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Everything posted by Ducki

  1. I agree with this and I agree with the others. Increase the gathering speed for the duration this game is still in early access. It's just too easy to lose a base or a ship or whatever so increasing the resource gathering speed for now would be great and lower it back to normal when the game actually works like it's supposed to.
  2. Ducki

    Whales OP

    The whale seems to be OP af but honestly the worst thing is that the whales are not neutral. They sink your anchored ships too and I even saw one whale bugging on an island so RIP to the bases on that island, aswell as the players on it.
  3. I feel you.. the whales attacks anchored ships too apparently since one whale one shotted my anchored schooner when I was offline. How do I know it one shotted my schooner if I was offline one might ask? Easy.. look at the company log and you'll see every god damn plank on the ship get destroyed in the same time stamp.
  4. One of those son of a guns was swimming on an island.. I would love to see the peoples faces who got killed by it inside their own base ON land
  5. Ok, so monstrous whale can aggro your anchored ships... what is the point of gathering resources for a ship many hours just so it can sink while you're offline? It takes way too long to build a ship compared to how easily you can lose it. First ships of the damned and now god damn whales? what's next?
  6. I have 6 floor stone base and snakes and other mofos just comes straight in through the wall somehow on the 2nd floor.. Early access game what can I say.
  7. Ahoy mateys! I'm very interested in this trading ship thing which came in the last patch, however I haven't found any of them yet so my question basicly is that are they sailing randomly in some regions or is there some specific spot where they always are (ex. freeports)?
  8. So I saw this in the patch notes "- NPC Trading Ships are back and no longer affected by wild creature destruction commands! Reminder for those with deep pockets, the trader ships have an epic Dragon which can be purchased for 50,000 gold coins" Alright so there's now a dragon hurrayy.. the thing I want to know about the dragon is that is it cosmetic like for the ship or something or is it actual dragon that kills stuff etc? And what about the gold coins one might ask? well 50k gold coins weights like 30-40 tons or something right? so how am I supposed to get the coins to the trader anyway? Bonus: If someone happens to know what does the merchant ship have in their shops I would love to know! Happy new year peeps!
  9. Fire arrows are very good yes but if you nerf them then they become completely useless so maybe they should find some kind of balance
  10. So I went to the other side of the forum posted a topic about this concern and some gentleman there told me that you need 4 different kind of the same resource that's what the 4x means. Haven't tested it out yet so not sure if it's not true but I think it would make sense to be honest.. Going to test it soon myself.
  11. Ahh is that so? well that lightens up things if it's like that... They should've explained the 4x or 2x things somewhere a little better! I'll go test that out right away my man. Thanks
  12. I keep it simple and short: Better quality blueprints not working (masterwork, legendary etc) Common blueprints works fine.
  13. Reminds me of my base... I go to the roof of my base to see 5 wolves 3 crocs thousands of vultures and 6 snakes knocking on my door.. the best part is that the snakes bugs through the walls inside the base.. it's like there's no walls at all.
  14. I found out that only common blueprints works and it sucks because I have many good blueprints I'd like to use...
  15. Not sure which patch problem this should be but I think there's something wrong with the better quality blueprints because I have everything to craft them but can't craft.
  16. I'm playing duo with my friend and we noticed the same thing that some of the skills requires way too many skillpoints right now. But we found many blueprints when we sailed in the sea looking for flotsams until all the ghost ships rekt us in 5 minutes. So I guess you can try to look for all the blueprints needed and try to save some skillpoints from that. BUT some of the needed skills needs the blueprint skills anyway so prolly you can't save much skillpoints finding blueprints. I'm not playing until they fix the ghost ship and predator spawns.. That is the main issue right now.
  17. Yup we spent 60 hours to build a schooner and a sloop and we were sailing nicely until 7.0 patch... got to our ship, dropped sails and 5 mins later we're sinking... Basicly right now ships are not worth building at all because sailing is impossible atleast without crew and bunch of cannons and all of that stuff needs another 60 hours resource gathering just so you can sink your ship in 5 minutes all over again... Nice patch gotta say.
  18. Just hooow man, what was the treasure and how did you recognize like "woow there's a treasure map lemme pick it up" ?
  19. Ayyee, 53 hours of gameplay and not even a hint about where could treasure maps be, heelp. In simple, where can I find treasure maps?
  20. Hey fellow pirates! I've come to a problem as you can read from the title. I have everything else for diving except the diving suit which can't be found anywhere on the skill trees nor crafting menus. Would appreciate the help alot if someone knows where to get this diving suit or how thanks! Hoist the colors!
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