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Everything posted by Aztro

  1. one dev did on twitter and it sounds not good they shutted down their whole system to avoid more damage so
  2. or may be the saturday night was so fly as admin is completely drunk and enjoying dropping flying whale
  3. 0000 was a bad idea for the password damn
  4. lol Burke attacked by an airplane, a F4A from the 2Nd ww nice i understand why they shutdown servers now
  5. i was recruiting some npcs in a freeport and after the 3rd all were stuck behind the npc merchant …. let hope this fix it
  6. shutdown is the word of the month
  7. u know in the real life when a blue whale is moving in the ocean there no life around sometimes 7-10 km around the whale not because Blue whale eat fish it eating krill some very little crustaceans but the size provokes fear in very species may be dont go too close of these big fellas when u see one throwing away ships its a good show to enjoy
  8. but maintenance is coming so I anchored ship ] safer is better
  9. indeed only 2 servers live atm NA PVE - NA PVE
  10. the only people I saw doing this on official PVE EURO were germans # PErfect BY nature # nice people u ll find griefers verywhere soon in this game if they dont fix that some just create an account to do this since its the funniest part of the game sink in 5 min something made by hours of farming since u have more ships to sink as lands to claim start by sink ships like this people leave the game claim the land veryhting is fine mechanic working well nothing to fix just do a skill line griefing like explosive sheeps on anchored ship let chicken tamed wear 1K metal to compete with elephants put some elephants in artic put a skill circus since the hardcore part of game is exploits and bugs
  11. it was cool in my node until yesterday where people came and start to sink ships to claim lands so they re claiming lands with max tax elephants going on ships they re only 3 or 4 and sink ships griefing seems a new way to play for a lot of people game mechanics are so easy to exploit so the only def is griefing too ? snowball effect because devs seems just blind or may be they just dont read forums oh yeah so skilled to overweight something and destroy it = level zero gameplay its just pathetic like people doing this
  12. Company " Perfect by nature" sinking anchored ships, overweighting with elephants in Official euro serv PVE so i guess no fix …
  13. im living on Artic land too its empty guys and u can claim tons of land i did it and we are 12 max pop there , most of the time 5 cats, snakes, pigs, seagulls, wolves, sheeps and 1 human only i found on a big island just sail explore and u ll see a lot of empty zone some are tuff to live but cool to see and discovery xp wealthy
  14. and armor just slowing process grab is death not even mentioning the alpha lion 197 artic i met tonite T rex is a pussy compared to this
  15. I did the mistake to log in open a door... alpha female lion lvl 197 aggroed after +50 shots with firearms + 50 stonearrow lion was half life out of food and water and ammo stuck in fort and Lion eating doors walls and large storage... so nice patch i tried to relog and Lion was eating the Phare by 162 hits in rafale, it was the stone floor under the phare in fact all this on off serv EU-PVE the good point Lion dont eating ships anymore since i repoped on ship and aggroed
  16. this lack of communication is so bad any empathy for people who lost everything in their official servers, any word for people playing the game since days without griefing anyone and loosing levels and even discovery points this is an epic fail really and u guys making me upset, no one wih some blue balls in ur company to take some responsabilities and do somethinbg with an ETA, days it happens it was holidays for many of us, pffff pathetic
  17. no need a smithy just overweight any ship and he will sunk look the post where some guys are specialized inb this and sunk galeons on PVP serv oh and btw its working too on pve server official
  18. Aztro

    is this a joke ?

    i stop to play this game so they can do what they want i just dont care how could u do something and lost all u done the instant later ? is this fun .? no so gl everyone and have fun who is the most important
  19. complete random losses due not to us but them never seen something like this even in an alpha lol where devs are cool but bugs so many its an early access with hardcore mechanics ok but the hardcore thing is to go in game and stay in game so if u got disconnect u roll a secret wheel and u can loose nothing or at the opposite loose everything really cool mechanic
  20. so i can reconnect my character on EU PVE official server, naked with 7 lvls lost, sloop lost, schooner lost, base lost, half of inventory cosmetic loss, 100+ gold, all ress farmed since 5 days all this since i crossed a border to go to freeport in my ship to spend ur gold so yeah im a bit upset i cant believe a game propose this even in an early access i cant play this anymore, even key binding not fixed like ark so i think you really dont care of quality, only buzz and money, its working so continue but this game is a pure loss of time it could be fun but loosing so much doing a so common act of crossing a border sell this to Trump not me
  21. np to play that game during 5 days np at all but since yesterday and my crossing zone incident, im just unable to log in officials servers, i played on EU PVE official like many of u after 100+ tries, i succeede to see i was dead naked in water so ... still trying only 30 tries atm and i wont reinstall game or windows 10 i did a lot of betas and alphas and this not even a beta so the issue coming from them not ur PC i love this game but come on we have a serial issue to play YOUR game we paid for, not mentioning this cool event and the sad end, most of people unable to connect lost all possessions all ships etc, i succeeded to connect 3 Sec in game yesterday and my schooner is a nice wreck
  22. PrimalGameData_BP blackscreen event
  23. same shit as described before unable to log in since my story
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