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Everything posted by LaiTash

  1. You can't give it time, i can give it time, but most people won't give it any time. EA is when the game sells, not the actual launch. So if it fails now (and it's not like it is in a perfect shape right now) it doesn't matter how good will it be in 2 years.
  2. > Since when does "Massive Multiplayer Online" stand for "single player"? There's (or hopefully will be) trading, there's pvp, being a solo player doesn't mean not interacting with anyone. And it's mostly not solo players complaining, but small groups of friends. Also i'm sure the devs were trying to make place for solo players and small groups with taxes and stuff, but players don't want to cooperate with their vision (as expected tbh, especially since more players on server equals more lag).
  3. Seriously? I'm in a large clan, but... Yeah there will never be enough land for everyone, but it's a sailing mmo, owning a piece of land shouldn't be a necessity if you don't plan on sailing around on a galeon, participating in large fleet battles, and dominating the game world. Some people just don't feel that great about being cannon fodder for megas. "GTFO" threads aren't really helping this game at all. More people sailing is more prey, if anything >_>
  4. Maybe a freeport could protect your vessel for 24 hours with like 48 hours cooldown, so that you'll need to move your ship to another freeport after 24 hours. There could be a eve like (or more like elite:dangerous-like) docking mechanics in place so that your ship is hidden while docked and too many ships in a freeport won't cause lag.
  5. A big group is likely to have players from multiple timezones so no, you can't attack them during day or night or whatever. It's small/medium groups who need offline protection. Maybe we should pay them in real cash too, because it looks like a job.
  6. Experience loss would mostly harm newer players. It won't be much of an issue when you're capped and are bottlenecked more by eploration points than by experience points. Some 10-15 minutes debuff on everything should do fine i think.
  7. I'd actually love to live at sea from my boat but i don't see how am i supposed to do this unless i'm online 24/7
  8. Scurvy was actually a #1 reason for why you wouldn't want to become a sailor.
  9. If we're talking about realism here then a) fire arrows are barely viable in reality, like 1 arrow out of 50 will actually put anything on fire b) you can't just pick a "fire" arrow from your quiver, shoot it, and burn stuff with it, even at that horrible success rate. You need to light it with something. So you need time to light the arrow, and something to light it with (and you don't have a modern lighter to do that).
  10. Price controls are bad for a mmo, especially if we want to see a lot of trading in Atlas. Cornering the market would be difficult in Atlas anyway, too many islands separated by vast distances with their own marketplaces.
  11. Riiiiiiiight... *counting how many online games i can't even play without VPN because they're region locked and was never released in my country*
  12. "Attack with the cold steel! Push hard with the bayonet!" "A bullet is a fool, a bayonet is fine" - some dude from XVIII century who lost zero battles out of 93
  13. It has nothing to do with being "evil". You don't let some unknown dudes into your base, period.
  14. It could be perfectly solo-able if there were safe harbours (guilds need those too, not just solo players), marketplaces with buy/sell orders (think eve), and reasons to talk first then shoot and not the other way around.
  15. Do you really think they'll let you "join for a bit"?
  16. Yeah it's possible if you're extremely lucky and you get to keep that piece of land until some large corp notices you.
  17. Most people (in large corps, but hey small corps isn't really a thing, not for long at least) aren't involved in any powerplay, intrigue, and politics. They are lucky to be in a corp that lets it's low-ranked members even know about the future plans of the dude owning the guild. You are being told to gather fiber and you go and gather the stupid fiber hoping you'll be allowed to have some pvp fun in the future. If there's no pvp for a week long you quit. So large guilds basically have to randomly kill everyone on sight to keep slaves happy.
  18. I can solo shit out of EVE and especially UO. Won't achieve much but you can enjoy those games solo. A small guild can survive LiF if they play smart and join an alliance. In Atlas however even tho i'm in a large company i don't dare sailing more than 2-4 squares from the base because i HAVE to bring the ship back before going to sleep. Good thing is you don't really need to travel far. So no long voyages and barely any adventure, back to gathering mats for another large ship that will just stand there doing nothing i guess.
  19. > 20% Guess we'll never see them as a rare spawn. It's ridiculous to be more worried about meeting some immersion-breaking NPCs than other players on a PvP server.
  20. They should prioritize only on the basis of "how many people have this issue". The severity of the issue should matter as well. Once again EA can't be an excuse for everything. There is a reason why so many people, youtube channels, and steam reviewers call this game a complete disaster. This is what you get when, say, 500 out of 40000 people can't even play the game they paid for. Happy customers rarely write reviews.
  21. That's no reason to invalidate legitimate complaints.
  22. Discord is full of people who can't connect still. And no one cares about what problems some other game have/had.
  23. I can play but those EA exuses are getting ridiculous. Right from partner.steamgames.com/doc/store/earlyaccess: > Early Access titles must deliver a playable game or usable software to the customer at the time of purchase Note the keywords "playable" and "usable". Yeah a lot of people are having this problem and yeah fixing it should be a #1 priority.
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