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Everything posted by Martyn

  1. That explains alot, must have deleted them when I reset steam install. Ah well. I'll miss this until/if we get flags back for pve.
  2. Well they've already shown that you can have tanks and airships, aircraft etc. So you could have several era based Atlas games available as both official and unofficial. We could have Pirate Atlas, Explorer Civ Atlas, WW1 Atlas, WW2 Atlas, WW3 Atlas.. with nukes.. The only difference is content, content & more content. But before any of that can be done, we need a combat system that works, economy that works, base design that works, offline protection if wanted; that works. Without the basic systems in place, there is no real argument as to what the game should look like cosmetically. Unless you just want a pure ark 2.0 with no offline protection at all. And it seems clear that many people do not want a non offline protection game. There's 3 main arguments here: People want land to build on, that theirs for at least long enough to build a few ships to explore or fight each other with. People want a non pvp environment to Quest and Explore in. People want to fight each other (this is split between offline protection and none) And generically, people also want the Ark type Taming of animals, dinos, special creatures as well as the ability to fight world bosses etc. It's really a huge pool of desires.. but noone will explain how they want specifics to actually work, that goes for both the Devs and the players arguing. To me, there's 2 main traits of thought here, Factions = People join a side, fight anyone not on their side. Can be pvp or pve based. One just has player damage disabled. The cons of factions is you tend to get alot of solo players doing their own thing, nothing ever gets done on a global base, people then form their own alliances with each other and you actually end up with an empire based system with people doing what they would have done if it was only an empire type game. ie you join solo, you team up, your team gets bigger and bigger until you control everything. Then it becomes top heavy, too many chiefs, splits falls apart and that gives you more people to fight with, win win for pvp. So ideally, it seems empires based is the most obvious way to go. You also have a small empire base, where the max size a team can be is preset. With hardware limits on numbers of players within a set area, in a vain attempt to limit zerging. But unless those teams are directly managed.. zerging will happen anyway.. so small empires seems totally pointless, as it just cannot work. You could go purely solo.. but the skill trees and design of ships makes solo work very harsh. The other aspect of solo is the idea is to have a multiplayer game, where people team up, get social, talk to each other, learn about each other. It's all part n parcel of mmo/mp gaming to make new friends. The competitive side of it doesn't need to degenerate into us v them or narrowminded xenophobia, about people who you don't know, who might think bad things about you because that's what your inexperienced mind is telling you in your own delusions of paranoia. The world doesn't hate you.. If anything, it just doesn't care if you exist or not, until you introduce yourself to it and for that you need to talk to people. You need that worldly experience. Wether we go pure pvp or pve doesn't really matter, both can be setup for. It also doesn't matter if some people want pure pvp and no pve, as those are minor opinions. We are split between pvp offline pro, pvp no offline pro, pve. Fact of life and gaming. Have any other opinion and it just doesn't matter. So now we need to get the basic systems to work, if you introduce ideas and systems people will not use.. then you're wasting your time adding them. People will go elsewhere. And unless people are prepared to make concessions to what they come across in a game or environment, the chances are they'll spend their entire lives leaving and running away, because they just don't understand how the world works. TL:DR - I have no idea what I just wrote.. It came from somewhere deep inside my brain.
  3. European Player Versus Environment Network is down now. For the Public Test Realm installation. TL:DR Eu pve down 4 ptr.
  4. Where they hide the scns for atlas? I can't find mine.
  5. haha, no not me then.. nice to know there's people like me about tho.. well, actually, I copied everyone else.. I actually built an actual wall around my island out of stone foundations. Then realised all my resources had vanished and wouldn't respawn.. doh.. so I knocked it down and made a gatewall instead. It's a look I really hate as well, but it keeps people out.. more or less.
  6. Sounds like my island.. tho I'm sure I left gates unlocked at either end.. after I put all the animals on aggressive.
  7. I like to mix n match so probably fur boots, grass skirt.. topless and a pirates hat. Just because.
  8. Talk them down Jat.. talk em down..
  9. If they had maybe 5-6 factions it could work, maybe more, maybe say 10 factions.. British, French, Germans, Dutch, Spanish, Chinese, Russians, Japanese, Africans & Indians (those being asian Indians, not american ones. Or 11 and add Pirates..
  10. Looks ok. Your suggestion looks more like a "insert homophobic remark" naval officer worn by some kind of robot. I also like the default hide and fur armour in atlas. And the metal armour look.
  11. Used to love that you could booby trap your stuff, put it in a box, if the guy who killed you wasn't skilled in lockpicking.. boom! haha.. awesome. Yeh pk'ing was often referring to the more oppurtunistic forms of pvp, stealth attacks etc. Something I excelled at in wow, killing hunters esp as a rogue. That was great fun. Also playing as a hunter, trying not to get killed by rogues.. But I tend to feel it's all young blood stuff these days, my reactions aren't as fast nor my thoughts, so I tend to let others do the fighting and I'm happy to just supply them with the weapons and armour to do it with. Maybe the odd whisper in their ear "that guy says you're a noob who sux, I think you should go beat on him"
  12. Yeh.. Diablo was plagued by cheaters tho, so pking with maxed out characters was expected. If you went for that sort of stuff. Killing BigD repeatedly was almost as much fun tho.
  13. It doesn't really matter which game has precedence, I never played runescape, it was all the "nerds" who played that.. so I stayed away from it.
  14. Runescape came out years after uo. Uo was released in 96/97, Runescape in 2001.
  15. The problem isn't in the term, but in the description of what it means in this specific game. This is what the main part of the debate seems to be, what is pvp in atlas, it isn't what is pvp in any other game. It seems to me that pvp in atlas needs its own term and Survivor seems most appropiate.
  16. I doubt it will be any more powerful than any other weapon.. shoot a croc with a musket and you might do 35% damage to it or so. I doubt the harpoon or whatever it does eventually fire will do significantly more or less. Better to wait and see than count chickens before you even get the eggs.
  17. Pve will be tested as pvp is. You can't really do pvp in a game like this, without doing the pve bit first. Unless you just run/swim around punching each other.
  18. Have you tried waiting a few minutes to see if it updates over time?
  19. Just because you could or can do it now, doesn't mean you will be able to at release. Perhaps a video showing how you do it might help..
  20. A week, fortnight, month.. year.. it goes up when they're done. A line of text to keep us uptodate wouldn't go amiss but that's devs for you, they think if they say something, everyone will take it as concrete evidence and threaten to sue them if it isn't done exactly and to the letter. So they don't post info. Common Sense really. Because they're right.. people will.
  21. Actually it was games like Ultima Online and Diablo, Everquest that coined the terms. We originally called it PKing. Player Killing. Later it was termed as Player V Player or Player v Environment. Apparently a non PVP game requires an name as well. The simple lack of distinction should be enough. But this isn't a map or arena where people run around specifically to just hunt, kill other players or capture a flag or to score points. You also have to build your character up, learn new technology, upgrade skills, gather resources to build weapons for siege and ship combat. And eat, drink etc. Much like in Ultima Online.. so perhaps we used the wrong term back then and now. Perhaps we should have termed Uo as a Survivor game. Wether a game is mmo or mp with a few players, factions or freestyle doesn't really matter. People seem to think that there's a specific definition to what pvp entails, there is. You kill other players. How you get to that position is what most people are discussing, not the "meaning of what pvp is" but how you do it. Do you do it with rules? Or is it really purely freestyle.. if you just play as you see fit, surely you're gonna end up ruining your own gameplay as eventually the losers will quit and you'll have noone to fight. It's all part n parcel of the entire environment. So you could equally term a pvp game as a pve game. Only killing players is part of the environment. It also has a lot to do with political contentions of now versus then, many of us are over 30 or over 50.. some are only 15-20. We all have different views due to our experience of what and how something should be done and why. Much of what people argue over, they actually agree with, they just misunderstand or misread what is said. And then repeat it exactly themselves. And it spirals as an argument. If you laid out all the replies in this thread on a board.. much like all the replies in all of the threads. You'd find there's only 2-3 viewpoints being discussed, yet we have 7 pages in this thread alone. What we should have is 2-3 posts per thread with alot of people either agreeing or disagreeing with them using the little emotes.
  22. If capslock can be turned off, I think Bubba would have arrived at that conclusion as well by now. So clearly it cannot. Most disability devices and services are horrendously poorly supported, many do not work for very long or break down often. Bubba's setup probably also requires alot of servicing and cleaning to keep it hygenic etc. When people make stuff that needs alot of servicing, it tends to also be very limited in ability, as it's covered, coated, protected etc. Take a bed for people who are paralysed.. they go up, down, forward, back. Sometimes left/right. But never have a tv or vibrator with them which could easily be installed or the ability to angle the bed to tip the patient out of it.. which would be really useful actually. So I can quite believe that a dev who makes such devices overlooked wether the patient could use capslock or not. It likely PRINTS characters to an output. There might be software available which the output could be sent to before inputing to the forum, ie a spellchecker for example, but Bubba would either need to set this up himself or get help to do that.. know many people in your household able to do that sort of thing? I know of one.. in mine. And there's 6 of us here.
  23. I expect it will delay both, it'll take time to organise the patch etc which is probably, hopefully the hold up, wiping the network will take awhile unless it's done all at the same time, not in sequence, but even so, how long does it take to format a server.. So I suspect, they're either still putting the patch together or have a problem with specific aspects. Could well be next week before the network goes down and get's patched, so a week or so later before main wipe and release. Maybe 14th or so of April.
  24. How so? A submarine that fires a little bolt that can barely kill a fish.. or a crab. Fired horizonatally.. the sub can only go forward, back, up or down, so it can't even angle up to attack above it. If you had 50 players using them you might potentially manage to hit a ship at anchor.. a moving one? God like? Too much paranoia in your drink mate.
  25. Mortor damage and range are just numbers in a string of code. Easily edited.
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