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Everything posted by boomervoncannon

  1. Grabbing the ladder while in the water does at times feel like it’s own mini game, but with a much higher penalty for failure if a shark is in hot pursuit. I have found with practice I can time it decently most of the time but I’m by no means automatic. I haven’t experienced the glitching to the right you’re describing though.
  2. Thanks for taking the time to not only think all of this through but type up your thoughts and offer the input with perspective and underlying reasoning for your suggestions. There is a lot of quality insight here and everything is clearly and concisely communicated. I particularly liked when you stated early on that you liked a challenge but then provide the Annukai Genesis reference to show how the level of challenge you personally prefer is higher than most players. I feel like this helps create context and a reference point for any devs reading it, which hopefully some will. Once again well done.
  3. Imagine running your own waterside cafe where you vended high end foods for the buffs. Companies could pull into your port, have a meal and head out to hunt treasure.
  4. C Since my company is currently just me and a friend, but from ark I’m familiar with the problem you’re talking about and agree it’s no fun. Hopefully at some point there will be an upgraded version of the cooking pot that allows water pipes to provide ongoing water, eliminating the need for water per craft because that indeed gets boring quick. However even if the berry tea isn’t useful to you in that particular situation because of the present constraint, that doesn’t make it useless to everyone.
  5. If you’re waiting for them to change SOD camping borders, many players are asking for this and it seems like a reasonable thing to ask for given many players are having similar negative experiences getting jumped after crossing. I would keep an eye on the forums and maybe patch notes in particular.
  6. Okay before starting with the snide sarcasm, maybe you should realize two things: 1) You didn't provide the information that not all boats were present at once together, but your post implied it, so that misunderstanding on my part is on you. 2) If you go out with ships with no guns knowing there are SOD out there, you are accepting a risk. Asking the devs to change the game to eliminate that risk because you have failed to mount guns knowing the threat is out there is asking them to change their game to suit your unwillingness to accept risk. Survival games are about risk and loss. Based on the information you've provided, I don't see any compelling reason the devs should accede to your wishes.
  7. My partner and I have discovered that especially if you have crew and any practice at commanding them effectively (it does take a little practice and familiarizing yourself in order to be able to react properly when time is of the essence), then anchoring and repairing while riding it out seems the better approach. To us anyway. Again thanks for the tale, a good read.
  8. You had 5 boats and couldn't put up any kind of fight against SOD? I'd agree that SOD need to be changed so they don't camp zone borders, but why weren't you able to fight them more effectively with that many boats?
  9. See I actually tried using H to detect the buffs value, but I don't know if it was a bug affecting me or I just failed to hit a hard to hit sweet spot, but I couldn't get anything to come up when I tried a couple weeks ago.
  10. So this post is one part suggestion and one part PSA, and to start I want to thank @Nari for providing the key information, of which I was personally ignorant until about 20 minutes ago. For everyone currently playing who is taking the approach that dying is simpler/more desirable than bothering to manage vitamins, there is something you may not be aware of that perhaps you should. The Equilibrium buff is worth 30 fortitude, 20% XP bonus, and additional buffs to speed, damage and health regen. It is not an insignificant buff. I would like to suggest to the devs that one thing they can do to curtail the current widespread approach of dying to reset food/water/vitamins (dying not being the approach you'd expect your players to prefer in a survival game) would be to make the EQ buffs values more prominently featured and easily accessible. Currently all you know unless you make an effort to analyze what the buff provides, is that you get a buff icon when you're in EQ. The value of that buff is not immediately apparent, and unless one notices the change to their fortitude value and associates it with the buff, it's hard to detect.
  11. Correct. I think the acceleration of aging, which has been implied will lead to stat debuffs on older characters before they breed and transfer into descendants, would be the as yet to be implemented correction. Plus the buff Nari mentioned. I think one thing that would go a long way towards helping people move away from the dying is the easy path mentality is if it were easier to see and more prominently featured, just exactly what the EQ buff offers. I wanted to know and didn't until your post this morning. That means likely most people have no clue about the buffs value.
  12. Again, your post boils down to you thinking your way of doing/looking at things is the only one that matters. That being the case, I would agree little further discussion is warranted.
  13. Great story, and well told, thanks for sharing. I have a key question, because someone in a thread yesterday posted about the typhoons sinking their ship which they claimed was fully repaired, almost immediately. Do you think you could have or would have, had any chance to repair the ship and prevent sinking?
  14. Since cooking ties directly into vitamin management, try again.
  15. Okay, but you were attempting to dismiss my point out of hand based only on your personal play style preference. You just did it again being dismissive of the EQ buff Nari mentioned. Try to realize that your approach to the game isn’t the only approach that makes sense. You don’t care for a buff fine, that doesn’t mean others can’t or shouldn’t value it.
  16. Been wondering exactly what the EQ buff was. Thanks for the info.
  17. Just because you find it more convenient to do things a certain way does not invalidate something for everyone else. If dying accelerates aging once the breeding/aging/lineage mechanics are fully implemented and older characters experience stat debuffs as has been implied will be the case, then dying will have a downside and no longer be the most convenient option. You might find the tea useful then.
  18. This just seems like one more indicator the game was rushed out, even for EA. A rhino with no weight reduction and design limitations that make its intended role pointless out of the box isn’t design that needs further refining, it’s forgetting your wallet when you rush out of the house to get to the movie theater on time.
  19. There’s not a server advert area either. Go figure.
  20. If this game follows Ark’s development path, then over time higher level wild creatures will be added and/or made more common to regular zones. This will allow for higher level tames.
  21. The fact there isn’t a trading mechanic is one of those things that makes me think this game was rushed into EA before it was even ready for that level of release. Now before anyone starts chanting EA at me like it’s some kind of mantra that excuses anything, answer this one question: How are you gonna release a game you want tested by players for further development, say in pre release interviews and game descriptions that you are modeling your game on Eve (by a wide margin the most complex virtual economy in existence) and say trading is a core activity in said game, and then NOT even have ANY trade mechanism in place almost a month after EA release. Smacks of rushing your game out to try to grab as much December spending season revenue as possible without making sure all the basics are in.
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