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Forb Hidden

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Everything posted by Forb Hidden

  1. Speedboat?! With a V8 engine? worst idea ever for that game. And no, we don't need faster boats. They just should fix the improved speed sails and all the players are happy.
  2. Calm down. I'm not your foe. I'm just disagree your sight on the game in this way.
  3. it's meant to play in groups or with friends. If u are in a company full of non helping douchebags, then u will loose all. If u play this game alone, so u get no mechanics ingame to prevent you from loosing everything. but for these people who plays solo now it exists the SP mode. A year without playing doesen't do anything to your stuff then. A third option u don't get from the game. Maybe look for a friend in RL who keeps an eye on your game while you are away.
  4. Just because you saw these movies, all pirate themed stuff should be the same? Not really... PotC was made out of the idea of a regisseur or his team. Unfortunately Grapeshot get other heads on top who take a different sight about how a fantasy pirate world should look like.
  5. I disagree. A game like super Mario should make fun. Atlas is another type of game with several mechanics that should you keep gaming. It's made to keep you playing like WoW, EvE and many more games too. Or take a game like the total war series. One person is totally fu*ked up with and another can't wait to buy the new title. Several games, gamestiles and companys behind them. One should just make fun, others should just make money and some are just so difficult to play, that u stick on to achieve them. Unfortunately for the development of a game is, that every person is different in thinking and every one get other passion in a game. It's impossible to make a game for everyone. Edit: except maybe mariokart
  6. No one force you to play the game. So if u stop playing, u don't get angry anymore and you will live longer. Yes, it's a fantasy game. Dragons, Hydras, AoD... So a bear for a pirate seems pretty normal.
  7. And remove ships, water, the building aspects, add machine guns, rocket launcher, vehicles and call it battlefield.
  8. "we don't have time to waste" made my day!! Why are you playing a videogame? To fu*king waste time! To dive into reality-loss, shut down the world around you and enjoy a total different world where u can be or do everything you want. It's not a job. You don't earn money or something else. You can't buy lunch from gaming videogames (maybe one of a million can...). Think about that...
  9. Oh so funny... There are maybe 10 games on steam, who hit the 50k mark. But around hundreds of beautiful masterpieces, who just hit 2...10k players. Atlas is a great and huge game. Once the bugs are fixed and the performance get improved... Don't mind on the steamcharts or on things, u can't change anyways. Let the devs do theyr job and be more thankful for such a beautiful game ❤
  10. Is it not like: - alpha phase: implying as much stuff, mechanics, content and gamemodes as possible, until u are happy with it. - beta phase: improve the servers, eliminate bugs, improve the performance and make the game as playable as possible. We still are in the alpha phase, so don't haste and be patient, that there's more stuff to do coming into the game. Content, endgame mechanics, balancing ... All will come and become (hopefully) great!
  11. With 8 active players in our company we can manage our islands and keep them free from the spam. in PvE, if u claim an island, u have to take note that it's not done with filling up gold in the flag. If u don't check your island every day and take care of it, u maybe get a pillar-spammed island. We had to remove several times now some foundations and pillars and we don't cry about, because it's part of being an island owner. Twice we had to talk to our settlers for moving them over to another place. We offered resources and helping hands for the movement and it worked fine and without trouble. (we talk about farm-or taming camps, not entire bases and huge concepts). in lawless it's surely a pain and not so funny. For these people who live there it's maybe a welcome change.
  12. Do NEVER cross a grid with a mount on your shoulder. It's a bug or issue since release, that u can loose them. I'm sure this get copy paste into the SP mode like lot of other bugs too.
  13. There's absolutely no reason to claim an island in SP. All the functions and manageable stuff is given too without a claim. You surely wouldn't take your snowboard boots on a trip thru the Sahara desert...? Same here. No need for the claim-function, so why implying?
  14. This is Atlas, not ark. with a good carbine you can almost headshot a alpha lion as example. But fighting an alpha with a lion or tiger is harder than with a bear or elephant. Lions and tigers get less HP and serve no knockback while attacking. Makes it harder to kill an alpha.
  15. This was because the guillotine-exploit. If u reach lvl 100 now, u can normal lvl up.
  16. First point: in this case it wasn't me. 2nd point: when I get no access to the spot, it's not me griefing. I'm not a judge, but I know the agreement. 3rd point: I know we get the best crew of all, thanks for that and in another thread I wrote down that pvp would be nice to play. But I'm away for 16h a day so it's not possible for me to play it real. And I will surely not sell my company for a game the frustration to loose all my stuff daily is too big. I want to play a game to get fun and enjoy the reality loose u get then. So. I don't have to say anything else to this theme. My opinion is mine alone. Deal or live with it or think what u want about me. But please, you all, stop attacking me because I'm not fine with the opinion of the mass in this point.
  17. 0.2 is default setting. For the start it's maybe better that way. When you get a base and some levels, change the settings. Or kill them by admin command, until you can handle them by your tames.
  18. anstelle dich zu melden, schreib ich dir nochmal gaaaaanz genau meine sicht: nach 2...4h segeln, endlich Am Ziel angekommen und voller Vorfreude auf XP und BPs ist es eine Frechheit, wenn jemand den Spot zugebaut hat. Dies wiederum ist "griefing", Da es verboten ist, Dinge für andere zu blockieren oder unzugänglich zu machen. Wenn ich der Flachzange, Die Da gebaut habe So einen Denkzettel verpasse, fühle ich mich sogar gut dabei und in gönnerstimmung. Soll sich freuen, dass ich ihn nicht gemeldet habe und ganz still wieder seinem dasein nachgehen. Im Gegensatz zu manch anderen hier, läuft mein RL super und ich brauche keine Pixel, um mich zu profilieren und selber anzulügen. Noch was für Deinen zukünftigen weg: wenn Du Leute nicht kennst, solltest du nicht voreilig mit persönlichen Anschuldigungen und Beleidigungen um dich schiessen. Das wird dir früher oder später So manche Tür versperren oder dir die Tür ins Gesicht schlagen.
  19. Did you changed the difficulty of your game? Because on the official servers it's possible to kill every alpha with a normal Bear. I'm not scared of alphas. If I see one around my castle I check out which tame I like to lvl up and go out for killing it.
  20. OK no one know how?! I saw that point in the adminmanager and tried a few times with several different writings. Not worked. I checked the internet too and found no answer. Dear devs: if no one knows the answer exept u... How long should I wait for your answer? Just write down an example how it works, please.
  21. All who know me in RL and in the game can confirm you, that u will never find a person who is that direct, fair and honest to you as I am. Most of the people can't handle it, becouse we all live in a poisoned world full of fake people. And react angry in the topic situation is logical natural. Sure I asked for someone and of course I checked every door or gate before. At least I felt "time robbed" and griefed of this idiots who built around there and I leaved a line in his guestbook and to be honest: in another, same situation I would do it again without any regrets.
  22. For me it's a game. Only pixels and data packages. I would rebuild my pen away of this spot and the problem would be solved. But if u think this is real, start to cry about a serverwipe, vanishing tames, vanishing structures, boats and all the stucked tames.... So you really should think about your life and lifegoals. I run a company in real life and just want to enjoy a game. If you make a game deciding your life? Search yourself a relationship, work or a psychiatrist. At least it's still an alpha ea game. Maybe we all will loose our entire stuff ingame again? And then? Just start a new adventure
  23. I know this problem. Place the wheel on another spot (maybe 1ft more to the right) and it will work.
  24. After so much time it's surely not the first map in your pen. So if u know about that problem, why did you build there? And would u like to wait several hours to maybe be able to ask for it? Don't think so. I saw a lot of pens on my voyages where the treasurespot was inside. Honestly if I travel 2 or more hours to that map and because of someones pen I can't reach it... I get mad and angry and I have spawned the army if it's possible to let the owner take notice of his wrong placed pen. And I would do it again to handle my frustration and aggressions in this situation.
  25. Is there no command like: cheat teleportserver_H9 X Y Z?
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