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Everything posted by esditas

  1. The following problem with bear breed. The children starve if nobody is on the server. If you stay on the server everything is great. Anyone an idea how to keep the server fully active.
  2. Wait a while...think they speedup the shit...when Starbutch write a Message on Twitter Wait Time...
  3. Running on the Same Machine like the 16Grid Thing? Start with new DB? Can you Query New Server in Steam? Join the new Server without travelling? unable to query server info...is a big Range of isues ^^ Ports ...Firewall ...DB
  4. My Configs work really smooth but when i run too many Grids at the same time... (CPU / RAM usage <90%) than i timeout Grids. Ok ^^ 9 Grids use round about <20GB RAM and CPU must be really good. Ill think!
  5. ...but its a game function or not? Play ARK with less Raptor or SE with less Electrical Storm ^^ 7DaysToDie with less Zeds ^^ The Cyclones will disappear you land on a island instandly or you lose your ship and stranded deep...also a part of the Game... Less Cyclones is no way in my opinion.
  6. 40GB WTF ill think you have a other Problem. I use "P3X Redis UI" to find and work on "Keys" but i dont know help´s you.
  7. My UTCTime is true from start, but almost different age different Grids.
  8. ServerGrid.json ...Search Grid you want... GlobalBiomeSeamlessServerGridPreOffsetValues ...Search Biom you want... change var for PreOffsetTemperatureExponent= or PreOffsetTemperatureAddition= Think...Grid Changes...del the Saved for the Grid...
  9. esditas

    spawn commands

  10. Commandline arguments (arg) \o/ in the StartLine For exsample: ?KickIdlePlayersPeriod=36000.000000?serverPVE=true ?HarvestAmountMultiplier=3.000000?TamingSpeedMultiplier=3.000000 Not all work i think...but check this: https://ark.gamepedia.com/Server_Configuration If use also the same setup...use the Fu**ing ServerGrid.json or Default-INIs
  11. The possibility of adding custom server settings (Game.ini and GameUserSettings.ini) ...lol ^^ ServerGrid.json? "OverrideShooterGameModeDefaultGameIni": {}, ?? BTW For diffrent Server Config...use the Command/Arg Function
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