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Everything posted by lordkhan4444

  1. did we get raided today? I have not logged in yet mayson
  2. yes plz get rid of the stupid bolas they ruin pvp! plus there is videos floating around of SDC using bola scripts. plz get rid of bolas makes pvp so boring and lame.
  3. cant this game give us a warning on my pc when im being attacked when im offline so I know to log in and defend? hell even a simple app game like clash of clans lets me know when im being attacked while offline. would be a nice QOL
  4. well im still confused acceleration has NOTHING to do with top speed like your saying, acceleration is getting from 0 to 60 just a bit quicker. so they need to change the BP name to top speed increase.
  5. acceleration is defined at take off speed, don't you mean velocity?
  6. yes they where power creeping there way to total power! I totally agree with the changes to int. make this a skill based game not a equip based one.
  7. nope you can heal yourself and you can heal others around you, just not sure why it stopped working.
  8. just tried using one it just keep saying treatment failed, what am I missing here? hp to high? to low?
  9. 3 LSS for fastest, 2LSS and 1 handling for decent speed but decent handling, 3 handling for great turning, I think you get the picture.
  10. i live on lawless and I have over 150 npc, I pay and feed them all with silo. but you probaly want to build stone around the silo with some good defence around it as it is very easy to break into.
  11. anyone else having there grapple stop working while on boat to get flotsam, im on pc using a xbox controler.
  12. no he thinks its just for sleeping or getting HP back, beds are just respawns after you die nothing else.
  13. we all start bald hair grows pretty fast in this game, in a few hours of playtime her hair will be super long.
  14. lordkhan4444


    yes use your left analog joystick to pull the yellow square down to the map then use the right analog joystick to move left and right up and down its a pain I know.
  15. im on pc and use a controler I hate the radial menus for quick map omg go back to simple select button for quick map plz!
  16. just spoke with a xbox player in my zone and he said its a slideshow lol not sure what yall expected.
  17. alright realist you have waited 10 months now its 4 hours away are you pumped?! now go join your PVE with the other carebears and leave the PVP to the real men hahahahah
  18. it has 10x the content of sea of thieves which btw was 60 bucks.
  19. yes I have also had this glitch a few times on the emergency ladder of the ramshackle sloop, its a pain in the ass as you cant get off or go up your only chance is to drowned under water while stuck.
  20. they are suppose to stack to 5 they now stack to 3 was just wondering was this intended? I thought 5 was perfect.
  21. grenades now stack to 3? did not see this in patch notes. also most all my journeyman and masterwork gear has all been nerfed, from my rifles, pistols, and amour this intended change?
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