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Everything posted by MajorAvatar

  1. At this moment, people can store all their tames and items safely in freeports. They place their tames on freeports and store items inside the tames. This results in large amounts of tames on the Freeport islands. A simple way to change this is to allow any tame in a freeport zone to be claimed by anyone after it's in Freeport zone for 8 hours (maybe 4 hours, 12 hours?) , within a very short time (15 minutes). Thoughts?
  2. After reading most, if not all, topics in both PVE and PVP discussion thread i come to one, simple conclusion: The game cannot be the same for PVE and PVP if you want to make both parties happy with the game. PVE side feels, that the environment gets nerfed to help the PVP players, the PVP players feel PVE is only half the game anyway, as there is no threat from players. To make both sides happy, I believe strongly the PVP servers need to have different settings in PVE than the PVE servers. Some ideas to make PVE challenging again, while PVP remain challenging enough due to the threat of players. I hope to start a discussion that will be food for thought to properly balance PVP and PVE servers while making them a different experience, each challenging on its own. NEW IDEA: An idea from Conan: Make a purge for PVE, once in a while a group of NPCs specially spawned for the purpose, attack a players base or boat. Player gets a warning in advance that such a group is on the way. This would make a threat that can be compared to actual PvP attacks and would need PVE bases to put defenses in place, to protect it against it. If the group is defeated, the player can loot unique items or blueprints from them. The group increases in difficulty the next time it attacks, keeping this a serious threat to ships and bases in PVE. Balancing ideas. Weather effects more harsh in PVE, more lenient in PVP PVE harvest rate 1. Taming rates may be even lower (0.5, 0.25) to make it very rewarding to get a tame done. PVP can remain 2x maybe even 3x on all but leveling up. Weather effects more harsh in PVE, more lenient in PVP Resources more spread out in PVE, it should be hard to get from point to point. No ramshackle sloop in PVE. PVE hometowns can only be freeports. PVP players can spawn in every region Taming in PVE can only be done with a specific food (as in the start) ie Honey for Bears while PVP taming can be done with all food from the same class. Dead in PVE means losing a level. (HARDCORE idea #1 E: if you die on level 1, character recreation? HARDCORE idea #2 E: if you die, character recreation? HARDCORE idea #3 E: if you die, your back to level 1) dead in PVP means a temporary debug that stacks if you die again while having the debuff. Claim flags in PVE, but limited to 1 per player. (maybe 2? or one to claim ships, tames and another to claim land?) Alpha spawn rates in PVE go up, to present a challenge for PVE games. Alpha's are harder in PVE, all wild animals are harder to kill in PVE. SOTD much harder in PVE compared to PVP --------------- Above are just ideas, but it would make PVE a challenge while presenting a completely different experience from PVP Thoughts?
  3. How you select them in your command group? just place every NPC on the swivel in a group?
  4. Hi All, It is possible to change ammo for normal cannons on a ship by pressing U behind the steering wheel, is there something like this for Swivels ?
  5. I pointed out the same issues and my topics where closed and the mods warned me for 'witch hunting' so beware.
  6. When i tried to point the same out, the mods warned me here for 'witch hunting' and locked the topics, so beware.
  7. Played a while on some decent private servers, with reasonable population, shop and somewhat faster (3x to 20x) harvesting, but today i cannot find anything with any population on battlemetrics and the atlas server finders, sorting on Players. Any server left, with a decent server base? Would be good, if the in the game server finder shows directly from main screen list, how many players there are on the server and on the cluster, that would be very helpful.
  8. That is cheap, IRL ship took 1000 - 2000 oaks The Victory took 6000 Oaks. USS Constitution took 2000. So 3000-4000 for a 74 would seem likely. you could not have build a brig IRL with 400 trees.
  9. The game is still in EA, time to fix this. Suggestions: - Make Alpha beasts some group quest/challenge beast to overcome, these Alpha beasts do not attack unless aggroed first. - Tame health, armor, and resistance are tuned down so that any player with a rifle has a solid chance to one-shot them. While we are at it, - Tames should provide limited support for farming, the elephant could help farm wood, a bear can help farm honey and pigs can find truffles, lions can hunt game. I really see no tame being able to help farm stone or metals faster, it should be limited support. This makes taming useful, with farming some materials, but not crucial or important. Elephants/RHINO and other heavy tames should be too heavy to transport by ship/boat and most animals need animal pens to transport them. Let's divert well away from animals as anything more important, than limited support roles. The only animals that pulls a cart are oxes / horses and rideable animals could be Horses, Camels and maybe Elephants, certainly not wolves or lions....
  10. Very well, I bite. the game has LAN support, if you have a little technical understanding about networking. Since i replied on your comments before, i must currently assume, you have little or no understanding about networking - sorry to say so. I can set up a server, on a LAN, for this game, within ~15 minutes, so can you, if you are willing to dive a little deeper into the matter. It's a 'slightly' more complex setup than a public server setup, that should not hold you back too much. Anyway, you do not even own or play the game...
  11. Could you provide evidence supporting your statement? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/education-news/faith-schools-academically-no-better-than-any-others-epi-report-religion-catholic-church-england-a7451676.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2018/07/26/no-private-schools-arent-better-at-educating-kids-than-public-schools-why-this-new-study-matters/?utm_term=.d8a9a805785e
  12. Tames should be weak. IRL nearly every animal, including RHINO's and Elephant can be one-shot by a gun, so to balance this correctly, simply make tames useful to help to farm 'relevant' materials but make them useless in combat. By the way, maybe the game should use different statistics for PVE vs PVP that is another issue solved. Refocus on ships, competent players and NPCs and divert away from taming animals, that should be a side hobby, useful in some way, but not a major factor in gameplay.
  13. @LYNX do you still own the game or not? if you do not, why you spam every topic with your opinion on it?
  14. Way too many CHEMB abuse threads with concrete evidence. At this point, it would be reasonable if the developers not only ban the steam accounts from the officials (including family shares) of CHEMB members but also block their IPv4 / IPv6 as well as MAC address and if possible, hardware profile to not allow them to return to officials without switching Internet provider, buying new hardware and setting up new steam account &buy the game again. That would be a strong statement, that hackers are not allowed to go rampant on officials servers.
  15. In that case, it's reasonable to gag a prisoner to prevent them from yelling. I would not want the jail experience to be limited to 10 minutes for players ' in the know how to yell their way out' that's just silly. Jail should be a timeout allowing attackers to imprison defeated defenders and the way around, defenders to do so with attackers - its actually a game mechanic that is funny, unique and practical. It should, however, be limited to an X number of game hours, jailing people for days, weeks months or years is simply too much. But the main issue: Ships should be the main focus, not animals. Its pirates, not Ark survival evolved 2.0. (i hope... ) and for ... sake, make PvP a thing, the PvP in this game is for lazy people: with overwhelming numbers, of unskilled naked spearman players and a bunch of tier-3 tames, i can beat anyone, anywhere, anytime... You do know that most animal, (elephant, lion, tiger ) in real life, can be one shot with pistol, gun or stab by a sword, they can definitely not survive cannon hits & explosives and I am pretty certain that in the time of pirates, Dragons and Dinosaur like beings did not exist. Make this a Pirate game... as promised. Deliver us what was promised: Focus on ships, not animals, tames and such. Do not nerf dragons, remove them. Nerf animals to be one shot killed in true pvp, Lions cannot carry 2000 kilograms of resources. In real life, there were ships that were build to partly repel cannon balls, they were quite resilient to cannon fire, ships should be sturdy, not easily sunk... We need a focus on ships and skill based PVP, not animal tame and zerg group based PvP.
  16. Thank you for the tip, while useful, it is just a broken game mechanic that should be fixed as soon as possible. As this is the official forum, I propose: - remove the yell VOIP drains stamina bug to escape jail. and - Add maximum jail time (4 hours? 6 hours) This should serve the intention of jail time, to remove the player temporarily from the attacker or defender list during a PvP event. Thoughts?
  17. I researched this for quite some time, but never found this solution. Maybe it should be a simple option: Yell until you die... in the menu instead of a skill that only ARK insiders know about. More guidance would have been nice, for players that were not previously played ARK. It really looks, to me, like they catered only to players that did play ARK before. How does this YELL technique go? and how realistic is it in the gameplay? reasonable multiple hours of minimum/maximum imprisonment time (unless freed) feels far more immersive, realistic and connected with the intention of jail time (stopping people raiding your place or boat / defending against raid). Basically what you suggest: use a glitch to get yourself out, instead of fixing the gameplay mechanics...
  18. Nice, but this game requires little or no skill - skill also does not influence the outcome too much. The number of friends in the area and your level of the tamed creature, that does influence the outcome a lot. This is a serious problem, for now, its Minecraft on steroids, not a proper PVP game.
  19. It is not a skill based game, playing better will not help you, at all. The only advice I ever hear is: find a bigger group to play with! Maybe restrict companies to 70 players and total allies to 140, that's acceptable, not 500+ player groups zerging with their 1000 player allies an official that totals, maybe 4k active players.
  20. It is a pirate game, ever heard pirates like Blackbeard owning any tamed Lions or Elephants? Animals should be island bound, they should only be helpful with gathering some resources here and there... not full out rideable warmachines, I believe they already made such a game: ARK SURVIVAL. It should be about Pirates on Boats not beastmasters on lions. That is what people signed up for, not for ARK SURVIVAL RESKIN with Boats to travel between islands...
  21. Alright, this is my take on this: Animals should not be placeable, at all, on ships - Unless they are small like a small monkey or a parrot. An Elephant on a Schooner? I expected to play a pirate game, not a reskin of ARK where animals/tames become the focus of the game.
  22. After nearly 200 hours in the game, Atlas is starting to disappoint me as a "pirate game". The meta shifted completely to taming creatures, instead of building and commandeering ships and cannons. Basically, it is far easier to tame a lion (or other Tier-3) and a bear, outfit the bear with cart&cannon and raid bases with this method. Another problem I see is that the PvP is not very skill orientated. The focus is primarily on numbers: who has the most attackers/defenders with decent gear and tames, or in the case of overwhelming numbers vs smaller amounts you could attack naked and win. Skill definitely takes a backseat to sheer numbers of players and tames. Cheats are rampant, but that is to be expected from EA, they get fixed fairly rapidly. In my feelings, the animal tames should get a VERY minor role and impact, ships should be more powerful, important and viable and PvP should become more skill-based, than equipment & numbers. Animals should not be important, this is not ARK. In the survival genre, I primarily played other games than ARK. In my opinion, that game is skill based with quick actions, reflexes and reactions (aka Skills) sufficient for a truly skilled player, to have a fighting chance and even be able to win against 3 to 5 players with less skill (not talking total noob, just less skill). This is where Atlas should go, Skilled and experienced players should have the edge on less skilled players, even if they are grouped. I can see that well-organized groups have a fighting chance against larger, less organized and experienced players, there is, as far as I have seen so far on both official as well as non-officials, no way for solo players to overcome small groups (3-4 players) even if skilled, while there is a slight chance for smaller, organized teams (10-20 players) to overcome larger teams, it should also become more balanced in the 1 vs 3 / 2 vs 6 and 3 vs 9 scales - SKILL should rule, not the number of players or tames. Examples - A group of 3, can knock out a single player that is scouting or farming, throw the bola, put the handcuffs and drag you into jail for the remainder of the week/month/year, efficiently eliminating the player from that server, as the character can be stuck in jail forever. Even if that single player is way more skilled or experienced, the knockout game mechanics give them little or no chance facing three players, not to mention any tamed animals. - another issue, jail time. While interesting in itself, it should really be a limited (maybe 4 hours, 6 ... 8 hours?) timeout rather than a potential 'life' sentence, allowing a larger group to hold players prisoner for as long as they like. Theoretically, a sufficiently organized group could jail a player as long as there is no wipe of the server, that is simply unacceptable. In short, my feelings are: - Improve PvP, allowing the skill to reign over numbers - Reduce the impact of tames, they should have minor supporting roles, able to help a little in gathering, building but not be totally full out war machines (else the game is just ARK without actual Dinosaurs, well actually i already seen Dinosaurs.....). - Maybe make dragging cannons behinds animals very slow. Swimming with a cannon on a cart should not be possible - Jail time should have a limit in maximum time, a reasonable limit. Hours, not days or weeks, or months or years... - Increase the impact boats have, they should be the single most important thing to have, build and maintain. Wee supposed to be pirates, after all, not beastmasters. Ever heard of Pirates sailing with dinosaurs, bears, lions, Elephants and such? as long as tames stay as important as they are, its basically a reskin of ARK survival with inferior boats.. Who feels the same? what should be improved?
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