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Everything posted by Caveat

  1. You have to have a tap on the reservoir and places the jars/water skins in the tap to fill them. Edit: I don't know exactly how much water, but it's not that much frankly. WAY less than Ark. In some zones, you might not even need them. Rain woud suffice.
  2. They are adding bookshelves in the next major update. That will help with blueprints and maps. I'd love to see a stone tier storage box, but I'd settle for simply a larger storage box. The take up so much space and hold so little.
  3. Same goes for waterskin as well. My issue is 80% of the time you can't craft the grog anyway. It lights up for half a second and then disables and is uncraftable.
  4. They clearly have plans for it since there is a skill for it.
  5. L6 is a great spot for gems, copper and oil on NA PvP, but if you overstay your welcome, the Chinese will send you home empty handed.
  6. There really should be, even if the elephant doesn't fit, at least something the size of a small gateway.
  7. I'm having this problem as well. Changing resolutions did not fix it, but if I use VPN it apparently logs in.
  8. "Starter lawless zones" are freeports. Lawless zones are lawless zones and you can claim boats there.
  9. You can whistle T at your boat to get the ladders down and Y to roll them back up.
  10. This used to happen in Ark at times as well. If I remember correctly, it had something to do with the food stat being too low or something like that. Out of curiosity, what level was the baby? Edit: Sometimes server lag caused animals not to eat as well.
  11. We have the same issue. The groups reset every time I log out.
  12. I'm well aware of the overcrowding. We've bounced around several lawless regions just to be able to find a spot to put a shipyard in. We finally got a sloop built and he new Ships of the Damned sank it before we even launched it out of the drydock. Maybe we're arguing semantics a little bit. My argument that the size of the world seems about right. The amount of land within the world seems small. It seems like this world is also about 80% Ocean. There are certain areas you can go a long way before spotting land again. Again, there has to be some balance. There should not be so much land that you can just swim from every island to every island either. Some of the grid squares just don't have much land in them. Then factor in that much of the land is near useless because it's missing critical resources to make living there possible. I think the Lawless regions were an afterthought, but starter areas with no wood are completely pointless in a game where the entire concept is based on wooden ships.
  13. I don't think the map being too small is the issue at all. It already takes hours to explore the map or find a place to call home. I don't see any reason to make the world itself larger. They might want to consider adding a bit more islands to some of the areas. Some of the existing islands need their resources tweaked a bit. In the lawless zones, the only place there is room to build is on islands with no wood. I think the claim management is the real issue for the most part. Spamming an unlimited number of claim flags is what seems to make the world seem small. It's easy enough to take some land from someone, but you may have consequences.
  14. Haha, damn. I meant *everything* not *anything*. That does sound dumb.
  15. I don't really have much issue with a solo player not being able to get all the skills required to actually do anything everything. The game isn't intended to be played solo, and I get it. I also get that it's EA and there will be tons of tuning going on, but I wanted to add my voice that this seems way too harsh of an overtune. This will also severely cripple the smaller Companies. Unless you're willing to shell out extra money for alt accounts, you can't spec to build things and still expect to gain offensive or survival skills. I'm completely fine with some skills costing more than others and I think this makes sense. There are a couple things I would argue on how that should be evaluated. Smithy - 8% of your total points is an insane cost for this absolutely essential skill. Skills that only unlock other trees, should only be 1 point. You don't gain access to anything with these skills. You only unlock the chance to spend more points in those trees. These should all be single point investments. IMO, you should be able to complete at least one path in two branches and maybe have a few points left over for random skills. Each individual player should be able to fulfill two roles to make this playable for small Companies. Ideally, only the ultimate skills in the trees should truly be "expensive" and they should also, therefore be very much worth it.
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