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Diesel Power

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Everything posted by Diesel Power

  1. Please add a worm farm as a way to get worms without having to spend an hour shoveling for half a stack of them. Ideally: make farm plots accept worms as a "seed", and then grow them as the "crops". (And hopefully doing it this way will make it easier to implement )
  2. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Meat for tames is ridiculous. It needs to either last longer, or stack higher, or both. Alternately, some new recipes for 'meat/fish kibble' for animals which stacks higher and lasts longer would be good too. Stack to 100, last as long as cultivated vegetables for preference, and make it only edible for tamed animals - no use for people, or in taming. (And please don't do something silly like make it take multiple bits of meat to make 1 kibble...) The disparity between feeding herb/omnivores and carnivores is extremely frustrating
  3. You have to be just out of feeding range near the feet, so that when it breathes in, it magically becomes within feeding range. that is the only way to do it without getting hit. and it is a bitch to get into that spot. In other words, even if that is working as intended by the devs, it's still bugged to the rest of us. lol.
  4. Whenever i've had this happen, my only recourse has been to demolish and rebuild them Tho, i haven't had it happen with wooden ladders attached to my ship yet - not sure if it's happened for others.
  5. If you get to close to shore, you *can* get ships stuck there, esp. the bigger ones... Hafta just try turning them about and putting the sails on the job lol Also: where you put your steering wheel is where the ship pivots, so depending on where your wheel is, it might be worth putting a new one in a different place. (My galleon has it at the back, and it saved me from being totally stuck too).
  6. yep. not so much an issue right now, since it's all getting wiped... what i'm worried about is future bonuses doing the same and screwing us over on stuff that's not getting wiped in a week or two.
  7. You are right, they definitely need to change something, but you count is low. 102 slots not including mythos for mythical, 210 for legendary (that wood requires 120 on it's own!), 100 for masterwork. Might be best if they just let crafting stations pull materials from nearby resource boxes....
  8. *sniff* I had high hopes for you guys... And you blew them away, like the baby out of that cannon.
  9. And lets not forget the thumping that sounds like about 3.5 bodies being dropped to the ground as well... more so on jumping, but it does come out at other times too. Bear run sounds are a bit 'wtf' as well... So much just sounds mechanical rather than biological.
  10. Animal collision boxes need a serious look at. My lions tail will clip through a wall, but will stop an elephant dead. My bears head also clips through a wall, but will push me away from it - while still keeping me a few centimeters away from actually touching it... Elephants can knock over a tree, but can't push a sheep out of the way? Lots of work to do.
  11. Our npc crew work like tamable creatures... will they now be breedable? That's gonna be... something.
  12. Seriously, it just seems like a logical function...
  13. But... what's the point if it doesn't extend the timers on maps?
  14. it's not just blueprints. i've had stacks of plain arrows converted as well...
  15. Just in case you don't know yet (I only learned recently) you can access your mounts inventory by pressing F. Makes it a little easier to deal with the extras.
  16. Cow: It really really needs a ride option - no matter if it requires a saddles for it, it just needs the option so it can actually be moved properly. Sheep: when you jump off one after riding, you tend to get glitched into place behind it, sometimes being unable to move away at all, sometimes it eventually pops you into a stable place and you can walk away. Elephant: Why does it not AoE gather wood? It sure makes a big enough swing for it... [also: why does stamina take SO LONG to regenerate?] Rhino: Why does it not AoE gather stone? Again, it has a relatively large swing... [For those two, even just making them able to gather from an additional node would be great] Horse: Non-sprint movement is probably a bit fast... but the turning circle is terrible. General: Straps for your saddles, so you don't get ripped out of them by passing lions...... seriously, this is the biggest annoyance I have with tames. And to make things worse, your mount almost never manages to attack that lion before you die - or it just never does if the lion took you far enough in that jump-grab. MEAT! It needs to stack higher, so that it doesn't run out so fast in the troughs! This is BY FAR my biggest timesink for tames, replenishing meat stores in the trough. Either make meats stack to 100 like veg, or have its timers extended A LOT. Possibly also make the Prime meats last far longer then regular meats in addition to that, the way some vegetables last longer than others.
  17. The whole temperature stuff is bogus. If something spawns in an area, it shouldn't have such a high chance of dying from the temperature of that area And the time sink? No, just no. Needs some serious work
  18. It's actually set so that way so that the all 3 triangle sides are the same length. If you wanna have a "triangled" corner on there, need to use triangles down the whole side. Having said that though, I would like to see "half" floors, so one that's a rectangle, cut through the flat sides of the square (equivalent of half-wall), and one that's a triangle, but cut through the corners of the square (equivalent of sloped wall). Of course, there'd need to be some extra options for walls then, but whether they are specifically chosen or just automatic, idk).
  19. Definitely need something so we can make actual functioning piers... would be nice if it would actually auto-drag and re-orient your boat too, depending on the orientation of the bolard/docking station/etc... (after all, there's a reason they called one side "Port"). Having small/medium/large options would be good too, corresponding to ship size they'll dock with, and have a restriction half square radius from the side of them where ships dock (ie, the size of the ships they'll take) so they don't have that funky ship clipping and taking 1.5m damage thing going on....
  20. And/Or add another way to respec than just leveling up.
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