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Goldfish The Builder

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Everything posted by Goldfish The Builder

  1. The flags appear to be a pretty big WIP, right now they act more as a visual guide for your "land". I'm sure they will get worked on as servers become more and more stable!
  2. It really is amazing man, you pull up the steam reviews and can tell. The amazing part of EA is not only getting to play a year or so early but being able to help shape the game, bug find, see it evolve and grow. Its a rough path and not for most people, but many of us really really enjoy it!
  3. I think Hackjob has a point here, the raft was unlikely ment to be a method for full map travel, more to move to a close island to farm and build a bigger ship
  4. EA Game, with a rough launch will cause that... They have been all over twitter talking with us this whole time man... Sorry to see you go, but truly you should have understood what EA is...
  5. It has a long ways to go, but part of the fun is seeing it evolve and grow!
  6. Recruit people to your company, merge with others. Players online are the best bet!
  7. Perhaps it is from a diff region? idk...
  8. Sail sail away for the start zones!
  9. Having same issue, however it IS getting BETTER, down to 2 out of 40ish of us unable to connect, rest of company is having better luck!
  10. I think most of the spawn points were just tossed up because of over-stressed port towns, i see them going back to orig 15 after it all calms down, but yeah toss a flag down and a bed and ur good to go!
  11. Should just be leaving freeport and leveling on a lawless or open world
  12. Aye i cant get to my tribes server, or change to any other its all full as Home
  13. No point yet still too unstable, 12 hrs "played" and ive only run around for 30-45m. Need to be a little stable before wipe that way dont have to keep doing it every week
  14. Did you rent more then 1 server? Start zone is lvl 8 capped, as i understand(could be wrong) renting a pvt server is just a tile or tile set, not whole map.
  15. Aye less then 10% of our discord group can get on right now
  16. You are in lawless so no NPC, build a tiny dock, and raft, must spec into both to build them.
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