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Everything posted by wildbill

  1. Ya, don't think of it as a safe zone, it is anything but safe to park a ship there. I think the ship sinks when you log in because of how servers work. When no one is around, stuff (like ships) go into statis. When someone comes around, they suddenly update to the state they would have achieved had they been updating all the time that passed since they went into statis (no updates occurring). That new state is sunk, so you get the message right as you login.
  2. I can't tell for sure if the OP is specifically talking about the ghost ship that is rarely seen or just the normal ships of the damned. The ships of the damned are easy enough to avoid and see, even on a raft (well most of the time). I see no problem with them attacking an unarmed ship. Now the ghost ship appears out of nowhere and is harder to avoid when it appears. Would be nice if it only attacked when attacked. I've only seen it I think twice, but if I recall correctly, it doesn't just spin in circles like the ships of the damned. It moves fairly fast in one direction and if you avoid it, it then just disappears in the distance.
  3. I've never seen one, so I never have, but friends got pulled off. I think one died, but they did not lose the ship.
  4. There are maps. You can place them in you hotbar like normal. Level the eagle eye skill and you will see the light beacon from quite the distance. You look at the map in your inventory and figure out which goes for which island. Why do you pretend like you can't do this? I don't think you are so stupid you can't figure this out, so are you just trolling? Now a different question is why is it is taking them so long to fix this? Sure would be nice to use the maps the same way they work on other servers.
  5. Like someone said, the trader is by the vegetable garden. He is not at the dock, he is at the "town" by the swamp.
  6. Never heard of this. I usually put the wheel on the top deck or one deck higher that I make and if you put a ceiling over it, I think it forces you to first person. I like my wheel up high because to restore vitamins, I go off the wheel and look around in first person and dance. This uses stamina and then food so I can eat and restore vitamins. If my wheel was in a position where first person view can not see around, then I could not dance next to the wheel.
  7. What are you talking about? Why can't you play on single or dedicated? I've done it, it is easy. Although it would be nice if the treasure map is fixed to not crash, but there is a simple workaround. Simply don't press the hot key for the map when it is in your hotbar. Not sure why you think this would stop you from playing.
  8. I was punching a training dummy on my ship to get my food to go down so I could eat to get more vitamins. Ultimately the thing that worked the best was to tame a few bears. One of the bears killed me and that reset my vitamins better than anything else I could have done. Nice when a game has a food mechanic that causes a player to welcome something in the game killing them quickly instead of a lack of vitamins killing them slowly
  9. So someone is having trouble getting enough gold and the solution is to by a crab with 5 - 10k Gold they don't have? I'm not understanding that logic. Maybe the game has a banker that will loan them the 5 - 10k and then they can pay it back after doing 20 or 30 treasure hunts? Cool though that you can buy a crab. I might do that once I have the gold. They sound like a fun tame to have. I usually just use a few bears to do treasure hunts. Sometimes they are where a bear can't reach, so I have to skip some of the treasure. I tamed a few bears today, need to level them a bit and will start hunting soon
  10. I think he is saying, xbox is on 402.5 patch, the one with the food bug. PC is on 402.6, the patch that fixed this. I don't normally keep track of what happens on xbox, but it seems strange they have not gotten the 402.6 patch, and I can see how that would be frustrating.
  11. There was a update a few hours ago. Possibly a fix for this bug?
  12. Not sure why you guys are hijacking this post about building to talk about crop plots and ships that follow (great idea though). BTW, the future is here if you play with mods. There are a *lot* of building options that can be added. Several mods will do this. As far as building and crafting goes, the best thing they could add to the core game would be the S+ style resource pulling. The resource management of moving resources around to different locations is very annoying after you have played a game like ARK that added this from the S+ mod.
  13. If someone needs more gold, I'm betting they are just starting out on a server. After a few months, most people have plenty unless maybe they are raided (I play PvE, so at least this is how it works for me). So I'm thinking using crabs to do treasure maps is not going to work for most people that have a gold shortage. Heck, I've never even seen a crab in game. So Bears are the way to go for me. Now if only there was a way to get a bear up on top of a cliff A little off topic, but actual bears can climb like crazy, why can't a bear climb a steep slope? I've been playing Conan Exiles for a bit, then come back to Atlas and the inability of all these tames to climb slopes that some on foot even we can climb seems kind of dumb. In Conan, the tames can go anywhere you can get to. Partly of course I think that is just because the programmers for Conan are not the best, but still it sure is nice that it works that way.
  14. I've noticed this too. The down side is if you find a high level and don't have the time to tame it, you can't just log back in later and tame it. The plus side, is if you search an island and find nothing good to tame, you can just log off, log back in and search again. The second time around you have another chance at finding what you are looking for.
  15. I definitely like the port part of the idea. We should have some type of travel between ports. Also I agree the travel should be auto piloted. What you call the thing that travels between them, and exactly how it works could be worked out, but it should carry resources like you say, also the player.
  16. On all the other games, like ARK, you run a dedicated server or rent one that is hosted. You have both of those options for Atlas. The problem is, you would need a very large number of servers to duplicate the 225 girds (each is a server). So your choice is run a custom set of maps with a small number of grids or use the Blackwood map. I've seen as many as 49 grids configured for a private server. I've also played where they had just four. The Blackwood map is maybe the size of 3 grids. On all other games, like ARK, the non-dedicated sucks the same way that you've seen it suck for Atlas. The PvE online that you've tried is the official servers. There are plenty of private servers, have you tried one of those?
  17. The gave us the Blackwood map. You can rent a dedicated server and play with up to 10 players easily on that map. Now it has a few bugs, but most can be worked around. The non-dedicated mode is for you to play "together" with a few people. By together, I mean in the same location, in the same tribe, in the same ship. Any other use just isn't going to work. There is is no way they can remove the tether, this thing is running on your PC with you playing the game also. It is not a full up server like you need with 10 players.
  18. My game crashed when I was sailing and I had a monkey on my shoulder (I assume the cat was on your shoulder). When I logged back in, the monkey was just floating in the air. At first I didn't notice and moved the ship. It remained floating. A tiger on shore then saw the monkey and swam out to try and kill it but couldn't reach it. Hilarious I circled back and got the monkey. Normally anything on your ship does not get attacked by stuff on the shore, but apparently a tame floating in the air (or I suppose in the water) seems to not count. So my guess is you cat was eaten. I would think you tribe log should show that.
  19. When people say split screen, they mean XBox, right? I can play non-dedicated with my wife, but we both have our own PC for that.
  20. On the Blackwood map they spawn at the farm on the freeport Island. Wiki says they are found at all freeports. Seems they are good to use to catch fish. I might want to try and tame one
  21. Ya, got to wonder how many people are playing just because they have so much invested in the game and are waiting to see how it ends up. Me, I keep coming back every few months to check on the progress. I don't have the patience to actually play the game, but I'll be playing it once in awhile and reading the forums occasionally. I've put in 600 hours on the game, now I want to see how it turns out
  22. I have to agree, this game is short on the rewards and heavy on the losses. I'm now only playing single player and if I do lose something to the game, I'll just use an admin command to restore it. No more playing on servers for me until this game gets out of Early Access. The game is just too hard core for my tastes. I also can set the rates so that making a brig is just an hour or two, not a two day grind. That feels about right to me. BTW, from what I've heard, the bug with the climbing picks has been fixed. The ship grounding should not cause a ship to sink in my opinion. I can see it doing some damage, letting some water in, but there should be a method to unground the ship and get it afloat again. There are just so many ways you can lose your ship, why should hitting the bottom also be one of them? Ships have hit the bottom since they were invented. Most times they just bounce off and take some damage, but can be repaired. They don't usually sink because of it.
  23. When was the last time you tried loading with the menu? Yes, this was a glitch when I played 10 months ago. Someone told me this is now fixed and I've been using it. The only problem I've seen so far, is one time the tame loaded under the deck, but then I put it on follow and it popped out. The get on board menu works differently now. It will gray out the option if there is going to be a problem loading. Before it would just load anyway and that is when you would lose your tame. So have you lost a tame to this recently? I just started playing again a few weeks ago, so don't have a lot of experience with it. Now it might just be easier to have the tame follow, since it sometimes takes several tries to position a tame before it will load onto the ship.
  24. LOL. That animation of a ship sinking cracks me up (as long as it isn't my ship sinking) We have all been there, done that. Why the heck a shipyard can be placed in shallow water is beyond me as being a game mechanic that is allowed. I now place and then quickly swim the length of the shipyard and pick it back up if I at all see any chance of it not being placed deep enough. Would be nice if it would just not place or if there were some kind of indicators as to what depth is needed. As it is, you just have to make a guess and hope you are right.
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