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Everything posted by Nari

  1. Jesus Christ... You paid to be tester don't like it don't buy EA its really simple.
  2. Come back in a few months. You signed up for this.
  3. All part of the process. Shouldn't get attached to progression when everything is subject to change especially when the devs have the rep that WC/GS does. Those that do are setting themselves up to rage quit and end up here complaining.
  4. Then you should know that these basically are the test servers. They will either be wiped or labeled legacy eventually.
  5. To be fair most of us understand the iteration process. We paid to stick through this stuff.
  6. Likewise, tamed a pony cant use it. About to try Reapo's suggestion Edit: Thanks @reapo
  7. All we need is the option to unclaim ships like tames the selling will happen as a byproduct.
  8. Leveling and effectiveness are basically reworked, scaling needed to be as well. Is 40% too much? Maybe, the changes with alphas don't seem as drastic so I predict minor buffs to come case by case. For now tread with caution beastmasters.
  9. This is why. It has nothing to do with what EA should be. That is case by case and ultimately up to the devs. They decide when to open the floodgates for people willing to pay to test (if ever ) and if that's too early in your opinion well... ThatsJustLikeYourOpinionMan.gif
  10. They do. Snakes at least anyway. I watch it rain snakes daily on my island.
  11. For someone who's retired and has so much free time and experience you'd think you would have heard of using your own dedicated machine
  12. Probably not, can't tame anything beyond cap in ARK caves doubt it's any different here with powerstone spawns.
  13. I tried just about every resource type we had at base. The thing is broken. Edit: Moved a bear a little bit and now I can mount cannons. If we cant use it for resources please make that clear in the tooltip GS.
  14. It weighs 10lbs in an inventory (both yours and tame) but 11lbs when equipped? It does not affect base weight, material weight, and even though is called Cargo Saddle I attempted to mount small and large caliber cannons and even a swivel. Also a no go. Why bother even wasting the points when its either 1: Cosmetic or 2: Currently not functional smh
  15. I stand corrected they are faster than crocs but wolves cant kill me in the middle of a 3x3 and they certainly can't climb aboard my sloop and camp my spawn.
  16. They have nothing on Crocs. I'll gladly live with the wolves any day.
  17. If you mentioned this I missed it. You can use your ship to protect claims in PvE as if they were sleepers. Not super useful though because if they want your land bad enough they will sink it.
  18. Agreed, I honestly expected a trade option to appear in the context wheel when interacting with a player. Played myself
  19. Imagine this but take away 33 years. Also, I dyed my hair to match the wrinkles.
  20. Has anyone tested it with upgrades yet? When you craft a E.G: fine bow you can upgrade it for mats and gold. Does INT affect upgrades?
  21. The subject IS the change. If you don't voice your opinion in EA how is it supposed to change before the cement sets?
  22. That quote was not present when OP I commented. It was edited in. Correction: there appears to be no edit but it certainly wasn't loaded when I made my first 2 comments.
  23. Do you even still own and play the game or are you just here to make the irony of this thread obvious?
  24. New islands can be patched in, the cluster could be expanded, or they could simply open up 4 more servers.
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