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Thor Ragnarock

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Everything posted by Thor Ragnarock

  1. They should also add a wall version of the gates so you don't have to wall your base off with gates, I have no issue with large walls around bases. Would also like to see more variety in gates though.
  2. Essentially would like to see some things made specifically towards creating a harbor as well as defending it. Nets to hand below openings in the water, chains to drag across the opening, you could have these linked to levers for a harbor master to raise and lower. Also would love to see the ability to build out breakwalls into the water to create still water harbors where the water is more calm during big storms. Also eventually getting some floating mines of some sort so you could setup a minefield outside of your harbor. Coming into a new ally harbor you have never been in? Call up a harbor master to sent a pilot to steer you in.
  3. Pretty much what the title says. Some kind of in game tool be it a hammer, brush, w/e you want it to be called where a player can set the activation/inventory rank and run around clicking all the items they want to change quickly instead of having to go into the option menu on each item. God save me. This could be set as "usable" in the rank options and then the max tier you can set is your max rank.
  4. I mean the fact you came here to show your frustration shows you actually care about the game. I too am frustrated and actually hope the devs will seriously get the ship back on track. They have had some really good adjustments and some flops as well. I expect this will keep happening. Their communication has been good at times but on the whole is pretty lacking. Some of the changes make sense and some don't. We don't know the ultimate direction of the team and in the long run some of the bad changes may make sense. Some of them may be premature to a change that is coming down the pipe at some point. I do not hope this game fails in the long run I have enjoyed the hell out of the first few weeks. I just hope they really work on the areas they are struggling at with communication and really taking some time to communicate changes and taking more time to feel and think out impactful changes before they drop them.
  5. I don't remember asking for a gun nerf on pvp servers, I think that just came when people were complaining armor was too op vs guns and their adjustment for it also somehow lead them to implement to a damage nerf vs critters with them. The fire arrow nerf wasn't a bad thing in my opinion that was the meta to kill since guns had been nerfed so much and also take so long to reload even with perks + the stupid minigame that they have included with it. Guns can still kill players fairly well however they are pretty crap vs critters and if you miss you have to play run around and hope you don't get killed while doing said minigame. Alphas in general are just a pain to kill due to their high level in comparison to us. They should be easier to kill with guns and arrows.I haven't killed many since the nerf but the arrows were still killing the few I used them on. To be fair a crit shot with a gun/arrow does do extra damage on some of them but even stuff on the golden age ruins which aren't alphas but just high level also have this same damage negating due to their resistances. I can't speak to if its purely base on the difference in level or if their resistances are just buffed a ton due to the fact they are higher level but it wouldn't take much to adjust it so they take some more damage. Hitting a cyclops in the eye with their sporadic movement after the first shot is next to impossible. This can be said for some of the other critters as well, and some critters don't have a weak spot to hit or I haven't found one on some so no matter what you are capped out at 8-11 damage with normal ammo. Multiple tens of to hundreds of arrows/shots later you finally get it killed, and get a tiny bit of a % towards a level over 50. I don't see the additional content as a bad thing at all either. I do agree they have a lot of stuff to fix first but there are multiple teams working on this game. Obviously the team creating new content is still working to push their projects in addition to the teams working on server optimizations, on bug fixes, balancing, artwork, etc. To assume that new content coming out means grapeshot isn't working on the bugs at all is just silly. Could they use more people on the bug fixing team, maybe? We don't know how the teams are stretched and who is working on what. With the admin console exploits occurring in multiple different ways etc etc the fact of the matter is the team that would probably be fixing these bugs is likely getting sidelined to keep chasing other issues. I could be wrong maybe the bug team just needs more people, that is something they will have to address or we will just have to get used to some issues persisting for a long time before they are reached and possibly having lots of new bug ridden content dropped out before some of these initial issues are ever addressed.
  6. Yea you can literally break into multi layer wall in a few minutes at best if not quicker. Did they ever fix the multishot cannon bug where clicking fast allowed firing up to 4 shots? The effort to build said wall is considerably higher. Pretty much don't gather anything of worth and keep it stockpiled. Keep minimum resources in your base and only gather and stockpile the moment you are actually going to build. At least then when they break in you aren't losing any pre planned effort to expand or build stuff. I am at least happy they FINALLY acknowledged the issue. I hope the response will be proper. They increased wood hp up to stone, made stone insanely weaker and then increased the cost. I think stone should have more HP or they should barely buff the extra damage to stone. They should also add a reinforced stone tier with the metal and paste cost I would be totally fine with that and bump its hp up and slightly buff stone so its stronger than wood. Raiding should be effort just as much as building the defense is.
  7. I hear you all talking about honeycombing in wood now but little do you know the next patch will be 5 x cost of wood with 3 x damage from animals, torches, and fire arrows as well as flamethrowers attached to bear carts.
  8. Good luck falling asleep thinking about all the metal and paste you will be grinding tomorrow
  9. Myself and a couple people in my company went to the FoY today before the patch. We sailed down in 2 ramshackle sloops and parked among hundreds of boats offshore and just as many shipwrecks. There was a few big companies there and then lots of other random groups. There was 1 single pathway in with a spot you had to duck at part way in. There was a pit of cobras below the bridge which people kept luring into the path in so it was impossible to get in for the first few attempts, just kept dying to cobras. Died a few times to the stuff people were also luring to the door outside. After about 40 minutes of going in dying trying to clear it along with all the other tons of people some of whom were intentionally trolling I finally made it through, My first trip in I went right, right made it to the bridge and lagged hard and fell into the pool. Got teleported out. Ran in again and made it through next to death. Ran for the blue light and got the buff. Took about 2 hours to start out at a freeport, build a ramshackle, switch the sail, get there (the lag made it a bit slow in the actual zone) and then get in. When we first got there it wasn't exactly clear where the location was. Some people kept saying climbing picks were useful so we spent time gathering for that only to realize they weren't even useful so we will probably save 20-30 minutes for next time.
  10. If its an optimization issue, the solution is not to make building a chore. I seriously have been trying to keep the spark I had when this game first dropped going but every patch while some have good content in them there is always a few changes that are a massive kick in the groin. I don't know how much longer I can keep playing and finding the same joy in this game. I feel like the only way to truly show them how badly they messed up this time is to not login anymore... yet I still want to keep playing the game... It's a hard spot to be in.
  11. They just reverted Discovery Points, seems we are screwed on the rest of these for a few days until they realize how bad it is.
  12. Metal has been switched to Alloy, and organic paste has been switched to fire gel because screw you
  13. It's ok the walls are super easy to get through on pvp now. As for PvE... rip
  14. If you fail to nock the arrow or draw the bow you drop it and have to do another mini game to pull another arrow out of the quiver if you fail there is a chance you drop the bow and have to do a minigame to pick it up off the ground. If you fail to do this minigame then you trip over the bowstring and die from an aneurysm. We need to give the terrible mechanics of melee combat a chance to actually defend themselves.
  15. I agree with making the gate cost the same amount as the walls. I think the alloy cost is a bit high but I do not have an issue with the alloy cost. I wouldn't mind seeing a "Large stone wall" that also costs the same amount as a bunch of stone walls of the same size. I find the tons of doors ugly, A bunch of walls with 1 or 2 doors would actually look like a proper fort with a inner stone building inside. I don't think that is ugly at all... actually quite accurate for the time period.
  16. They literally just buffed the damage to stone walls by all explosive sources. You can now walk through a wall of stone and it probably costs less to break through than build the wall. Yea that is balanced.
  17. Why should it be harder in pvp? I don't get it.
  18. You surely mean "Who play this game at all"
  19. First people complain resources are slow to gather to get going in a ship. Then they buff rates to 2x. Then they add 3x cost to stone gates and massive alloy cost. Now they add metal and organic paste to stone and increase the cost on thatch by 3. 1 Step forward a leap back.
  20. There is no source of organic paste on my island... except by killing scorpions... I can get like 5 per... is organic paste somehow supposed to equate to concrete? Doesn't even make sense I am supposed to use sugar soaked fiber on my stone? So when it rains it all crumbles apart. I mean if you want to add like quicklime or something make us grind stone and flint in a pestle and mortar or something. But even then is adding more grind to base building really necessary... Lack of content by adding grind.
  21. Enabling the fog across the board is an important change even for low settings. Not a "their fault for not disabling it" Was probably an oversight it wasn't enabled for low settings from the start. I have been in a few regions with fog but never lived in one. If it's as often as rain it can't be that terrible. But as I agree there should be intensity of storms from a drizzle, rain shower, downpour along with thunderstorms, severe thunderstorms, tropical depressions and hurricanes The fog should probably have levels of intensity with spotty fog, light fog, dense fog. Also sometimes fog sits low, sometimes it sits high. Variety will make the current extremes feel a lot less annoying.
  22. The problem with banning people is you could potentially get into a situation where you can make it seem like someone is trying to do X. you could sail your ship onto someones foundations, report them, and claim they placed them there. Place your boat between some ships and say they are blocking you in. It becomes a he said she said. I feel that the mechanic itself needs a fix, not making the failure of a bad mechanic a TOS violation that is bannable.
  23. I agree the cyclones should occur less often. I think they should have rain storms which is just rain. Thunderstorms with sound and lightning. And occasionally Sever Thunderstorms with waterspouts/tornadoes. Obviously a Hurricanes/Typhoons every once in a long while along the equator too. Also wouldn't mind seeing some blizzards etc in the colder climates and dust storms in the deserts... As an eventual thing. I know they want to keep adding more biome types eventually so would love to see weather events related to the biome/region on the map.
  24. I was a bit surprised they never mentioned it being resolved either, almost like it never happened.
  25. You can actually just find a open inventory on someones ship and stuff it full of weight and walk away if they don't secure stations/pestle and mortars behind locked doors. Takes about 5 minutes after a ship is overweight to sink from what I have seen so far. A single player could show up and bring load after load of stone and throw it into an inventory, If that isn't an option a bunch of players could come dump stuff to a single player who can pickup an indefinite amount of weight as long as it's thrown down on the ground in front of them. Then stand on the deck for 5 minutes until it sinks. While you can't see the hud on the ship when on board you can view the ships weight in the inventory panel for the ship you are on to see how much more weight you need. As soon as you surpass this then a yellow weight icon begins flashing by the ships name letting you and everyone around know it's being over weighted. 5 minutes later your ship is loot able and all your stuff is gone. Doesn't even take a zerg to accomplish this task just a determined person or a small group. If you happen to login and kill them you still must remove the weight from their body and get it off the ship within this short timer so you could actually login to see this happening, react and kill them and still have the ship sink due to how quickly it happens. I feel the weight and player limit is important though and don't know the perfect best solution to resolving this from the inevitable people who just play this game to grief others. I still feel the ships weights are a bit low based on the sizes of the ship. One option is to build a boathouse that players cant get onto the ship. A lot of work yes, but on PVE this would stop it at least when your not using the boat and offline. On PVP they would have to break into the boathouse which isn't terribly hard but also for your average person who is looking for a quick minimal effort way to sink your ship will likely look past and go to next easiest target. Definitely something which needs to be fixed sooner than later.
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