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Everything posted by Mortavius

  1. The inventory is buggy, it seems to go through food too fast, there's an inventory bug, it doesn't make Fertilizer, and I can't put elephants, Giraffes, or some of the other animals in the list inside of the thing. The tame house is buggy as hell and needs to be fixed.
  2. So, they make the islands HIGHER, but make the glider suit LOWER? So it won't even work from the top of a mountain? If it's a PvP gripe (it always is), then flag it for that in PVP. Stop punishing PVE'ers!! Just wow!
  3. There was an unannounced change as well. They cut the number of building pieces you could use in an area even more. So, they don't let us clip into terrain, and now to DEAL with that terrain and make everything EVEN AND FLAT, we had to use more pieces and now we can't even do that? Building was going fine when I logged out, when I logged in... capped. Weeks of work ruined. What, to help XBox players!?!? Most of the XBox players I know, my Son included, can't even log in on XBox because of all of the crashing. He hasn't played in weeks. So, you roll back a nerf to "pillar bases" that hide flags, and INSTEAD YOU NERF REGULAR BASES AT GROUND LEVEL!!!!!! Yeah, I think I'm done for awhile. Enjoy your XBox players... the ones that you can actually keep logged in without crashing and memory issues. And this is NOT in a Lawless area, but an owned island where I was building a GUILD port!!
  4. The Submarine used to be able to hold 4k and do this.... but it got nerfed, so I doubt they'll oblige. Makes scavenging ships a pain in the ass, too.
  5. Just do it the exact same way we show ships and beds on maps now. Don't even need to get into anything as complex as items. The code already exists for other assets. Copy / Paste, change the asset tracked, add to GUI, call it a day. It's that easy.... AND, it only works on you and your guild's assets... because that is how it works in-game.... right now.... at this very minute. However, to avoid map clutter, it should be made a toggle as should everything else. Extend the GUI on the left side of the Atlas Map if more space for buttons is needed.
  6. Is it being abused with ships, or other resources right now? Because we have the ability to see where we left our own ships, beds, and other resources. Maybe we should take those away too, then, because ALREADY being able to see where you left your own things or where your guild left things can have some unforseen abuse, and should be taken away, eh?
  7. Easy to Implement: add a new button that toggles location of pets so they are visible or invisible on the map.... that way, if pets are lost when zoning, then players can find them. That will take very little development time, but solve a HUGE problem that can be game-breaking for many players. This will improve player retention as well.... all for less than a couple hours of development time using already existing code that shows ships, bed, and other things on the map. So much benefit for so little development effort. A big part of solving lost pets problem would be solved in a single afternoon, and could be rolled out as soon as next patch. Developers, you really should consider this.
  8. I have placed no lantern hooks, and I can place down many more items on my boat, yet when I try to place even a single lantern hook, it gives me the same message if I try to place down too many beds. So, because I have a house boat, I am not allowed to have lights in that house boat? If this is a bug, it needs to be fixed.
  9. The straight to inventory option on the pet radial menu, only with an empty inventory (to prevent exploitation) would probably be the most simple and immediate fix.... and could be implemented quickly, like a map-toggle to see our pets like we can see our ships. Honestly, I think a Map Toggle for pets should have been in the game to begin with.
  10. And if even that suggestion is too much, I have an even EASIER workaround: Allow us a map toggle that lets us SEE where our pets are on the map, so that we can go and retrieve a lost pet. THAT can be done in a single afternoon, GUI elements and all. And, it would at least give us a fighting chance not to lose days or weeks of time investment. Simple repurposing of the code that lets us see ships on our maps. SUPER SIMPLE. And at least a map toggle is something you can do and patch in ONE AFTERNOON.... almost no development time compared to fixing other issues... and this is a MAJOR game-breaking issue.
  11. All they have to do for an easy fix is to have an item that allows us to store pets within as an inventory item (like a ship-board pet-crate) or the second easiest fix is a skill that allows us to summon them from anywhere in the world if they have been lost and we don't know when or where along the journey.... with a lockout timer of a few hours to prevent abuse. The pet crate idea is the easiest to implement, because you don't need to worry about guild permissions and other mechanics as much: just despawn the pet into a pet token, and then respawn the pet and despawn the token when you call the pet.... the pet properties and stats would be stored in the item. ----------- Step 1: Item is triggered, pet stats (WITHOUT INVENTORY) are recorded... the item would not work with a pet's inventory just to make the implementation easier., only naked pets with stats. Step 2: Spawn the pet token in the pet-cage inventory and despawn the pet. Step 3: Profit! That would take a short time to implement.... mebbe a couple of days TOPS, because it will use mostly already existing code that is 'copy-pasted' and re-purposed. AND, they could claim it as a semi-permanent if not permanent fix, because that would completely stop the problem, putting the onus on the player for not using the item to secure their animals onboard, instead of on the developers. A Nash Equilibrium: a win-win. So..... let's recap: a.) fast to implement b.) repurposes mostly existing code c.) semi-permanent. d.) adds depth to the game and crafting system e. ) solves a potentially game-stopping problem for many people. If they don't do it, that means: a.) They don't care if it could be a virtually overnight fix b.) They don't understand their code enough to copy-paste it and stitch it together with modded code c.) They don't care about implementing a long-term "patch" that would solve the issue to a completely workable degree, allowing them to forget about it and focus on other stuff d.) They don't care about adding depth; cargo crates that make ship holds look "full," adding atmosphere as well as solving a mechanical issue. Seriously, this would be a no-brainer.
  12. Lost a lvl 29 perfect tame (it was 29 when it was tamed) when it VANISHED out of my hold in my ship. It was secure. If you cannot fix the bug, you need to let us have a way to SUMMON our lost pets to us. We go through a lot of trouble to find and tame pets, and when we take them on our ships to USE THEM and PLAY THE GAME AS IT WAS INTENDED...... we get screwed over. This NEEDS to be fixed. How? #1... Give us an Item that LEASHES our pets to the ships or a container that allows us to store pets within them. #2.... Give us an item or a skill (with a timer) that allows us to summon lost pets back to us. This is really making me not want to keep playing this game. What is the point when I lose what I value the most in the game? My bear was how I made my money and did everything, and I went through hell to get it. Now, it's gone. All that time completely wasted. A lost ship I can handle. A lost item I can make again, I can handle. A perfect almost max level tame?..... that's the deal-breaker for me. If that keeps happening, I'm done. What's the point of even having a ship IF IT CAN'T SAFELY TRANSPORT MY THINGS WITHOUT THEM DISAPPEARING OFF OF IT FOR NO EFFING REASON!?!?!?!?!?!?! This needs to be fixed, seriously. Like I said, it's easy to fix with one of those two suggestions.
  13. The stone changes made me stop playing. I just check in every week or two to see if the organic past req is gone..... since it is not gone, I and others are staying gone. When it is gone, I will come back.
  14. I've stopped playing because of the change to Stone. I checked, it still requires paste. If the change is permanent, then my boycott is permanent. If people are REALLY SERIOUS about this change, then the only way the developers are going to get the message is with a BOYCOTT. If everyone who hates the change stops playing, maybe they'll get their shit together. If it mat costs for stone don't revert, I'm done with the game.
  15. I've stopped playing. Completely. I'll check in every now and again to see if this change was reverted..... otherwise, I'm done. Too much grind for me. The only way they will listen is with a boycott.
  16. In fact, if nothing is done in a couple of days, I am going to start contacting investors and gaming news outlets....
  17. To all the streamers..... stream about this patch and why no one should waste their time and money on this game. The only way they will change it, is if they are hit directly in the pocket book when every google and youtube search result tells people DO NOT BUY!!!! Then and ONLY THEN will the company pay attention. That's what I am doing now.
  18. There have been stone walls that use nothing but stone. Most people think of common masonry and cement technologies.... but back then, there were plenty of stone buildings made without mortars or plasters..... and definitely without wood and thatch. No, these are just arbitrary changes made "just because."
  19. There were many mortarless buildings, some of them still standing... like the Pyramids. What many of you are thinking about is CONCRETE! Or Masonry with bricks.... and in Masonry, the mortar was water, sand, and lime (smaller buildings in Ancient Egypt where th weight of the stone would not hold it in place). In Rome, it was Clay and Gypsum! Pitch or tar was commonly used not only as a mortar, but as a sealant for Adobe or other mud brick buildings. (not so much for stone buildings) This was an ill thought out mechanical change. Make another tier of stone material. Otherwise, if you take a look at the poll, I'm not the only one that's gonna say screw it.... and for all the people who think this change is great because they don't have lives outside.... then this will be great for you since you can do what you always do anyway: Play with yourselves. Because if you think that this change will improve your hunting prospects? Think again. If it doesn't revert, there are other games I am waiting for where I don't have to spend the hours grinding. The only people in favor of large grinds are either children or the jobless that can leverage the time they don't spend working or having a life to grind for an advantage they can't gain any other way. Sad but true.
  20. This change was senseless and the its effects are so obvious, that it only takes a moment of rubbing three-working, non-substance-impaired braincells together to know that this would be the result. A "special needs" fifth-grader could have predicted the outcome and the outcry this single change has created. Whoever thought of this change needs to be slapped across the face with a wet- trout and NEVER be allowed to make another game changing decision again....... Because it's just gonna be more of the same, leaving your public relations slathered in "organic paste."
  21. Make another Tier of Stone Structure with these requirements if you have to, but revert the changes. This is the straw that is gonna break the camel's back.
  22. Does anybody use weight sails? Or are they just not worth using.
  23. Giving people who are inclined the perfect protest tool...... spawn disruption. Like I said, these devs need to stop smoking up on the job.... because you'd have to be high not to see how these changes will play out.
  24. One less person is going to be found at sea, because if this doesn't change, is signifies a trend that I don't like and won't tolerate. I'm done. Better hope more people don't think like me if you want people to fight. On the upside, your frame-rates will improve. I've spent more money on dinner and as a result, shat out and flushed more money down my crapper than I spent on this game. Not a big deal for me to flush this too. Plenty of new games coming out. They've just dropped below my "fun for time" threshold.... In the cost versus benefit analysis, the cost of time versus the payoff in fun is no longer worth it for me. There are more fun games I can play and more fun things I can do that require less time. This game is only one of hundreds of thousands of options. Maybe it will pull a "No Man's Sky" and mange to pull itself out of the crapper..... but until then, no sense playing it. If they don't roll it back, I'll be on far less... if at all. Too bad for my guild, since I'm the one that gave up all combat abilities to be a primary crafter. A lot isn't gonna get built when I'm gone. I wonder what effect that will have on the guild, hmm? Let's find out, shall we?
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