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About Tentarro

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  1. Yeah but I'm not as worried about losing my entire base to an American or Euro name than I am to a Chinese name flying around and breaking everything in one hit.
  2. This would be mostly solved if they just region locked China.
  3. I'm pretty sure I was talking about you.
  4. While this is really the only way to combat them right now, this guy is still a moron. The real way to be combat them would be making them more rare to spawn, as well as nerfing the general behavior of creatures like Wolves. Getting attacked 7 times in less than 2 seconds is batshit insane.
  5. If you could convey that to resident dumbass Archaeago that'd be a better use of time he's the same dude that thinks having a wolf somehow enter your base with no holes and everyone dying is somehow our fault for doing "something wrong"
  6. Wait hold on there pallyboi, what happened to your preaching of "it's early access it's early access! waah!" You're bitching about shit that's subject to change, while I on the other hand complain about things that, based on a game they've already made, shouldn't even be an issue. Get fucking real.
  7. If you're bored why did you even bother replying? Big think right there, dumbass
  8. Man assumptions are the only thing youre good at making, and you're not even good at that Also I see you conceded that I'm right considering you're trying to get to the "conclusion" part of your shit tier essay called, "how to prove to the internet I'm fucking retarded" I bet you play PvE
  9. Man you are fuckin retarded, clearly they were just sitting on the zone line, which is stupid as shit that they even have that behavior, so you and the ghost ships have something in common it seems Your "base" is hilarious, do us a favor and fuck off
  10. Nah baby boi, you clearly haven't been playing this game, otherwise you'd know anything about it. You read my post and was like, "Hmm, he almost immediately got sunk by 3 ghost ships that spawned on him after changing regions, MUST BE BECAUSE HE DIDN'T SAIL RIGHT" I really, genuinely feel sorry for people who are forced to interact with you irl
  11. What kind of boat do you think I'm using that I can't haul at least 1k metal every trip? Are you fucking silly dawg? Clearly you're the fucking baboon if you think I'm not doing that shit. Do me a favor and actually play the game, clearly you haven't left your raft.
  12. Nah bruh you're the one with a reading comprehension problem, I said we were WEIGHED DOWN, not OVERWEIGHT. Your point is not only stupid but impossible. Ships themselves add so much ludicrously stupid weight that in order to make a trip worth it, you can't just bring back 200 metal. But if you actually sailed, you'd know. Because honestly it sounds like you're playing the game out of your ass.
  13. What a meme, "Just sail bro, go get resources" "Don't get resources that'll get you killed by sotd lol" How awful thinking must be for you
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