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About Sabertooth132

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  1. Ahoy mate. I have a small matter that i really feel would make a better impact on the building side of game play. It is regarding the triangular foundations that if you place them they don't fully match up to a 45 degree angle. I'm building a fort type base and i'm trying to make a way to take away a blind spot to our base, basically what happened is i demolished 4 walls on the one side and 4 on the other, but when placing the triangular ceilings and foundations i noted that it doesn't line up at all, I started on the left side and demolished 4 walls and 4 on the other side. But as you can see it Doesn't line up on a 45 degree angle, it only goes to from the 4th ceiling on the left to the 2 and a half on the right, and the ceilings either over shoots the outer square ceiling or under shoots it which makes that disgusting cap in my base and regardless if it over/under shoots it makes this gap. It forces me to improvise the structure, Which is something small i get but its a quality of life thing i would really like to be fixed for some of us players who like it when stuff fits in perfectly, I was wondering if you can't reshape the triangular floors and ceilings so it fits better into a 45 degree angle of your base, so you can build a good looking and optimal octagon base if you want to. For the player's (like me) who like their base to look smooth I would really like to see the triangular floors and ceilings be changed a slight bit to better integrate into the square ones. Thank you for reading and hopefully understanding that a small thing like this does trigger some of us looking to get a smooth built base. Kind Regards Sabertooth132
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