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Everything posted by upperking

  1. will it load existing GUS.ini and Game.ini? because it doesn't show their settings in the utlity gui.. also how to you browse more of your shard tabs? can only see up-to C3 I cant browse to the right to see more of my 49 tabs... I can browse over to them using the arrows on the keyboard but doesn't change the tabs view... https://gyazo.com/aa7d0af390973449222e25ac4c272056
  2. iF I WERE TO RENAME MY FOLDERS WOULD IT BE AltSaveDirectoryName=00 TO AltSaveDirectoryName=A1 start /high C:\ATLAS2\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\ShooterGameServer.exe Ocean?ServerX=0?ServerY=0?AltSaveDirectoryName=00?
  3. Oh I see you have all the folders names A1 A2 ect. Mine are not named that way, mine 00,01,02,03 etc..... is there a option to change that format?
  4. https://gyazo.com/d4e0e2d534a1f45d1187db2b715751e0 I get error when clicking to look at the GUS or other buttons
  5. firewall is the biggest issue in these problems. make sure you port forward in you windows firewall and your home router firewall. example https://gyazo.com/8b24b3de7c846b5c18933bf58fb46d32
  6. I dont see why you need to add SeamlessDataSocketPort=27000,27005,27010,27015 to the defaultgameusersetttings seems to work fine without it...
  7. And you wonder why there are so few players playing this game after 3 months of pure hell!
  8. trouble is you can research all day long and not find anything on how to edit atlas redit files .....
  9. Did deleting it work? grapeshot is so vague on any of the redis things,,,,,,
  10. Not looking so good anymore, is it even worth hosting a server? https://steamcharts.com/app/834910
  11. Try updating it with out the app start /wait /high C:\steamcmd\steamcmd.exe ^ +login anonymous ^ +force_install_dir C:\ATLAS2\ ^ +app_update 1006030 validate ^ +quit
  12. when I added they 11 grids to make the 5x5 to a 6x6 all the clam flag areas were moved from their original place to out in the water in other words they are misaligned now
  13. Its still showing powerstones and flags off https://gyazo.com/8196d06b879473502c3c887f0ea1fc86
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