. We even built stuff around the place we picked out, but inside that circle its a no go. we had issues on other parts of the island with nothing in the water either, and had to build around those too. But the water here isn't even as deep as the other places. checking the forums I saw people had this issue many months ago but supposedly got resolved. However, I am now having this problem. Me and my 5 friends have spent hours combing that area, there is nothing. Is this a known issue, and are you adressing it?
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Hard too tell if you are sarcastic, sounds like you aren't.
  8. 1 point
    We’re at the ‘ark DLC’ part of the roadmap. It was written down with such tiny letters nobody even saw it, it came after the ‘screw you, PC players’ part.
  9. 1 point
    There ya go grapeshot. Now you have people discussing other games to play in your forums...seems we should hear something methinks.
  10. 1 point
    In some ways this makes me feel better. I've only tried to do one of these. I could see from the on screen indicator that I was close to the chest, but could not see it, so did not get it. Now I'm guessing this was because of what you are pointing out here.
  11. 1 point
    While I can't speak to official pvp, on the official pve servers, islands are contested after 10 days of non-occupation by the current owner. Trick seems to be, to find an island with 2-3 days left til that's possible, put down a bed, and a small chest with gold, and check back.
  12. 0 points
    Good luck with that. I wouldn't play on the official servers unless someone paid me.
  13. 0 points
    Water height seems odd. Portions of land hidden or revealed that shouldn't be. Waves do not lessen in shallow water. Impossible to anchor ship during storm due to waves. Waves cover freeport cities during storm. Waves ground/wreck ships in shallows during storms.
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