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Everything posted by madmartigan

  1. Yeah we seem to be stuck in a9 can't move on to another zone.. We just wanted to find the fountain of youth... We're getting old.. lol
  2. As far as they have stated it effects nothing in game or on servers just your pc performance so no worries man carry on the same as you would without it just enjoy the bit of better performance you get with the beta.
  3. As a 3 man crew i will admit we do our own buildings but the stone cost yet high I agree is not un doable just makes doing it less desirable for me.. lol I would like to see stone revert back but it isn't stopping me from making the things out of stone that I need to be stone.. Just slows it down ALOT.. lol In 1 day after the stone nerf I can turn out at least 120 stone pieces but that does take an entire day vs before nerf I was able to do at least 350 easy..
  4. You can still play on all servers.
  5. I don't do the pvp as I don't like the idea of having to restart so much.. But I will say that "war..war never changes.." And that sir is what you opted into when you hit join pvp.. Also wanted to point out they are trying to make changes for the sake of the smaller crews. So the future is looking so bright.. You better wear shades..
  6. Add me on steam man or I'll add you and we can talk about it brother.
  7. Actually no I have no claimed land.. lol I live in lawless Millercona Chain.. I only have a 3 man crew right now.. I just understand that they sacrificed alot of their vision for all the people who wanted change.. So really we should be happy they are trying to work with us on this.. They weren't as merciful with Ark.. lol Not trying to down on anyone specific just as a whole people keep on crying for whatever reasons it seems like.. Flintlock you bastard you left us in lawless?? lol Also shame on you man you joined someone else and not me.. lol
  8. I'm convinced that no matter what they change fix or address for all the crying being done once it's changed fixed or addressed more crying starts.. lol Just seems people bitch for the sake of bitching if you ask me...
  9. I actually noticed the decrease today.. That or i'm just fooling myself and got spoiled by the 2x but it does seem like i'm getting less out of resources now?
  10. They'll probably increase it sooner or later i would imagine..But obviously i wouldn't be an authority on this.. The big focus on the game is the ships after all.. So here's hoping.. But i agree there should be a limit still.. Could you imagine if there wasn't? Everyone would be sailing around in some crazy Mortal Instruments styles of ships which would bring the servers crashing down around them.. lol
  11. I would like to point our that wildcard/grapeshot is a game designer yes but also a business.. So to all those people saying solo players or small groups need not apply.. I'm pretty sure the devs have spoken and proven you ALL wrong they want small groups and solo players as well as large groups.. WHY???? Because more people equals more money.. I really think some of you people need to practice your people and logic skills... That or go make your own game geared for large groups only and let us know how that worked out for you.. lol
  12. Just an FYI,, WOW is an MMORPG Atlas in an MMO.. Believe it or not there is actually a difference in the two styles of games you mentioned
  13. Uhh yeah.. You're wrong.. lol Lawless DOES have storms... You should at least research or be in the know if you're going to make claims on game mechanics.. Just saying..
  14. Jat as a long time hater and fan of your team and their works i wanted to say this is an amazing patch note.. I would like to think this should address all or most of the complaints i have seen running rampant and even complained about a time or two myself.. lol But seriously this is awesome.. Thank you guys for thinking of us little guys! Also side note.. Not sure if you guys are aware but there seems to be a bug with cloth armor pieces turning into bps while you wear them??? Though not a deal breaker it is odd and can sometimes be annoying as i have to die to get the bp unequiped and then remake the cloth piece that turned into a bp.. Also not sure if this applies to any other armor sets but cloths hats and pants for sure.. Hope this helps you guys out! And thanks again fellas keep up the great work on this amazing game!
  15. I actually agree with you.. Knowing a game is ea is half the battle knowing what to expect when playing ea is the rest of it.. lol But i do agree some people are getting waaay to upset. I don't think this situation is a game killer for myself just more of a grind to add to the list of grinds.. But in the end who am I to say what thresholds other people have? I guess mines a bit higher or I just love me some punishment either or I plan to keep playing because as I stated I do love this game.. lol I have gripes who doesn't but it is an ea game.. Ark was hell getting to where it is.. Alot of back and fourth with the updates.. Was it annoying hell yes?! Did I get a little upset when I felt things got broken? You bet I did! But in the end it didn't take away from one of the most amazing games I have ever played the only reason I actually quit playing is well life found a way.. lol It not only found a way but plowed through my life in the form of an annoying baby momma... lol But that's another story.. I have had my share of venting posts.. I call them that because that's all I was doing I still played ark after I vented and I still play atlas. Sure I wouldn't mind seeing the stone going back to what it was but in the end if it doesn't oh well like I said just add it to my list.. The only issue for me is I am a small company.. People don't want to be recruited, They just want to do their own thing it seems like.. And the people who do want to recruit wreak of small children, with names like mustard or hotdogs stuff like that... lol For me as long as I can come to the forums vent once and a while and go back to my grind I'll live.. I have accepted my place in their grand schemes, and that's the bottom of the pole buddy.. I can lash out but it takes me alot of being quite first.. lol So if the DEVS ever read my comments please know that yes i was angry yes i vented my brains out on your forums and I do apologize.. But know this! I do love the work you guys have done as much as I have hated it in the past as well but in the end, (though i do feel like i said things that held truth to them) Ihope you guys don't fail i want you to be a great company for us gamers because you (despite all the bugs and craziness) make incredible worlds with hours,days and years of great content.. It's just always one hell of a ride getting there.. lol Kind of like family you get mad hate on each other but in the end it's nothing but love baby!
  16. Yeah yeah the fool me twice shame on me.. It's not about being fooled it's about wanting to support them but seeing how hard it can be from another perspective.. I truly love this game as much as i did with ark i played it over 3 years and I loved and hated every moment of it.. lol But seriously did you just hear yourself?!?!?! How are you a gamer going to suggest not buying an ea game when you as a gamer know how it feels to not want to have to wait years to get your hands on an awesome game.. lol I realize there are problems with ea games. But I have seen some very valid points that people have made for the devs to consider and sadly yes they fall on deaf ears but valid none the less... I really agree they should throw out ideas for upcoming patches to the player base let them be vocal about it and then go from there.. If it was positive feedback then by all means add away if the feedback was negative like not just a little either alot then hold off and come up with other ideas before you blow up the sky and piss all these people off.. Because yes they are pissy.. Do i agree with how wildcard aka grapeshot handles these situations by bottling up and being all mums the word on any info when something like this happens? No not for an ea game that's why it's ea is to take the feedback not ignore it. I understand it is their right but I also understand how doing it that way will be no better than digging an early grave for themselves.. People are unforgiving when it comes to their money.. The problem is most the people who are upset right now and are being ignored are rightfully feeling scorned by the devs.. They paid for a ea product hoping their feedback would help shape this game and world but when they see it ignored they will not be returning..The point is you want to keep your paying customer no matter if their opinion is not the same they are valuable every last one because without them you have nothing not even a game to make because you couldn't get proper funding due to lack of sales from your last attempt..
  17. Sad to say but they clearly didn't learn shit from pissing off their what was a great player base for ark but dropped so badly that they had to remove servers for being dead.... I kinda knew what i was getting into but had high hopes and heard that they actually learned something... Boy was EVERYONE wrong.. The only people who seem ok with this change are no lifers.. I mean seriously I see them post on everything all the time like they sit there waiting for something to comment on... They have no lives if they are really ok with spending days to craft one piece of fucking stone structure... But thats just my opinion..
  18. I recommend not letting the no lifer trolls get to you.. Not everyone is in the same life situation and not everyone has all day and night to do nothing but play games and surf the forums.. Some people work for a living.. Lots of people have families.. It's about how the game is competing with your life and how in most cases (not all) the game will lose out which means the devs will lose out because people like playing games and not having to worry about their spouse wanting to leave them because they spend too much damn time on the game.. And sadly spending alot of time on this game isn't avoidable if you ever want to actually do anything in the game.. But before anyone says anything stupid like find another game then blah blah blah i have no idea what it's like to have a life or family because i failed at life and that's why i spend all my time on these forums and that damn game... Anyways.. Anyone with the money to pay has the right to play this game and try it out... But once they pay for it their situation needs to be taken into account.. Because not every one can do nothing but play this game.. And when you don't take their situations into account and cater to nothing but no lifes then well sadly everyne grows up sooner or later they get jobs pay bills and have alot less free time.. Now this is great if your shooting for the little preteen demographic for player base who's only way of getting ahold of the game is to somehow convince mom and dad to buy them your m rated game.. But for us adults who work pay bills and have families, which actually is a staggering amount of ythe player base...The grind and the stealing ALL not just some of our free time just so we can eat a fucking piece of meat and not die is getting out of hand.... I do like this game and i will keep playing it just like ark.. but just like ark one of these days atlas will lose out to real world needs and duties.. Sadly enough i'm probably not the only one either and 2 games in with you devs now show me that this is how your games are and next game i just will know better now won't I...
  19. So.. I've been following this situation and have kept silent about my hate for this stone structure change.. But at this point it is painfully clear that the devs hate making money and having repeat customers.. Pretty sure alot of people picked this game up due to their love hate they had with ark.. I myself love/hate that game and their devs... Why would I hate the devs and their game yet still fork over the money it takes to give them another chance at not being complete asshats... Well because like I stated I did love ark as much as I hated it... Great game brought down by shitty yet great devs who don't care about their customers at all.. Only a complete idiot with their heads so far up their asses would see this board and the devastation their update has had on their player base.. And then ignore it!!!! Seriously wtf is wrong with this picture? And then to top it off instead of doing what people were asking they drop the big fuck you hammer down and just drop the cost slightly of what people were upset about.. Arrogance much devs? Yeah.. That's gonna make them happy and not quit giving us money.......... Now I'm no lawyer or even very savy with law.. But I'm pretty sure class action lawsuits have been filed against and won over other devs for doing far less of a shit job that grapeshot aka wildcard has done with how it handles their customers and their games.. Game isn't living up to the promise of what the devs claimed? That my friends is called false advertisement which last time i checked is something that can get you sued.. Don't believe me? Check your history on devs who have had class actions brought up against them for selling such shit games and then doing nothing to make it right with the paying customers..That's right once someone pays they are your customer and as such most smart business actually value those people willing to support their product by shelling out money for it..I would say at this point they probably will get sued sooner or later for being such asshats who obviously think they know everything and listen to nothing their customers say unless it somehow fucks everyone over by making an already grind heavy challenging game more grind heavy... At this point i wonder if we could sue them for wasting our time seeing as time is the most valuable thing anyone has to offer simply because it is something you can never get back... And then lets not forget our money.. But in all this is our own faults for thinking even with a rebranding of devs from wildcard to grapeshot they had actually learned something from all that bs that was ark updates.. But they didn't, still guilty of thinking they know everything still guilty of not listening to their paying customers and still guilty of thinking if they keep breaking everything and pissing off their customers that they'll somehow still be able to publish and make games even though they keep burning the fucking majority of their players too the point they quit.. How long do you think people will keep supporting you devs with your very very poor track record with your customers... Here's my prediction for this company. They'll fade away like sooooooo many before them and the sad thing is they aren't nearly as great as some of those companies were.. Not saying they are the worst and ark was a good game for the most part and so is atlas.. It's simple economicsthough really you want people to pay you money for your product and continue to do so for future products? Yes? Who wouldn't?! Well the secret to that is to sell them what they actually want not what you want..That's called customer satisfaction which you guys are blind if you can't see how you lack satisfied customers at this point......
  20. I agree they say they don't want people to have to be playing the game 24/7 yet their mechanics make it to where you really have no choice.. they really need to consider we as fans don't always have the free time to do nothing but ark/atlas. People have lives they want to support your game in the process of living those lives but not at the cost of those lives..Get it? Can't keep just catering to the no lifers and the hardcore players.. You need to consider the average joe who has a family and full time job... Be realistic for the love of god for once in your dev lives.... Not everyone in the game can create or join big companies nor should they have too. They're alot of small companies from what I can see..Mine being one of them.. And it's not for lack of trying on the recruiting side either.. So all you're really doing is making it to where those small companies can only feed dinos/animals and themselves for most of the time they get to play the game in a day.. Just consider loosening up a bit the game is still a challenge because EVERYTHING takes a long grind to achieve...
  21. I do think you can do that with the sliders when you make your toon?
  22. Ok for years now you guys seem to struggle with this whole resource spawn issue vs structures. Everytime you have changed it the people cry foul! I too am one of those because yes i hate not being able to farm what i need close to my base, or just period. So you know you're not the only survival building game in the sea right? Well one thing i noticed that other survival building games do that you guys seem to not be able to do is when you place a structure down anything that once grew where said structure was placed stops growing underneath it. But everything around the structure still grows! and guess what else? It's like that in real life too................. So not only would that solve the resource spawns vs buildings imo hell maybe even put a 1 foot radius around the structure, I wouldn't but you guys seem keen on killing resources for us any way you can. It would also keep trees rocks, and bushes from growing inside of everyone's homes and bases as well. Also a way to actually rotate structure pieces would be great not just hitting q hoping the ui actually finds the right snap point for you..... It can be annoying laying all the foundation work for a base only to find that the foundations or tiles didn't flip the right side out so now your walls are all backwards... This is just my opinion and ideas on this you guys might not read this or already have a far different game plan that keeps killing resources and breaking things to always have to revert back to the norm until you find some new way to break them again .. You guys pretty much are just chasing your tails on that one.. Thats why i suggest this.. Everyone wins. problem solved. Also just like Ark pillar spam will never stop so get over it..
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