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Everything posted by wakkytabbaky

  1. any idea on the time limit for it? ive seen non active sleepers that havent starved for a very long time.
  2. they can sometimes get stuck in planks etc, only way i found to move em is either using the move command which is , by default or removing what hes stuck on and replacing it till its fixed
  3. i noticed since the extra skill points patch that at lvl 52 i get next to no xp from anything other than hostile alpha's ( the really insane ones like lion / bear) and treasure maps. it seems lvling to 50 is fine but once you hit that threshold it slow down by like 75% minimum
  4. very fast crafting for forge on Na pve, i used this as a way to smelt all my alloy , was gonna do it anyway but it certainly sped things up lol
  5. also breeding is in game but only certain animals at this point
  6. who cares what does more dmg. with bullets (10% of the time ) / arrows just sticking into animals because of failed hit reg it doesnt matter either way lol
  7. lawless zones had no alpha spawns while you were able to set your home region there, with that removed they have essentially reverted back to any other grid other than the no claiming. its how they were originally intended
  8. from my experience any claim flags placed early on before the upkeep timer was fixed are bugged still and will go into negative timer preventing you from taking it for longer. any new flags that are PLACED and not stolen will have fixed timers and be super easier to steal. not commenting on the 3 day timer etc but ive tested new and old flags and new ones are easier to take as they are not bugged
  9. with speed increase just take a disposable sloop and head whatever way the wind takes you stopping at islands just for the discovery and continue on, if your at your max lvl already its worth while, if not at max yet just do it while looking for diff resources
  10. do grapples not work on enemy ships in pvp? seems really pointless to me
  11. +1 there are a few bases that have been abandoned and people not returning on my island and then there are the sleepers with 2nd acc's holding an area with overlapping flags just for tax
  12. yea but at this point it seems sleepers and corpses are essentially the same other than the decay timer on dead people, they just need to add a system where if you are not lvl 8 yet your body remains when dead. might be tricky to implement but would work perfectly
  13. only company weight to a vessel is too easy to exploit, just means big companys could fill up inventories and leave company and have the captain sail back while they stand on the boat and reinvite them once back at base
  14. bodies were removed from freeports because of the launch, there were at least 1000 sleeping bodies on every island of every freeport. this caused freeports to be unplayable at the time.
  15. just make them super rare like once every 10th storm or something and make them actually dangerous to sail through, atm with full wind you only take like 3-4 ticks of dmg and the ship takes very little dmg.
  16. must be one really nice high lvl sloop then, they stated the higher the lvl the ship the longer it will take. stealing ships shouldnt be as easy as killing the commander after a coup. just be glad they changed it so you dont need to stay on the ship while claiming it anymore. if you dont want the ship lvl you would be better off just sinking it and salvaging it all with plunder, its a sloop after all only takes like 2k resources
  17. i was under the impression you could grapple onto enemy ships in pvp and then just climb aboard. if you cant then thats just stupid. as for ladders on your own ship you can use grapples on your own boat
  18. honestly they just need to add a leveling system to a company. higher lvl your company the more flags you get , mix that with a player count and you can find a nice balance. once they find that balance and fix overlapping claims they need to wipe all the servers in 1-2 months to fix everything
  19. sleepers should just decay and die within 7 days of not being logged in at all, in a game where its not even a month since release and people are already 70 years old in game and the age limit is 100. its save to say if you have not logged in for even 1 minute in 7 days you are not coming back. ive got a few bases around me that i know have been abandoned but there are still sleepers inside with the overlapping flag nonsense they have a nice big chunk of land thats inactive.
  20. fix the damn flag claim timers so we can actually stop the chinese from gating off islands and stealing all the land or region lock china. got chinese walling off entire sections of islands on pve and its just ridiculous as we cant even contest these broken ass flags till they get to -260000 seconds, and by that time they fast travel to the damn area once a day and reset it
  21. tweeting "we fucked up the companies and may actually have to wipe everything if we cant fix it" is alot worse than saying nothing
  22. no matter what fucking server spawn i pick when ever i actually manage to load in without timing out it always fucking puts me in the southwest freeport which is so aids you cannot even die. plus you also cannot move since 150 people are stuck in place
  23. 6 hours of attempting to log in and its impossible to beat any NA players logging in
  24. more threads means more people annoyed, makes the devs see it easier
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