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Everything posted by Keety

  1. That is the thing the way they have tames and wild creatures setup, taming and breeding is completely pointless, sure they may be "strong in PvP" for anyone that does not realize a swift head-shot will make most tames die in one shot. Pretty much alphas need some extreme reworking, but they may not do that since they were super lazy and alphas are not even a separate entity, they are the default creatures with a chance to spawn as an alpha its literally just a check mark on the creature in the dev kit. They should rework the alphas to be a different blueprint and thus set their stats to be reasonable since they spawn at such absurd levels, which contributes to how hard they are to fend against.
  2. Ballista with a special crafted grappling hook shot. Perhaps requiring 2-3 grapple shots(so 2-3 Ballista) into the ship to successfully be anchored to each other. This could have multiple uses: 1-Towing ships 2-Hooking enemy ships and pulling them in for boarding or close combat 3-Grappling land where perhaps its too deep to anchor(to avoid ships of the damned that may wonder close while you are just parked exploring) 4-Grappling a Whale for whatever reason you might want to grapple a whale for! I am all for the idea of being able to grapple to ships for parley or just for towing reasons, More piratey actions!
  3. They did not use to require alloy, i imagine that change was made because players got salty over players combat building to avoid them cannoning down their structure. So to try and combat the material costs between the two they had the great idea to make the gates costs alloy, so they dont have to monitor combat building. Shame that won't apply for any company that made 100's maybe even 1000's of them for back log before the change, however once they run out they will have to invest alloy to combat the zerg.
  4. Alphas are easy to counter on foot, however be riding an elephant for harvesting, have it aggro to you from football fields away then try to outrun the thing and get to a "SAFE PLACE" without losing said tame.(It dies every-time normally within the first 2-3 swings of said alpha) Yeah its no big deal if a player dies its another issue however if tames are involved and they always are for anyone that invests the time and effort to tame, which if you weren't aware elephants are great at harvesting wood: Reduced weight, gathers more than a tool and has a fairly nice weight cap as well. My response was not about handling them on foot, it was STRICTLY about how to counter them when farming on a TAME which is not possible currently. Try living where, wolves, lions, scorpions, bees(both near and away from hives), tigers, (vultures out the butt whenever you killed anything), now imagine all of those having alphas and all of them spawning in and around your door step, welcome to hell. (OFTEN TIMES there being one of each type of alpha up sometimes two!) There is a point of being counter-able and just flat being overwhelmed(INB4 durhur move somewhere else pleb), you are not going to find anywhere worth living where there is not at least one aggressive creature that has an alpha variant.(Also company size may play a factor but not everyone has 100's of mindless drones like "MOST" the streamers have) We are here to test and give feedback, not everyone is going to agree for varying reasons, i think removing them flat out is a terrible idea. Albeit not for the same reasons as everyone on this post but i feel there does need to be a degree of threat from wild life, just not to the extent that there is a flat guarantee that you are going to lose every tame you bring out and there is no way to get away or combat it on said tame. There is a time and place to be constructive and to give good feedback verses a knee jerk reaction feedback.
  5. I've touched on this a bit myself, the temperature requirements are beyond realistic, if you surrounded a Colt IRL with 20 campfires to keep it warm during the cold it would probably die of a heart attack because horses are scared of fire. I mean it is the same for any creature no creature is going to want to be around fire of any amount. Penguins do no good being as they only adjust for one temperature range and there is no counter for the other temperature range other than fire. I realize they are probably proud of it but honestly babies and tames are already hard enough they didn't need an extra mechanic to make it "more engaging" all it has done is made me quit playing every time i try to breed because i get the baby to Juvenile maybe once every other time it dies.. they never live to even imprint once much-less get to adulthood. At this point I would say the best bet is to completely remove it from the game till you give us better options to maintain temperature better.(IE not have to baby sit it the entire 24-48-72 HOW many ever Hours it is per creature type) Also adding in things like heat and cold waves knowing full well maintaining temperature on babies without that is impossible as is.. It honestly seems given everything being added and all the changes being made with tames in general that you have no intention whatsoever to make tames even be remotely worth the effort required, that breeding is a giant middle finger to anyone that came from ARK because of the taming and breeding being in this game as well(only to find out you thought ark was bad, but wait there's more introducing worse taming mechanics, worse stat ups, constant re-scaling to make them even worse than before, breeding that is so bad it makes you want to shoot yourself(good thing you can shoot company players and hang them because you can do just that after attempting to breed anything) I appreciate the thought and effort put into the game but there is a lot of things that clearly were not tested before pushing the Early Access, while yes it is up to your players to give feedback during this stage, its also important to occasionally admit you messed up and will make changes accordingly to provide better game-play and make people enjoy the game not rage log every time you are 5+ hours into a baby just to have it die to something you can't control. I am sorry if this post seems saltier than my others but i am at about my wits end with the parts of the game i came for and enjoy.
  6. I love the building system and what you have done with it, but i noticed when i was building there is an option for HALF STAIR but not for HALF RAMP.. Add a Half Ramp option to the list because if i am building out of Ramps and get to a spot where a half is required.. oh there is that one derpy half stair out of place.. Its purely cosmetic but a massive oversight for RP and just general wanting everything to look cohesive.
  7. I dont think removing them is ideal entirely i do however think adjustments can be made to make them less of a threat. I get you want alphas to be strong but normally there is something that can counter act their strong points, but as current alphas go: Strengths - Health, Hard hitting, MASSIVELY reduced damage, spawning too often, spawning at too high a level verses the natural wild life and keeping the abilities normal counter parts have. Weakness- Fire arrows kinda?(the running away and inability to hit them while raining/in water) They are grossly overpowered, they were one to two shotting tames before the tames got the 40% scaling nerf, now its only gotten worse. Yep i want to go out on a tame with at best 300 health at worse 100 health and have something one shot me that can grab me off my mount has a gross amount of health and a gross amount of damage that if i do manage to kill will be back in 5 minutes or less. We need a few things done to make them still seem like a threat but not so grossly overpowered that my tame that took hours to tame doesn't die the instant it runs into one of these. Remove their abilities: Alphas are already strong they dont need the ability to dismount or grab your mount.(aware this pertains to only lions) Hardiness: Completely remove the damage reduction or lower it greatly (half it or greater).(Currently regardless of melee all tamed creatures will only ever hit an alpha for 12 damage it will never go any higher no matter how much melee you pump) Spawning: Lower their spawn chance. Aggro Radius: Needs to be greatly lowered, half the time they see me before i see them and they are legit 100 foundations away. (i would say remove their ability to aggro entirely but i could see that removing too much of the threat) Structure Abuse: Make them break stone faster(1-2 shot?), i feel its too easy for you to "cheese" alphas through structure abuse.(while this may not be a popular thought, i for one have abused the ability for them to not just smash through structures above wood, but i also feel "leading alphas" to a pin to then just be able to cheese them down without threat of death is kind of negating what you were intending with alphas which is to clearly ruin your day and make you want to punch any nearby people. Aggro Generalized: They should not by default aggro through walls(tames or players near or close to walls) or aggro structures unless they are in turn aggro'd then ran to said structures(ie you aggro it, it chases, you run to your base and then go into said base at that point yes it should try to "eat structures to get to you") If i think of anything else, i will update my post but i have to go at this very moment.
  8. Before The Patch: https://imgur.com/SXWqmy4 After the Patch: https://imgur.com/uMLCQxU Notice the WILD LEVELS(44 to 38) along with the level change at the top Went from (72 to 66) I don't know if that is intended or a issue that needs to be sorted, Yes i am aware the stat change (health and melee) are supposed to be reduced thats not the issue here its the levels that have just disappeared out of no where. As a side note the griaffe i tamed yesterday that was unable to level before patch has its full wild levels and can now level.. So older tames seem to be bugged?
  9. The temperature requirement needs to be removed when creatures are in their natural habitat(where they spawn freely, there is no real reason if i can tame it there that it can't handle the temperature when raising) However if they aren't in their natural habitat i am all for a check going off for too hot or too cold and you needing to adjust the temperature as needed. Its unrealistic to have such strict requirements when even taming a creature is a hassle, breeding them should not also require an investment of this much time and effort. Baby sitting, hand feeding, and general watching to make sure they eat properly is already a huge time investment much-less the constant temperature checking. Though i suggest removing it entirely, a fair compromise is just letting creatures not in their "natural habitat" queue the temperature check throughout growth in the baby and juvenile stages, once they have left those "fussy stages" they should be fine unless there is a HUGE temperature change from their normal. (IE: a tropical creature in a polar region)
  10. I feel them counting towards the PERSON/CREW count is dumb yes, but perhaps there should be a second allotment per boat/ship/raft for animals. Like x out of x livestock allowed on board, yes they do count towards weight but not allowing an allotment period and removing them as a crew member would be too strong and allow for too many animals on board depending how bare bones you make the ship. Rafts: 1 Livestock Points Sloops: 3 Livestock Points Schooner: 5-6 Livestock Points Brigantine: 9-11 Livestock Points Galleon: 15-17 Livestock Points There is 3 Tiers of tames, Each Tier would have an automatic Point allotment they would take per craft: Tier 1 would be 1 point, Tier 2 would be 2 points, and Tier 3 would be 3 points. This brings balance and doesn't allow things like 4-5 wolves on a raft (they weigh around 100 lbs each).
  11. I dont like the temperature management for the simple reason there is no way to "cool down" a bird that SPAWNS in this environment, sure land creatures you can drag into water but that doesn't work for a flyer..(if you say penguin i will slap you with its flipper, that is a whole other level of silly you are implying here) Not to mention, if i tame a bird in a tropical area and then proceed to breed and hatch more of them in the same area there should literally be no temperature management, it's their NATIVE habitat. While yes normally in captivity you do have moderately strict requirements for temperature, that is normally because they are not being raised in their normal habitat.(This is a game however logic is not what we want, but this is also to the extreme however regardless) It sounds good on paper but its not good in play.
  12. I agree the system in place currently is way too survival based and completely throws off the MMO feel they are poster childing. I think Scurvy and Diseases are interesting keynotes that could play into game-play but they should not rule the roost so to speak. Like DIJASON said above "instead of forcing us to die so rapidly, let us get sickly, slow down our movements, or blurr our vision, while not eating the right stuff, over a good few in game weeks, give us true and proper disease, etc. " MMOs dont have a food system because it takes away from actual game-play and progress, Yes there is cooking in most of them but its PURELY for buffs when it comes to raids or other big ventures that require a little extra boost. It feels like a lot of the systems in place currently need some revisions or complete reworks.
  13. So after having tamed both low level(2) and higher level(28) creatures -Chicken, Wolves, Lions, Flying Vermin-, I have come to the realization based both on difficulty(time spent and resources used) and how easily tames are able to die to just about anything. That either costs to craft said taming items(Bolas) need to be reduced or it needs to give anywhere from 3-5(The item shows that its a 5x craft on the icon but it only gives one?) of the item per craft. Taming also requires a cage/trap for bola tames else when they run you lose too much taming progress. (Yet another resource dump for a map that seems very sparse in resources no matter where you go) Taming would be completely bonk without the improved taming talents and even with them, honestly taming is not worth whatever benefit you think you would get from said tame(Because everything seems to stand up with 200-230 health at most, meaning guns or fire arrows would kill them in 1-2 maybe 3 shots at most, mind you with a saddle that granted 25 armor) Taming verses time, effort, and resources put into verses the outcome of what you receive is completely imbalanced and needs reworking.(Reduced times between feeds perhaps, Increased bola duration to perhaps twice or three times the current duration, Further improvements to the taming efficiency to boost it along further perhaps, Boosting the feeding to maybe 5% at most per feed, Given the amount of points you have to use to even get most of the bare minimum amount of the useful/necessary skills in beastmastery tree it all feels VERY under whelming, Or even perhaps taking a bit from each column and boosting everything above a bit. -Baring in mind i know this needs to be balanced to fit into PvP and any potential advantage over those that dont intend or plan on taming- [at max currently you get on a lvl 28 wolf 1.9% per feed at 2-3 feeds per bola, with a 25 sec CD between feeds, a bola timer of 1 minute 30 seconds-2 minutes and needing to knock the health to about 15-25% to even bola them to start with, minding you that their health regenerates to either half or almost full during the feeding time/bola duration, i lost count on re-bolas and bone feeds honestly] [Lion at lvl 18 is about 1.5-2% per feed, 35 sec re-feed, 1:30-2min re-bola timer, 2-3 feeds per bola, the re-knocking of health back to the range to re-bola, the health regenerating, took around 16 bolas and 40+ prime meat] Taming is also a huge reason for me even wanting to play the game and my experience has made me log out a number of times out of frustration. Feel free to share opinions with constructive criticism or other improvements you think would be good and beneficial to the taming process. Yes I know its a game for "Piratey Shenanigans, Mutinies, Scurvy, Peg Leg Mishaps, and Eye Patch Misadventures" but they added taming for a reason be it a after thought or not it doesn't need to go unimproved if possible and yes it may not be as high a priority as bigger issues but it does need to be mentioned so it can be made more enjoyable.
  14. A lot of areas have overspawning and RESPAWNS are also absurdly fast. I could clear 20-30 vultures and in under 5 minutes double or more are spawned back in their place.(Mind you this is in a very small area not a wide area clear)
  15. So when repairing a Torch that is in a hot-bar slot, it will spam repair it till all the resources you have in your inventory that are used to repair it are gone or you dump one of the resources used to stop it. I have managed to repeat the issue every time when repairing it on the hot-bar slot, removing it from the slot it repairs just fine without causing the spam repair.
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