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Traven Guthrie

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Everything posted by Traven Guthrie

  1. Simply not true. The big 10 on the map mostly have a lot of sea claims. There are easily 12-15 companies of varying size that own the land in my grid. and while exploring other grids I find its about the same. game is overpopulated. Everyone saying that ALL TEH LAND IS OWNED BY ONE PLAYER!!!1 is frankly just exaggerating to make their argument seem more valid.
  2. Ive played a lot of games at release. Star Trek Online, Champions Online, Warhammer online, ESO, Archage, SWTOR... etc... EVERY TIME there are issues at the start. People cant get in, game wrecking bugs and exploits and what I find funny is that every time, people act like its the ONLY game in the world to have any issues! My what bad memories gamers have. Its an EA. Stuff is gonna get lost. Hours are gonna be wasted. You accepted that when you bought the game. Yes push for fixes, but don't act surprised when you need report things in a beta test.
  3. Yes many people poured into this "failed" game. You really expect land to be waiting for you now? Of course it is all claimed. I don't know what country you live in but I know if I came there and demanded even a 5m3 square of land that i didn't have to pay for to call my own, i would get laughed out of your borders. Don't know why people expect that in this game. Oh you paid for the game and that entitles you to land? False. You paid for the opportunity to claim a chunk of this world, just LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. You still have that opportunity! But since you slept in, you will have to work for it a bit harder. But by all means. limit the number of flags to one per person, my 25 man company will go from 15 flags to 25, and have even more territory. Just so all the solo heroes out there don't stuff in and keep important resources from spawning. You are asking to make the game worse.
  4. More people that don't know what they are asking for. You complain about lawless zones being stuffed full, but then you want to have people stuffed in every island like that which will make them barren. People waited to play, throwing hissy fits about a few days later to release, and so they missed the land rush. It sucks but that's the way it is. Even with one flag for person you would still not claim land due to the sheer numbers that poured in to this "failed" game. Land space is finite, so how are the devs supposed to have fresh untouched land for each new solo hero who wants to do everything on their own? Only answers to this is give you some kind of single player mode, or open a new server. No its not one person, claiming an entire island. Ive been accused of this even tho i am a company of 25+ and we only have 15 land flags, and maybe 20% of the island we are on. We share the island with several companies of varying size. And I sailed through rubberbanding, lag infested waters day 1 to claim the land I got for my company. So i earned it. Also notice that i said 25 on 15 flags? Go ahead and limit us to one each, we will spread out and take more land that way. And there are other companies that would do the exact same thing. Its not feasible at all to have land reserved for each new player, so yes. you will either have to contest, which we find we can do almost every day. Or swallow your solo pride in thinking you are better than everyone else and WORK with someone. I would offer you a place like I have many others but we are getting pretty full. Have to manage the land, to keep the resources spawning. Not every piece of land without a shipyard or huge base is unused... where do you think the resources were gathered to build the base down the way?
  5. I dont think admins can do this. It is my experience that only the company owner can.
  6. There is something you can do about it (mostly)! under the company tab by the crew log there is a governance button. In here you can set buildings to personal owned. I use this setting for my company. While this is set anything built has the personal owner tag of the person that built it. and only that person (or officers and admins) can demo it. Company leaders must keep admin demolish on or a new person can just take everything locked by demo. Its not about power it is about security. Now with ships you are screwed. I really wish they would change this as a company leader. Ships are always company owned and you cant change it. Hopefully they implement this soon. And allow us to unlcaim ships.
  7. is your ship bottoming out? unless you see a good half meter of clearance between the keel and the sea floor, your ship will get stuck. try to turn and inch it out where the sea floor slopes down.
  8. YES this DOES work. wont work with a raft because there is no wheel. i just went into my docked brig, got on wheel and raised anchor then pressed s. ship started moving backwards noticeably right away! You can even inch forward without having to open sails if you hold w.
  9. with the nerfing of fire arrows we placed a few balista turrets on our fort to kill alpha predators. they do 100 dmg to the body and 300 to head.
  10. In Atlas, all ships are company owned. I see no setting in governance for ships. We have tames set to personally owned as well as structures but new ships are always company owned. I really wish that they would implement the ability to personally own ships so my members could enjoy the protection and authority on ships they build like they have on buildings.
  11. if every player was limited to one flag and with a smaller radius there would be no resources on any island as people would stuff in and build their bases/ shipyards on every possible space and block resource spawns. Responsible land ownership means controlling overbuilding. i know everyone wants to play solo but its much more beneficial to gather into groups. People keep saying that 1 person owns whole islands... well this is an exaggeration. We own a good size territory. (22 members on 15 flags so put your pitchforks away) and we inhabit around 20% of the large island. The rest is occupied by at least a dozen companies of varying sizes. In all the grids I have sailed Ive seen none that were only 1 person. And if it was, they will get tired of having to visit all that land every 3 days and they will lose it eventually. Even with flag limits people would find a way around it. For example if my company was limited and flags were limited to one per person we could just spread out and actually claim MORE land that way. It sucks for people that are just entering the game, but the land rush is over and places are claimed. Not sure how you expect land to just be there waiting for you everywhere you go. You will have to wait and take something abandoned or make a deal with current land owners. If you are on NA PVE and want a place to settle, and are willing to join a company to do it, come check out Titanfish Cay on O9. We have good territory and when you join us you can keep your sense of soloness. Members of our company personally own structures that they build and their involvement (or lack thereof) in company affairs is up to them. We have a town built with all the amenities available to the members of our company along with plots in the town set aside for those to build houses there if they want to live in a more urban environment. Players are also allowed to build outside of town as long as they don't block a strategic resource (metal/oil/coal etc). Our #1 rule is to respect the personal property of others, and anyone who doesn't follow this wont be living with us for long.
  12. Yes this needs to be fixed. My suggestion: 1. Remove the DAMAGE by over weighted ships. simply make them immobile when overweight as any other mount/person is. 2. Make it so that players can kick off/ pick up and drop off any non company player that is on their ships (prevents griefing of loading peoples ships down so they cant move) 3. Implement a decay timer, so when a ship enters an EXISTING, non friendly claim area, the owners can claim/scuttle the ship after it has been there for so long. This will allow land owners to keep their beaches clean and prevent people from blocking shipyards etc with invincible ships. If they did these three things, then people would be unable to exploit extra ship carry weight via non company passengers, as well as mitigate or prevent ship sinking griefing or the ship blocking griefing that would arise from invincible ships.
  13. We wont lose land. We have taken on enough people that love playing as a group too much that we could easily split it up and still cover it so I'm not worried about it at all. Cute you think you are the mass majority because my grid isn't owned by 2 companies. there's at least 24 separate groups of players here of various sizes with land claims. With the 150 person cap in zone that allows for an average company size of 6.25 players. If the other zones are spread similar to ours, and still the "mass majority" as you say have no land then there's too many players for the size of this thing and stripping land wont work as a solution. You speak as though two person companies own whole islands. If this the case it will get pretty tiring for 2 people to touch 20 something flags every few days and when they do start to run out of timers it will be quite easy to take land from them if you weren't so against playing with other people. a team effort could strip land from them if they took more than they could maintain. I have actually allready done this a couple of times.
  14. I had two days by myself on this island. if I was spamming flags I would have a lot more of it. And saying it will kill the game... what like all the negative reviews on steam killed it? or the relaunch issues? people still coming in droves but the game is dying? sure. And i didnt say you were blaming me, but you are advocating stripping land away from anyone that has a few more claims which is completely unfair. And we've allready claimed the land of two groups that have quit over the whole ship of the damned debacle. So do some legwork and you can get land.
  15. Work with established groups to access land as an ally or merging with them. Ive absorbed several solos this way and made deals to trade land for different things as allies. If you waited to get into the game its your own fault. If you couldnt get in due to launch issues its kinda the devs fault ( roll of the dice). No where is it my fault for playing the game the way it is designed to be played. Or wait for someone to go offline for long enough to claim. Those are the options. stripping land away from people because of the people crying about us playing the game not only is completely unfair to us, but would ruin most territory as I already stated. You know very good and well if you worked to get on first and claim a bit of land you would be up in arms if the devs forced you to give it up because newer players think they have to have their own land to progress And taxation has just as much place in PvE as PvP. Solution is simple. If so many people bought the game that servers are overflowed soo much then they need to open a new server until its balanced.
  16. This would have that effect at first. but then the mega tribes would be even more powerful if the spawn rate of resources were to be adjusted up to accommodate islands saturated by solo claims.
  17. I dont need help. I dont need to win anyone over. Im suggesting solutions that would help YOU. but I guess youve decided Im the bad guy here. Simply because im looking out for not only my company, but all the other companies on our island. So whatever.
  18. And your future of barren islands with 1000s of solo player bases would be bad. Wc needs to change something in the game design, but forcing land away from people isnt the answer. Since you want to play by yourself they should make it possible like on ark.
  19. Sigh. Im not a big shot. A company of 11+ is big but not big shot worthy. But again, you are speaking through anger and frustration because you cant stomach playing a game with other people and dont realize that your way would be very very bad. Ive been approached by easily a hundred solo players either trying to steal or begging for land. Now a single player or duo wont do much damage, but imagine if all hundred stuffed in? Again the island would be wasteland and no one would be able to build anything. And the idea that solo players should have everything a group works for without the group is a mentality that is seriously harming gaming as we know it. No, I dont need that big of a claim to build on. But the dozens of players that harvest resources on our lands sure dont mind it. And in all honesty, you know if our situations were reversed you would be saying the same thing I am.
  20. You dont have to like my answer for it to be true. Sorry Ive posted about this on several other threads and on this one I didnt say that the solution is another server. Its not about mega crews. Mine isnt a mega crew and we are doing fine. On my grid theres dozens of crews with decent sized lands.
  21. We have two boats in our harbour that dont belong to us and it seems we cant do anything about it. one is a raft that someone sailed up and apparently ditched its been here since day two. The other is a sloop that was owned by two people that joined our company. well its now owned by a company with no members but we cant do anything about it. cant claim it, or nothing. Its anchored in our territory and clogging up our harbour. There has to be something we can do about this. We are on the PvE server so we cant destroy them.
  22. You guys dont understand. There are too many people for this game even with this huge server. All the solo players want a spot of land in which they are going to build a base etc. Those buildings prevent resource respawn around them. If all the solos built their own place islands would be barren waste lands. We are a large 11+ company with a descent size part of land. most of which is unbuilt on. Theres hardly any resources on our main claim that we all live on, but the others stay pristine because our claims prevent people from building there. Im sorry you had issues or waited to get the game. You had to know this was going to be a land rush. Its unfortunate for you but taking away from me and every other descent size company wont solve your problem it will make it worse. They need to open another server.
  23. Dont limit claims. You dont understand that without open land no islands would have resources. people would build in every place and stop the respawn of resources. Join up with crews and you dont have to worry about land. Stop trying to play an MMO as a single player. But I agree that the PVE server is far from PVE. From the constant land stealing (a PvP thing) Stealing from smithies and the like (also PVP) and because people can access things like smithies griefers are sinking ships in PVE from overloading them. On PVE players shouldnt be able to access anything owned by someone else, period. Like shipyards. thats PVE.
  24. We have a sizable claim for a larger company (11+ players) but I see it as land conservation. The shear numbers of solo players coming in wanting to claim their own slice of land would flood the land with bases as people crammed their buildings and shipyards into every possible place and islands would become barren wastelands. Our claims are keeping our island stocked with resources. Its like a wildlife reserve. Sorry we were the first here, and claimed what we saw fit and we are completely willing to rent or absorb players into our company as long as they are decent folks. Complaining about the land we have because you have not and limiting the amount of claims will not fix the game it will make it worse. Since there isnt enough land to satisfy the playerbase then another server needs to be launched.
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