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Everything posted by Ivan_Platin

  1. yes exactly the same problem i have too... i mean i try to breading alone. We are 4 mates and everyone need to go working its impossible to breeding without leaving the area. My babys always die if i leave the area for more than 5-10 minutes its slowly just only sad
  2. I try it yesterday all 7 babys died -.- no they dont fix it!
  3. Crazy never heard about that before that can comes out a alpha bear Yes i try it also but its broken -.- Rip babys https://ibb.co/yVyr9mL
  4. Dear WILDCARD Support Pls do something to that game a lot of tribes and players losing their claim since the last update!!! I can show u the reason why........... and its really a shame...... because now everyone of us need to be stay 24h/7days in the game!!! look at this -.- https://ibb.co/w4pRDXM https://ibb.co/nRjJjPB https://ibb.co/42YzfQ5 The body is glitching from the Server and every other tribe can claim without problem..... please fix it right now i want to go sleep in some hours
  5. Did someone know how long the fountain will be stay at C6?
  6. how u have breeding a alpha bear? is it possible to tame them or is it a dev kit?
  7. Oh yes i have exactly the same problem -.-
  8. ROLLBACK the Servers before you RESTART A lot of ppl Losed their Ships!!!!!
  9. They already killed the game! I dint even more bye wildcard games enough is enough
  10. WTF HAPPPENING my brick is damaged because of what all planks are brocken are u seriously its the 4 time I WANT ALL MY TIME AND ALL MY STUFF BACK WILDCARD HOW MANY WEEKS I NEED TO FARM FOR NOTHING``??????????? I TRAVEL THE HOLY DAY AND NOW BECAUSE OF A LAGGF MY SHIP START TO SINKING I want a ROllback on PVE immedially!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR give me my money Back!!!!!!!!!! Enough its enough!!!!! U didnt ban the chines wanksters u did nothing to Seriously players and now this again!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Thanks Wildcard they are still there and the ships are sinking!! Thanks for doint nothing!!!
  12. Wildcard why you do nothing they joking us they joking you as a publisher is it serious?
  13. Yes i dont understand why alphas are in this game i lose everyday min. 3 Animals and we had no chance to kill alpha they spawns in head of u and i cant run away its crazy
  14. Admins look did u like that an pve looks like this?
  15. We also lost all our ships by these regime and i think our completly server lose the ships by these chines. Admins please do immedialy something to that! Or add directly an fully closed parking Dock for big Ships
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