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Everything posted by Mephos

  1. well, I just went to my neighbor whom I talked to yesterday evening and placed a claim flag in the middle of his base beside his sleeping body. declaiming started instantly GOOD TIMES! .. love that you force me to login every 3d and run through all of my claims hoping I hit every single one before losing all my progression in PvE. Glad I´ll have to decide between my 2 week holiday with my family and ATLAS "keeping my base where I invested 500h" good job.. really good job. anyone can confirm that NPC crew member in your claims protect them?
  2. this is 90% of the internet btw. Discoveries would be so much better if you would earn stuff for discoveries. Example: - Go to an island, discover a new plant, gain a skill point for cooking - Go to an island, discover a new animal, gain a skill point for taming etc. With that exploring an island would actually be partly fun since you would need to study the enviroment if you have any use for you etc.
  3. 2 company with 1 member build side by side. Both gain 100 member. Both territory now expand and overlap each other. Who owns who? Resizing claims based on members is a generally bad idea since you will create way more issues than you solve. Wow, Tax banks really make sense with 1 claim. Additional what is the issue with multiple claims? Only bigger company or very active people can maintain big claims. My friend who was offline for 4 days got 90% of his claims removed and only the one he slept in remained. That´s how it works. If you can maintain your claims you earn them. You don´t have enough space to build? Go to lawless areas and build there or steal claims from inactive people. with living you mean no offline bodies? Nice dude.. when you go sleeping everyone just claims your land within 6h xD not counting offline bodies is the worst idea ever. You would lose your claim every night to some random dudes. Nice, I love how you force the login. God I would hate this. You can´t even leave the game for a week and would lose everything literally. .. those are all dumb changes tbh and would make the situation just worse. How about that: - everything is lawless territory and no claims exists at all Then its like in ARK. You build there first, you own it. You spam your foundations everywhere so no one build anywhere. I rather have the claim system as it is right now. I actually like it if you know how it works its quite cool
  4. that actually sounds like a fucking plan. I just create the next one piece basically hahaha ^^ .. to bad you have to claim land to build stuff. people will notice it relatively easy xD
  5. We have build a nice huge base out of stone, build all kinds of ships, explored around 100 islands (getting boring after some time), fought SOTD and tamed all creatures once. We did the FOY thingy, killed some cyclops on the powerstone islands and did treasure hunting etc. So, that´s it, right? What else is there to do then kraken and further exploration? breeding is broken, won´t even atempt that and there are not really any challenging pve npcs to fight, nothing to rob or plunder, no npc cities to burn down.. basically shooting at every SOTD we see just to fire our cannons once in a while and feel like pirates. and no.. can´t play pvp cause I hate the pvp offline grief more than anything else in my life.
  6. exploration in pvp = fun cause excitement to be on the open sea, every island are new dangers cause ne companies etc. exploration in pve = hit island, go on land, ride around until you find discovery, go back to ship, sail to next island. rinse and repeat. the copy past island don´t really make it more exiting at all.. islands have nothing unique to them, nothing special and i do not really spend time on the island except riding around until I find the land discovery. wish every island would have something unique to it.
  7. I pair treasure hunt with discovery.. dumb part is. I´m always maxed out in levels and you gain way way way faster exp than you can max out your level cap, so you basically waste exp on treasure hunts which annoys me a lot. But I agree.. discovery are tedious and annoying. If the islands would at least have something special to it, but they are just plain copies which are rotated a bit. Even discovery points are the same on a lot of islands with the same base layout.
  8. aaaaaaaaaaand another one. but this one will make the difference, FOR SURE!
  9. because of trash people like you they don´t have to give a fuck. who cares about rage kids like you are one. i hope really people like you leave the game soon so that they actually get productive feedback on the other side, I know how you get your character easily fixed (had that multiple times myself). just doesn´t feel to help you at all. hope you leave soon.
  10. https://www.playatlas.com/index.php?/support-tickets/support/&do=form&d=21 try to create a ticket and ask for ingame support. probably the only thing that could potentially work but chances are slim that they react since it is 4:30 in the US atm
  11. Just checked, B7 shows only 9 people online. Not saying I doubt you but best thing is probably to record it and send it to support and pray for help (not really likely). As I said I´m also part of B7 (other island). If they claim our trading post where 4 people are sleeping in the game is done for me and my company. We play PvE because we don´t want to deal with this kind of harassment
  12. well.. if they claim our stuff in PvE that´s basically it for me. we also live in B7, can you share some insight which island etc.?
  13. Quite happy I haven´t experienced that much loss yet. Only thing is that I can tame a new shoulder ape every day cause somehow my ship keeps deleting my pet
  14. If they ever solve this I hope you can´t instantly just remove/delete ships in your claim. We also got several ships spammed on our beach because we are close to a freeport. Would suck to sail, park, go offline and someone decides to remove your ship from his claim. This would need a clever solution like "if you are anchored for 14d in someone elses claim he can claim your ship" or something like this. Really don´t know how they want to solve it. I guess for now you have to live with this
  15. @Fefu yeah maybe I jumped to conclusions. I´m just worried that devs touch the claim system or offline timers and fuck everything up. ^^
  16. Interesting question tbh. If anyone knows the answer please let us know I don´t know. But honestly if you talk to people you notice fast if they are normal guys who just want to play a bit. At least for PvE you have quite a lot of friendly people. But maybe I´m just good at talking to people. Had so far no bigger issues with people. Even gave a claim to our neighbour so that he can expand his harbour.
  17. wrong. our dude is now offline for 3 weeks, still in the stone building he left
  18. sleepers don´t die on their own. at least monitored our sleepers for food and health and nothing has moved since they went offline. Edit. Just to say this. Sleeper shouldn´t die. How about you go into holiday for a week and you come back and all your stuff is gone. The current system is fine. I don´t know what the issue is there is plenty of land in different regions like south and north. The colder it gets the more space is left. Visited server cluster yesterday where 10 people were only and half the island was not claimed and free (EU PvE) All 1,2,3 or 13,14,15 regions are super empty cause of the harsh conditions. Rather ask for better conditions so that you can live up there without dying every 2 seconds instead of changing the claim system. Additional if you ask friendly in each server cluster chat about some claims available for building, where you mention that you are a friendly player who respects the company and resources etc. and only wants to build up and have a small shipyard etc. then most people will offer you some land since the benefit from the 30% tax is quite good. especially larger companies
  19. see, best example why players shouldn´t do polls. answers are crap and only reflect the OPs personal opinion. he actually doesn´t want to know what general people want but just people who support him in his opinion. way to go dude ^^ way to go. where is the "keep it as it is" option? do you think everyone wants changes? the current claim system is ok and I don´t mind if they spam foundation on lawless lands. from my point of view this can stay as it is and they should rather focus on more important stuff. btw, if you haven´t understood the claim system in pve yet its your own fault. every freaking day we see available claims with buildings or without. just yesterday build a nice 2nd outpost in the north. took 10 min. to claim a little water spot with a bit of land and start building.
  20. i hope its a feature.. without that I stop playing ATLAS if people can just claim shit when I´m offline.
  21. I also start every post with "hello, I´m a male gamer" xD You need some attention from our horny little kid pirates telling you how nice it would be talking to you? Fun part is that sandbox games are always boring if you can´t come up with stuff which you want to do on your own. I take a bet you haven´t done the following: - discovered all islands and leveled to max - build a galleon and defeated a whale - fought a ghost ship (not SoTD) and won - build a trading post and create trading routes with other islands - tame animals and do treasure hunts for gold - tame a dragon and go ham on a powerstone island for mythos - collect all 9 powerstones and summon the kraken and kill him there is so much more that I can imagine, but in the end I would also rather use my time to complain in the boards that my own imagination is not good enough and that I need people giving me goals. way to go "girl" ^^
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