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Everything posted by Dyna

  1. they just added upvoting of bugs on the forums, push this one back up there please
  2. has anyone seen if the devs have acknowledged this issue anywhere on the interwebs yet?
  3. for any unofficial server admins: i've been spawning them for people by hand with gmsummon and unclaiming them, the player can then claim it for gold however the price is broken with them, a Level 1 will cost 126g, where a level 15 (what i summon) costs 88g... i wanted to see what level it would be for a 5g one to match the npc trader and it was over level 500... they wrote the formula for determining this gold cost backwards.
  4. Idling at the NPC for 10 minutes , with the window open, did not fix it for me either.
  5. I ran into the same issue with A not working, then when I failed the game called me a loser.
  6. Dyna

    Skill Planner

    @Vaylain I untangled it to make it easier to read the flow. This is intentional. The paths and requirements are still accurate, it is just easier to read.
  7. @Vaylain @Dayum what is outdated with it? Could you elaborate so I can fix? I could not find any problems.
  8. Hello @vaylain , I am the creator of AtlasCalculator.com. Could you please elaborate on what does not reflect the current skill trees in game? After reading your comment I went through and did not find any errors. The only two things that changed in v10 was the level cap, and the formula for calculating skill points per level. Both of these were updated on my site. For the formula, the starting skill points per level increment was changed from 2 to 3, and there is a cap on this increment that gets hit in the 80s (at 11 points per level). If you are not seeing this update you are probably looking at a cached version in your browser. Try refreshing the page, or clicking the reset button if you have a currently saved tree. If you can provide information as to what is wrong I will fix it, but as of the time of this post I did not see any problems. Thanks!
  9. Dyna

    Skill Planner

    Hello @vaylain , I am the creator of AtlasCalculator.com. Could you please elaborate on what does not reflect the current skill trees in game? After reading your comment I went through and did not find any errors. The only two things that changed in v10 was the level cap, and the formula for calculating skill points per level. Both of these were updated on my site. For the formula, the starting skill points per level increment was changed from 2 to 3, and there is a cap on this increment that gets hit in the 80s (at 11 points per level). If you are not seeing this update you are probably looking at a cached version in your browser. Try refreshing the page, or clicking the reset button if you have a currently saved tree. If you can provide information as to what is wrong I will fix it, but as of the time of this post I did not see any problems. Thanks!
  10. @Kalryn If you are still looking for a skill calculator check out this one: https://atlascalculator.com/
  11. The skill calculator I made can do what you are looking for, you can find it here: https://atlascalculator.com/ Let me know if you run into any problems!
  12. I made a skill calculator for Atlas, you can use it here: https://atlascalculator.com/
  13. Don, that is what I needed these for! Thanks again Sensei!
  14. Thanks for sharing my site Archaegeo!
  15. awesome, thanks! just what i was looking for... UE4 was crashing when i was trying to import the uassets in an attempt to export them to jpg
  16. Updating again as I've figured out what caused this issue, hopefully this information helps someone. The zone that was not spawning NPCs was because the zone had EndBossLevel attached to the ExtraSublevels on the map. Removing this variable and restarting was not enough to fix it, I had to completely wipe the Saved Folders on each server attached to the map. After doing this and restarting the map loads the proper amount of NPCs. Apparently EndBossLevel is intended for an entire zone and can not just be part of another zone (unless you don't care that there are no land NPCs on that part of your map). So at minimum to get all the PVE content you need a server for the Freeport, a server for the Non-Freeport that also has room for all the Powerstone Islands, and a third server just for the End Boss (when you have all the stones).
  17. If anyone is reading this with the same issue, a wipe did not fix it. I think I have to just start over from scratch ...
  18. In the ServerGridEditor program, if you didn't make your map then you need to get whoever did to help fix it.
  19. If you made your map check to make sure the AutoSpawnEveryUTCInterval on the ship path is set to something reasonable.
  20. I run a 3x2, one of our maps I performed a DestroyWildDinos on, now they are not respawning. It has been hours since I fired off this command and there are currently only 300 NPCs on the map, the other working parts of the grid have about 9700 NPCs each. I've restarted it multiple times, have even tried the force respawn command line argument. Anyone run into this issue yet?
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