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Everything posted by Faicorf

  1. no need for apologies, the devs response to our concerns are down right insulting. we have every right to be pissed considering we have already paid money and the majority of our feedback and concerns fall on deaf ears.
  2. Not when the game is focused around pirates, unfriendly behavior and not forgetting... ONLINE... Have you not seen a single public post on Facebook? Feel free to be all nice and loving, but you need to accept the internet is not filled with pink fluffy bunnies and flowers, it's a cruel and nasty place... the sooner you accept that a move on with your fragile life, that better.
  3. Yeah, not sure what they were thinking knowing most people who go there are going to have a debuff on them. extremely poor design choice and an extremely poor decision overall. Disable aging entirely until birthing is ready. The devs need to stop trying to force a path within a sandbox game
  4. I'm inclined to agree that these devs are pretty bad tbh, pushing shit out without any thought to how it will actually work in game. It honestly feels like there isn't a designer in their team and just a group of programmers/blue printers as it feels like there is very little thoughts to design when implementing things. Such as forcing a bottleneck to avoid a debuff without providing the birthing mechanic the add an alternative . don't get me wrong, I love the idea of the fountain of youth, but bringing it out without the the ability to give birth to a new character is an extremely poor design choice. What they should have done is disabled the entire aging mechanic until the FOY and Birthing mechanic were ready, working and implemented. Not bring out one part of it forcing everyone into a bottleneck And before you tell me to stop playing, I have, at least until the game has more correctly working features, and I don't have to worry about roll backs and people bringing pvp into pve
  5. Yeah, agreed. I'd say half the aging process so instead of every few weeks, it takes around a month and a half - 2 months to get the +10%
  6. I voted to remove the age system, but ONLY UNTIL they implement the ability to give birth to your new character, then I have no problem with the age system. There needs to be an alternative to them causing the same god damn problem the free-ports had. As a 3rd year Game Designer still in University, I have to wonder what the hell these Devs were thinking causing a forced bottleneck that literally recreates the free-port problem. I'm wondering if there is actually a Designer on their team, or if its just a team of anti social programmers. (Jat is literally the only Dev I have seen communicating since the game launched..) Had absolutely no idea who the hell the other nobodies were in the live stream.
  7. I'm pleased I can watch this video as an outsider, I would have been bloody furious if that was my boat lmao
  8. Then until said filter is available, shut up complaining. This is a community for a PIRATE GAME, don't like that you can't filter it? then leave until you can..
  9. No I have respect for many people, I just don't respect parents that bring their kids onto the internet, and expect everyone else to cater to their poor parenting choice of bringing theior kids along to an unfiltered forum. If you do not want your kids to see such words, do your job as a god damn parent and keep them away from it.
  10. Asian server... That is all, give the Asians their own server and watch how quickly NA and EU frees up.
  11. Again, It is not our job to change our behavior because your kids might be watching, it is your job to take them away from such behavior.
  12. There is a MASSIVE difference to being selfish and not working with a team, and wanting to keep some of the resources you gathered for your self, maybe for a personal project you want to work on, perhaps you gathered fuck-tonnes of food to go out on a solo voyage for a while. it is not selfish to want to keep certain things to yourself If you want to prove me wrong, I'll take your bank information please, if you don't give me it, you are very selfish... Now do you understand? not everybody has to share literally everything they own.. Would you let a fellow work employee access to your bank account, your car, your home? lets take it even further, how do you feel about sharing your significant other with fellow employees? Maybe now your little mind can understand not everything is to be shared.. Share everything or be branded selfish... Brand away little child, brand away.
  13. Actually, putting a "?" at the end.. Does in fact make it a question.. That is entirely the only purpose of that symbol is to signify the previous collection of words is a question..
  14. Maybe the player base would show some respect, when the player base feels like the devs even slightly respect them. Just like the devs couldn't care less about us, we couldn't care less where your grandchildren read some swear words, lets be honest, they've probably already seen them before online or heard their parents say them. For the record, you have literally no right to ask us to calm it down, when YOU are the one who brought your grandchildren onto forums for a MMO Pirate game that has PUBLIC EXECUTIONS. Maybe you should rethink your thought process before asking others to do it. You brought them to this circus,, now you need to either sit them down or walk them out, it is not our job to cater to your grand kids, its your job to keep therm away from such things. Would you take your grandchildren to a bar on a Friday night and complain about all the drunks shouting and swearing? because that is what you have essentially done. Honestly, it is laughable.
  15. Literally could not have said it better myself.. Good Post, Good points, Good read.
  16. I personally have no problem with one person owning an entire island, do you know how much maintenance that would be to actually keep that island? the guy is going to literally spend all of their time running from flag to flag to keep their claim. All it takes is two people, one on each side of the island and he has lost one of their claims due to the fact they cant be 2 places at once.. If somebody wants to spend their time locking down an island instead of playing the game. Then so be it, let them run marathons around the island just to keep their claim. If you are seriously that pissed off about this games broken mechanics, then maybe you should just walk away mate.
  18. Well if nobody is playing the game, that is usually a pretty good way of telling if the game is worth playing..I admit it is not always the case, but a small player count without the majority of reviews being positive, then its a bad game. You need to look at the reviews after the player count if you go by player count to decide on a game There are plenty of indie games that have a small player base with a majority good reviews
  19. Genuine question: do EA reviews get removed when a game hits full release? or are they marked as an EA review?
  20. I cannot more agree with this, It does not require a rocket scientist to figure out PVP and PVE are completely different scenarios.
  21. Yeah.. Sorry brother... But that is just not going to happen. Especially if you sit there saying I want.. Ever heard of the saying "I want never gets"?
  22. Do you mean farming for resources? If for actual farming I cant comment, I haven't been able to progress at all because of the steroid fueled wild animals.. if for resources - how do they expect us to play the game when every hour is spent trying to gather mats? I thought this was a Pirate themed MMO sandbox game? not a god damn lumberjack simulator..
  23. Once again, another case of the devs randomly picking numbers for values...
  24. Gyazo links are not a virus... it is legitimate software that allows you to screenshot a certain area of your screen, i'm beginning to think you are just a troll at this point.. who the hell doesn't know about Gyazo..? And they have 300+ hours for the record... just click the link, Gyazos are 150% percent safe.
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