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Everything posted by Martyn

  1. In the USA you're split into 3 main timezones, in the Eu, we're split into all of them. Trying to organise something this big, without the language barriers is a nightmare. Good thing you folks can all speak the same language. More or less.
  2. Worst of this series of missions, is it is just repeated again to kill whatever is in the trenches.. That, and all the griefers and exploiters who hang around the caves luring mobs onto you, to kill you to steal your gem and then try to sell it to everyone else.
  3. I agree completely with op, this change has utterly ruined my gameplay experience. It's one thing to have to carry resources etc but these ships are supposed to be our floating bases and for the most part, unless you strip out almost everything any of the ships is prone to this simulator type timesink. It's alot of effort to loose, just because some devs think it's a valid change, it isn't. If there's an issue in pvp, then change it in pvp. There's no reason to ruin the game for everyone else. Not to mention the system of anchoring and getting resources returned is buggy as hell, many locations you cannot even anchor. Others you can anchor and get green but are not counted as fully anchored, then there's specific items like Large Sails, that just don't return or have the temp placement allowment, meaning you place a sail by accident, it's a total loss. Regardless of your anchor.
  4. Workaround for this bug. When you look at the location where you intend to place ceiling etc, look off to one side, often I've found the ceiling then turns blue, enabling me to place it. I also had the same issue as op and replies.
  5. It annoys me that if you hang someone, people can steal the skull.
  6. There are several americans on our eu server also saying that they cannot even see the na servers, let alone connect to them. I am from Eu and can see all 4.. if there's more than 4..
  7. I logged out with both equipped. I have all the required skills to weild both. I cannot place either into my hotbar anymore. However, when both the sword and pick are placed where a weapon is already placed, ie to replace it. The replaced item moves to the slot the sword/pick were previously in. Now both items can be used. However on login both were removed from hotbar and in my inv. Immiediate issue is resolved, but likely you'll see similar reports.
  8. For Shipwreck structure returned, from plundering in piracy tree, in my ingame Skill Stat bonus list, it's says Swipwrecked Structure Returned. It should say Shipwreck structure returned. It also shows the same typo in the tooltip hover popup when mousing over plunder in piracy. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1740238343
  9. Either they should pop to the surface or leave some kind of marker on the surface, like a blood pool or oil pool, whales that are killed below the surface are extremely difficult to locate before sharks etc eat them.
  10. On my menu setup, N is to place map marker. Nothing happens when I press N either with map open or closed. Restoring defaults doesn't fix it either. Also no menu selection to assign Alliance Chat.
  11. Mainly on reefs, in shallows on tundra and arctic islands, some temperate and tropical. No anchor sign, not even if grounded. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1740044654 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1740044707
  12. Takes 15 flame arrows almost to kill a cobra. Which ruins my jm bow. Takes 2 arrows to kill one. That's broken. Please fix, it doesn't need to be as insane as at release, but atm, for the cost, they are utterly worthless and if it remains like this, you should just remove them. My suggestion would be to make them do 25% damage over time (say 5-10secs), then give the target a 30 second fire immunity, as their skin is now burnt and nerve endings would be damaged. If they regen or are healed, the immunity is removed. Fire is removed if in water or hosed. (ie with the new camelhephalump thing you're adding)
  13. 1 No, only v the undead on treasure maps and in golden islands, if you use melee, swivel, cannon on them. And doesn't incl targetting crewmen as far as i can tell. Although a salvo usually wipes em all out anyway. Cannon fire v anything else is sparodic damage at best, if you even hit them. Against damned not noticed any considerable damage increase, but again, using 140% cannons and they don't last very long. 2 Can't be 100% on this, sometimes I think I get more worms.. othertimes I think it's just the rng default value.. don't know if harvesting skill increases shoveling dirt either. Same for twigs etc.
  14. Sitting in C6 today, saw about 10 ships explode n sink. Then I put them in my ship chest. Pity all the tames and crewmen just sitting on passive getting ganked by the gorgons etc. Someone even managed to upset a fire elem, that's when I left with our ship. Must say the returns you get from salvaging planks without the diving suit are horrendous.
  15. Come across many islands now all set to 20%, nothing on them but a flag in most cases, sometimes a bank. Otherwise empty of players, they're just being used to tax treasure maps. And nearly always by boxes 123 players. So you don't even know who they are. Every so often, I see a 10% or an island with people doing stuff, seems fairly rare tho. Get the right islands and you don't need to farm gold, the island makes enough just taxing people.
  16. Just wait. Initial load on pc startup is always slow for me, can take 10minutes or so sometimes after patches.
  17. Moved a newly made upgraded bow to my inv from smithy, game crashed. Fatal error! VERSION: 104.31 AtlasGame.exe!UPrimalItem::CanUpgrade() (0x00007ff71cc223a9) + 15 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\projects\shootergame\source\shootergame\private\primalitem.cpp:7904] AtlasGame.exe!UItemUpgradePanel::Tick_Implementation() (0x00007ff71c95a522) + 43 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\projects\shootergame\source\shootergame\private\itemupgradepanel.cpp:269] AtlasGame.exe!UUserWidget::execTick() (0x00007ff71e1d879c) + 300 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\umg\public\blueprint\userwidget.h:96] AtlasGame.exe!UFunction::Invoke() (0x00007ff71dca7807) + 15 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\coreuobject\private\uobject\class.cpp:3914] AtlasGame.exe!UObject::ProcessEvent() (0x00007ff71dcea028) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\coreuobject\private\uobject\scriptcore.cpp:931] AtlasGame.exe!UUserWidget::NativeTick() (0x00007ff71e189966) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\umg\private\userwidget.cpp:499] AtlasGame.exe!SObjectWidget::Tick() (0x00007ff71e1b4579) + 367 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\umg\private\slate\sobjectwidget.cpp:41] AtlasGame.exe!SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively() (0x00007ff71dd690ce) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swidget.cpp:296] AtlasGame.exe!SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively() (0x00007ff71dd69161) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swidget.cpp:300] AtlasGame.exe!SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively() (0x00007ff71dd69161) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swidget.cpp:300] AtlasGame.exe!SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively() (0x00007ff71dd69161) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swidget.cpp:300] AtlasGame.exe!SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively() (0x00007ff71dd69161) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swidget.cpp:300] AtlasGame.exe!SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively() (0x00007ff71dd69161) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swidget.cpp:300] AtlasGame.exe!SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively() (0x00007ff71dd69161) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swidget.cpp:300] AtlasGame.exe!SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively() (0x00007ff71dd69161) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swidget.cpp:300] AtlasGame.exe!SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively() (0x00007ff71dd69161) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swidget.cpp:300] AtlasGame.exe!SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively() (0x00007ff71dd69161) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swidget.cpp:300] AtlasGame.exe!SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively() (0x00007ff71dd69161) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swidget.cpp:300] AtlasGame.exe!SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively() (0x00007ff71dd69161) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swidget.cpp:300] AtlasGame.exe!SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively() (0x00007ff71dd69161) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swidget.cpp:300] AtlasGame.exe!SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively() (0x00007ff71dd69161) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swidget.cpp:300] AtlasGame.exe!SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively() (0x00007ff71dd69161) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swidget.cpp:300] AtlasGame.exe!SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively() (0x00007ff71dd69161) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swidget.cpp:300] AtlasGame.exe!SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively() (0x00007ff71dd69161) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swidget.cpp:300] AtlasGame.exe!SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively() (0x00007ff71dd69161) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swidget.cpp:300] AtlasGame.exe!SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively() (0x00007ff71dd69161) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swidget.cpp:300] AtlasGame.exe!SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively() (0x00007ff71dd69161) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swidget.cpp:300] AtlasGame.exe!FSlateApplication::TickWindowAndChildren() (0x00007ff71dda7d26) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slate\private\framework\application\slateapplication.cpp:626] AtlasGame.exe!FSlateApplication::Tick() (0x00007ff71dda95bc) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\slate\private\framework\application\slateapplication.cpp:986] AtlasGame.exe!FEngineLoop::Tick() (0x00007ff71c87d7d8) + 15 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launchengineloop.cpp:2511] AtlasGame.exe!GuardedMain() (0x00007ff71c8782cc) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launch.cpp:140] AtlasGame.exe!GuardedMainWrapper() (0x00007ff71c8801da) + 5 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:125] AtlasGame.exe!WinMain() (0x00007ff71c880308) + 8 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivenew\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:209] AtlasGame.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() (0x00007ff71f702089) + 21 bytes [f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c:618] KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction (0x00007fffacb64034) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007fffad033691) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007fffad033691) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
  18. Plots are all small plots. Seeds are both Pepper. Both planted at same time, both fertilised to 200k fert. One is now at 5k fert https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1736709335 The one next to it is at 10k fert. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1736709481 Neither plot is tilled. The crop is just taken as needed. How can 2 plots with the same seed have completely different uses of fertiliser? Then there's the rest of the seeds. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1736709746 On left Potatoe 0 fert, on right potatoe 40k fert Then on left maize 37k on right 0 On left Turnip 37k on right 0 On left 2 plots of edible greens. 40233 and 40228 respectively.
  19. I had a link the other day I'll look for it after I finish my current bug report. Can't find the link now, but it was something along the lines of wow gold sale. I glanced at it, checked link it took me to ebay, but I've now checked both ebay dot com and uk and can find neither link. Link was given out in chat tho. On Eu Pve. Yeh seeing alot of spam, it seems to be worst around temperate and tropical islands tho, not so much in tundra and arctic. Almost none in desert..
  20. People like you are the reason pve doesn't work. We suggest to people that when you see someone in chat asking for help of any kind, if they're a piller/foundation spammer, don't trade with them. It has worked wonderfully in our region. Only those who are playing single player on a multiplayer server, spam their islands now. If you want to be a team player, you have to adopt the rules of a team player and that starts with not spamming your base with foundations and pillers. The majority of spammers, quit the game 10 days+ ago. Islands are now being reclaimed. And despammed. The biggest farce on pve right now tho, isn't the spam, it's the 20% tax. Some "companies" are just going around claiming all the little islands. They don't do anything with them, they just put the tax to 20%. Then they sit back and watch the money pour in from map hunters. Then they sell the money via ebay to players stupid enough to buy it. The devs need to make it so that a green anchored ship, cannot be built around. At least 50-100m in any direction, under or over. Tax on gold needs to be removed. Foundations and pillers that sit alone or have 3 or less foundations nearby, should rot after 3-4 hours. If someone has to spam, make it cost them. Give complete control of settlement islands to the company owner. If they don't want anyone anchoring near them. Then make that a settlement toggle that warns players they cannot anchor (green) there overnight etc.
  21. Doesn't matter if it's pvp or pve. Sometimes it might be necessary to pull down some structure to get the repair resources. But not anymore. Now if you don't sail around with enough repair resources, enough spare planks, enough cannon balls. ie if your ship isn't overweight. You're wasting your time. Ship combat is now a time sink. To waste your time. - When demolishing a non-ship/core type structures on a non-fully-anchored boat, resources will not be returned to you. This will be indicated to you via the demolish HUD. The boat must be fully anchored to get resources back for non-ship/core type structures.
  22. - Cannons can no longer be placed right beside another (to address stacking three cannons inside a gun port) Cannons previously placed, can still be used. Perhaps it should be like previous large cannons, where if 2 or more cannons overlapping, do not work requiring demolition. I actually have 2 groups of 5 cannons on rear of my gally, which are overlapping and they still work fine. I will however be rebuilding that section and replacing them, the new distance change is welcomed.
  23. Yeh they follow the curve of the hull, on gally it's abit more uniform, although really kinda useless unless you fire them point blank or split your guns into groups and fire them individually which would require some skill to manipulate.
  24. Ladders are really glitchy now, I can't climb my default rear ladder on my gally, one ladder on the side I also cannot climb, one at the front i can climb to the top then it stops. Not sure if it's wai or bug, but many animals that previously could be pushed away by tames ie knock back, are no longer knocked back. They seem to just ignore the knockback and can keep attacking. Torpor levels also seem to have been massively reduced across the board, snakes can now easily knock out tames. And there's no obvious cure for it. Regen does nothing, there's no berries or food like in ark.. get bit and hope you kill it, or stay away from snakes, scorps and gorgons etc. Parts of my gally still cannot have ceilings placed, require foundations. Moving the ship around sometimes fixes the issue. Houses are still falling apart on the island. Again, no idea why it's happening, it isn't structure limit or anything. Can make certain weapons in jm and above but cannot use what you can make, cannot pvp your company mates on pve servers, sometimes necessary if they get stuck due to bugs and glitches. Health bugs out now sometimes, with your healith sticking at around 10-15 hps and only killing yourself fixes it. relogging does nothing. The patch fix for ships not anchored being reduced in unclaim time or for whatever reason maybe makes sense on the pvp servers, but is of little use on pve, we still have hundreds of ships the players quit more then 10 days ago still anchored, no decay timers, no way of knowing when they'll demo. If ever. Still many nice fixes in the patch. But alot more still to do.
  25. bs, tames always tread water when out of stamina, there is no reason what so ever, outside of troll replies, for tames to sink when out of stamina, it's easy enough to run down to the beach and get half way out to realise the tame is out of stam, to have it then sink is pure stupidity. You don't sink when you're tired.. you drown on the surface.. and when your lungs fill with water, you then sink. Throw rocks out of your inventary and they float.. so before you come up with any other troll replies threepwood think on that one. As it stands, run out of stamina in water and you've lost your tame. Hours of work in this case for no reason.
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