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About KIlestera

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  1. I get nerfing tames to be more game balanced. However, you guys are taking it beyond reasoning. You keep reducing the base stats of tames to the point there is no reason to tame because the base lvls of a lvl 30 can only have around 300-500 base health. How do you expect creatures to live if the mount and player get jumped by a pack which naturally spawn? I rarely see one of any creature besides snakes running around alone. You are literally screwing tamers and breeders over so hard. If you are going to keep nerfing tames like this then either get rid of the Alpha creatures or NERF THEM! On top of this you made elephants no longer have a weight reduction for wood, a heavy material they are SUPPOSED to gather. I dreamed and hoped for the day you would have the Rhino reduce the weight of stone, but you killed that too. This all leads to the question of, what are the point of tames at this point? Either make taming useful and worth the points to fully invest into or don't have it in the game. You'll crush a lot of people who love the taming aspect and who love animals, but repeatedly nerfing tames to the point they are pets in the base that never leave is even more of a let down than just not having it in the game. What is the point of taming devs?
  2. The breeding in Ark used to be every 3-4 hours to imprint and the time was never consistent. For a long while people told the devs that the imprints needed to be adjusted to real life people schedules. What I mean by this is that a person needs approx. 8 hours of sleep. People with jobs could not raise babies without taking time off of work. The imprinting times were finally adjusted to be 8 hours apart and be pretty consistent in that aspect. Finally, someone could sleep normal times and not wake up ever 3-4 hours or take time off of work to do something they wanted to do in a game. The breeding in Atlas has kept that 8 hour imprint timer; however, they have added in a different mechanic so that the kid constantly wants the temperature around it changed. This aspect does not go away while the baby is growing. If you go to sleep, expect the kid to be dead. A game should not be encouraging bad sleeping habits and this was said with Ark's old breeding system as well (before the 8 hour imprint timers and food consumption reductions). It is a game, I get working hard for something but forcing people to stay awake for days straight is absolutely ridiculous if they want to raise a kid. I suggest removing this mechanic from Juvenal and till it is full grown. The baby phase it requires food put into the baby's inventory, people are going to be closely watching them anyway so having the temperature mechanic would not be that much of an issue. Yes you could swap shifts with people, but it should not be this stressful to simply play a certain part of the game. People want to experience the raising of animals, let us do this more comfortably! Let us know that our hard work with a stressful baby phase is worth it once it hits that Juvenal phase. Please look into balancing this system better devs. People need sleep and encouraging bad sleeping habits or in this case no sleep at all is not a healthy way for anyone to be playing a game.
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