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Rita Longlegs

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Everything posted by Rita Longlegs

  1. Nature of bug: Boat Glitching at region crossing Location: EU-PVE Sirens call - SW area of N8 near the border into N9 UNABLE TO REJOIN TO GET THE CCC CORDS! What i did: At i was about to sail off with my brigantine, loaded with 3 elefants and 3 crew, i wanted to go do some harvesting. Wanted my boat repaired while i was working, so unseated the rear crew NPC to have her sweep the decks, only to see her slowly fly away into the distance. As i moved my boat, i noticed she was following the boat movements far off in the distance. (She was flying far infront and above the boat) Thinking she was a loss, i set sail on the front 2 speed sails using the remaining crew, and manually set the aft sail at max speed. Then, we came near, NOT close, but near, to the N9 crossing, and all hell broke loose... I found myself loosing connection far from the border, and upon rejoin i found myself in the water, looking at a ship that kept appearing and disapearing :S A company mate of mine, is now stuck on the boat, after he teleported to the boat via the bed, and is now completely unable to join the game. Immediate assistance is REALLY needed :S Video: (around 8 mins long) Blinker Bug at region transition [Server Ver. 15.76]
  2. SO.... we got some of the age mechanic into the game, awesome. That, kinda makes up the only positive thing i have to say. Ninjapatching: From one patch to another, several, non-mentioned patches are being implemented; 2-3 the amount of SOtD's on the waters, making sailing near impossible, unless running around in a armed ship NOT running the basic planks, sails, cannons etc etc. On top of that, we are supposed to find the fountain of youth. Awesome idea, however... Having those located on islands with mobs that aggro from miles away, are 100+ levels higher than us, and having more than 15 hostile animals within aggrorange is downright stupid, arrogant and sending a signal to the players, that we are not wanted unless we are at the very pinacle of levels, gear and experience. The extreme lack of response from the devs, is a MASSIVE killer in these situations, especially when it seems there are MORE content comming, before the allready implemented has been fixed to a playable, and enjoyable level. @Devteam: better get back at the rudder before you end up in that granite wall dead ahead!!!
  3. Cant go through doors after 15.0 .... yhm... fix urgently needed LOL
  4. They WHAT ?! o.O .... How the wettest binkie would they be able to do that ?! o.O
  5. Odd... im running an exploration schooner, with everything below deck, exept for the forge, that is currently placed on the top deck due to en emergency situation where this numbnut forgot to bring alloys Heck, my company friend even managed to stuff a smithy below deck, aswell as a preservation bag on his sloop o.O For placing below deck, i HIGHLY recomend doing so in first-person-view. Near, if not completely, impossible to do in third person view :S (Change view using the "P" key.... unless you keybinded that to something else..)
  6. Tried that too with a scooner The solution to move them away from borders wont really work though, as you place the, in my opinion, massive presence of SOTD in the middle, making it more or less impossible to sail anything but a sloop / raft to any island, as the waters in the middle will be flooded with those things I dont mind the SOTD at all, but their numbers are a tad too high really. Combined with 3-4 tornadoes out of the blue, chomping bits off of your ship aswell, makes for some really demanding sailing o.O
  7. Nope. Waited for them to deply the fix, logged in, and was back into my Company ^.^
  8. Im looking forward to this aswell o.O ... Kinda hope they'll make it so we inherrit some of the skills from our parents, which are auto-added onto our new-born skill trees ... Like, growing an epic character... I mean.... Mom, who's a captain spec, dad who is shipwright spec = Baby with hard-coded skills in those areas from birth, not costing skillpoints... mmmm nom nom nom ♥
  9. Server: EU PVE - Sirens Call Region: A5 Company Name: Northern Rejects Our Company has also been affected by the latest company bug
  10. So, we have to spec into building, armory, archery, taming AND the advanced parts of each of those, in order to survive ? .... Your arguments are falling apart pretty fast at this pace, as there is NO way, that is possible for a new player.... MAYBE, you found a way with swimming away from the buggars, logged off if the heat was too intense, but your "helpfull" ideas, does not work. simple as that. Im level 26, i die in 2 ... TWO!!!!! bites from a wolf with no armor on. Now, imagine what 1 bite, does to a fresh player level 5.... THAT is where the issue is, as no new player, nor a bunch of high leveld players, simply cant make it. Animals attack up on decks, through walls, while you sleep etc etc.... theyre buggy, OP as feck and need fixing. Pretty much end of story.
  11. Dress nakid, wear a hatchet, and go try It's not supposed to be easy, nope. However, not supposed to be incredibly hard either.
  12. Fresh out of freeport on yer raft, level lowbie, hardly any skills in terms of building, and then add in the issue of gathering stuff to build your suggested idea... GL with that
  13. True, the balancing will be better, (hopefully). However, not fixing things as theyre added in, means there is a pile of stuff to be fixed, with increased chance of fudging something up in the process. Fixing, and balancing as they add stuff, makes a playable game, with feedback that actually is current and usefull, reducing the amounts of bugs later down the road, as there is less stuff to balance out and fix in the end.
  14. Personally, im VERY dissapointed on the massive lack of responses to, atleast some, of the massive amounts of issues we are having as players. None of us knows, if our issues with the state of the game is heard, or ignored. I would really like to see WAY more communication, enabling players AND Dev's to see where the heck we are heading on the bugs / issues lists, not to mention, getting some sort of reassurance, that things are getting fixed and that we are heard. Having a few ACTIVE forum mods, relaying info, answering questions etc etc, actively working on the forums, would be a massive help for ALL of us.
  15. Hostile animal respawn timers are indeed WAY off, as is their insane aggro and damage settings. Not only has the game become utterly unplayable, more so than is was before as the dear Devs seems to refuse to acknowledge they fudged up on several issues that needs dealing with ASAP. Sure, i can understand the importance of enabling people to play in the first place, fixing the server and connection issues, but then, it's on to gameplay bugs and balancing of the stuff the game allready has, BEFOR adding more content that just adds to the bugs list. Things with animals i would really like to see happen within a very short timespan: - Less hostile animal spawns in a given area. (4-wolf packs + 2 crocs + rattlesnakes + Alphas within 50 meters is NOT playable) - Deny animals from spotting / attacking through walls and hulls !!!!! (Getting bitten to death by crocks, sailing away from an island, is NOT logical...) - Set biome spawn rules for animals!! ( wth is a wolf doing in the dessert in the first place ?) - Reduce the animal count per 50 meters. (5-6 elefants, 4-5 pigs + hostile animals in a tiny area ?!) - Reduce animal armor penetration abilities by ATLEAST half, so our armor actually counts for something!!! That's just a fraction of my thoughts about animals...
  16. Major issue in PVE aswell. Absolutely zero islands out there to make a claim on at all, thanks to the unlimited supply of free claimflags one single person can run around with
  17. we took off on 2 Schooners..... lost one right after a crossing into a freeport, where 2 ghost ships were encountered.... at a FREEPORT!!! wtf o.O Ghost ship design.... NOT pirate fitting at all.... WAY too futuristic imho Level 25 ghosties are red btw...
  18. There are 3 types of sail for each weightclass of ship: Speed Sails (For speed ?) Weight Sails (For heavy ships or sturdiness ?) Handling Sails (For better handling ?) There is no description in existance as to what each sail does for the ship Logically thinking, Speed and handling, would be for speed of the ship, and handling of the ship, respectively. However, there is some arguments about the weight sail... Is this for cargo shipping, aka heavily loaded ships, OR, is the sail build for combat, being sturdier than the other 2 ? devs really need to work on the item descriptions, as stuff is added to the game.... pretty please :S
  19. Through the building tree, you go into chemicals and tannery to be able to make a mortar and pestle, which is needed to make presevation salt, (Salt + Flint) ... which, is funny, because, theres no logic in finding food stuffs under building, chemicals or tanning LOL Maybe... don't know, which is the reason for this post... For the devs to add in pre-reqs for skills, written in items / skills :S Kinda impossible to plan a route of leveling, or even a niche to spec into, not knowing what to go for, when and how :S You can get salt off of stones with varied textures... some are blue, others look like salt piles... common for them all though, is that theyre near water ^.^
  20. Simple fix: Requires a Company to plant flag, and each company can only plant 1 flag in the whole game, which btw, should be costly in time to demolish.
  21. A few minutes ago, i ate an entire cow. This resulted in my starvation bar, moving up a few millimeters. Same goes when eating an entire field of x fruit.... However, a human can survive for 8 days, without food, and a week without water o.O ... in the game, we live barely a day, after consuming the above mentioned quantities I find myself, more busy keeping water and food levels above zero, rather than getting actual things done in the game, which, is really a shame, given the amount of things needed to be done and explored Water... when running around in the beginning, we drink water off the ground... But, once one has been drinking, the area is totally empty of water for several meters around the spot, causing major issues on smaller islands with loads of people around, who all need water.
  22. One thing i am REALLY missing so far, and one of the major sources for frustration on my part, is the absolute and total lack of description on things. What is required to unlockl certain skille, (pre reqs etc) HOW to use salt... (I made a mortar, made salt, and now... NO idea how to use it, and zero chance to figure out) The game really really needs some more information on these things, all across the board.
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