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Everything posted by Nacona

  1. Nice try George, sad to here that you failed that close and got trolled as usual on PVE... well because PvP is to hard for some but they want to be pirates vs others at least while safe themselfes. Unfortunately 1 of 39 is enough to do so... I remeber my own Atlas starts when i played 3 weeks PvP to switch to PVE to learn the game first. We failed several times attempting the kraken too. Our trolls started before everybody was ready... so 15 ships outside and 1 inside not fighting. 3x in a row they did so. Also to die was a good strategy but unfortunately everybody has too but you don't know them. Maybe some of them did not understand that death will end the fight. The boss fights are not in development right now so we have to deal with this quests as they are. It would be great to have some option to choose the V1 or V2. For example there could be a voting of all players in the >visible< circle that lasts two minutes for example. In the ICE Dungeon there is a lever and it depends on the players who pulls it if he has access to V1 or V2. Your idea for an option to leave the fight in the first 2-3 minutes sounds good but this could be also abused by trolls. Disconnect or bugs are an issue as well when you can not respawn. Don't use a scope on the stearing wheel. No mather what this fight is great because you have to survive. Also on PvP the fight may start when you finished it and are surounded by enemy fleet to hunt you down for this one^^ your ship: Your build is good and you had a good ship for this trial. But you cannons on the rear deck get destroyed. The high kraken bolt damage is only against build structures but not vs. planks and gun ports. And as you said they do splash damage. You should only use gun port cannons or cannons placed at the front/center. Also close your gun ports when possible with the risk they may not open some times hitting "R" the first time. Build your Bed and chests etc. in the front of the ship and may place two beds. You can also build a plattform for rear facing cannons(kiting build) like a sports car rear spoiler for absorbing damage as the bolts auto aim you rear highest point if you drive fast. Well I installed Atlas again to check if PVE server is really no where to build and i want to test the trading. Actually i managed to place a bed and build a small dock for a sloop and tamed two bears. I wonder if i can find a place in the arctic regions? @Dev CrusherYour comment is quite funny. This is no story about "naked" heros. You have to put in much effort and prepare yourself to deal 9x with hydra and then beat the Kraken solo. You blaimed Chukiki several times(for reason) but this statement of yours does not honor your reputation.
  2. it's an issue of the font they use which does not include this additional letters. But i think there is a way to change the gamefont in the Atlas folders, I heard something about that in a private servers discord.
  3. Also each Power Stone used to give you 40 discovery points which is basically +1 max level. I am not sure if this is still the case. I last played on a private server and there i did not get this reward. So 9x Power Stone + 9x Essence and killing Kraken with all Powerstones to finish the quest gave you also 200 discovery = +5 level. This is a total of +23 max level. This is one reason for the complains at season 4 start where some players reached lvl 100+ at day 2(in Mega Tribes). They discovered all lawless island with using the options of fast traveling(and after death respawn) and placed discover beds + chair(or raft) on all claimable islands, make power stones, kraken and yeti(2-3x). Not difficult with 50-100 players on a Galeone shooting with carabine. Who interessted in easy discovery points from lawless: Die, change Home Region to lawless, spawn, craft and place a bed and optional a chair for your mates. Die again. Change Home Region to other grid or freeport. Die and spawn on bed. Die and respawn in current grid(not home region), now you can choose which island on the map. As you died 1x in this server you can now get discovery of every island you spawn. If your mate wants to do the same he can now spawn on bed and sit on your chair once to get instand discovery without dieing. Now he can die as well and discover the other islands in region. Repeat in other regions. chair = sit on tame = sit on a sail Doing this will give you access to max level ~85-90. Now you only need to visit some claimable islands to get max level 120. With 414 discovery points you get a skill which allows you normal movement speed while encumbered.
  4. You can craft it after you completed the quest into the Ice. Which means you have to find the Ice Dungeon (there are 3 or 4 of them i think). Discover the dungeon and fight the Boss in the battle arena. To enter the dungeon you need all 9 Power Stones to pass the magic barrier. If you don't know the way trhough the dungeon to the arena you may die before getting there. Spoiler: You should be teamed up with more than 15 players >lvl 50 and equipped corectly to be able to kill it. Carabine is the most common weapon to use(legendary or myst). Head shot damage got nerfed 50% - maybe this affects also creatures... Feel free to test grenades, oil yars with fire arrows or mace. Make sure you have lots of healing. Plate Armor protects you but it can be really cold there... you may go in with active vitamin buff. Fun fact. With oil yarr you could make it solo maybe(against the minions)... but you can't make any mistates for about 30 minutes and i am not sure if the boss takes damage from fire like the minions do... Your reward is 0 XP as the devs removed the reward due to a bug. Once it was possible to get from level 40 to 90 with one kill using XP song played in band. Th bug was that the earned XP was shared with surround players who earned the XP too. So level 1-20 you can kill creatures and alpha animals. Level 20-60/70 you may use treasure maps Level 70+ -> well i quite the game because bosses do not work anymore(as one reason) What can you do with torpedos? They are used to destroy under water defence structures to enter enemy harbor for a harbor run. They hit structures about to 10m depth. Their damage vs ships is low, they are very heavy to transport and kind of expensive in production.(Or used to be) Their range is a little more than large cannon fired from a ship gunport.
  5. well, a lion is stronger than a human if it comes to the close fight. You can outrange them with weapons. They let you go if you punsh them... not that will make you survive. Make sure your Bear is not on passiv.
  6. Never. Why? Because building 1-2 month to make a safe base and harbor and exclude xbox players from the game like potato PC players due to lag and game crash is the only way in PvP. In PVE building and breeding is the thing people do. Lags are caused by NPCs and their permanent animations. Lags are created by the hugh amount of single ship parts as well as base structures of easy 20-50k pieces. You need ships and you do not want to lose them due to offline raiding. So you spam puckle and cannon with NPC to protect it. New trade routes are calculated by the servers(yet not visual). There is no optimization regarding performance right now. Devs like to implement new stuff as the basegame was build by devs that are not working here anymore. The map size was reduced and each physical server has to handle more grids.
  7. @Pernox leider wird dein deutsches Feedback hier keinen Einfluss auf die Entwickler haben, ich werde dir trotzdem versuchen mit meinen 2000h Erfahrung im Spiel zu antowrten. 1. Der Start ist nicht Anfängerfreundlich. Du wirst an Hitze und Kälte oder fehlender Nahrung sterben. Mein Rat: Starte auf dem PVE Server und such dir da eine deutsche Gruppe um die Grundlagen zu lernen. Nahezu alle Spieler beschweren sich über die noch relativ neu eingeführten Goldkosten für Schiffe aber aktuell ist das so der Stand. Auf dem PvP musst du das Spiel auf die harte Tour lernen. Du wirst alleine ständig alles verlieren oder nach Land oder unterwasser Verstecken suchen müssen(es gibt keine Höhlen oder so). Deine Schiffe haben keinen Schutz. Im Lawless sollte Platz zum bauen sein aber einnehmbare Inseln wirst du alleine nicht stemmen können. Spieler sehen dir nicht direkt an das du Anfänger bist. Kommt ein großes Schiff wird es dich vermutlich Rammen... eventuell einfach aus Spaß. PvP ist da Erbarmungslos denn du könntest auch ein Gegner sein der gerade getarnt die Insel auskundschaftet. Intrigen und Spionageaccounts sind normal also wird dir im PvP niemand so einfach vertrauen und dein Anfängerlevel wird eben von anderen Missbraucht was dir als Vorurteil entgegen schlägt. 2. siehe auch schon in 1. Es gibt Lawless Gebiete zu der Mitte der Karte die inneren 9 Felder sind allerdings Golden Age - High Level Gebiete. 3. siehe 1. ist auch ein großes Problem. Viele haben deswegen aufgehört. Gold soll man über das neue Handelsystem sammeln. Am Anfang sind Schiffswracks gut. Skills für Schwimmen und Tauchen leveln oder eine Tauchstation an deine Schaluppe bauen. Dafür musst du eventuell die Segel entfernen oder/und das Steuerrad neu bauen. Der Schoner kostet nur 5000 Gold, ist doch geschenkt 4. siehe auch 1. (wenn man einmal am schreiben ist^^) 5. Auch da ist PvP für die ersten paar Wochen noch nichts für dich, lern erst mal das Spiel ein bisschen von den Grundlagen. Spieler nutzen alles mögliche um ihre Base oder ihre Schiffe gegen Angriffe zu schützen. Dazu gehört leider das andere eben keinen Fuß auf die Insel setzen können.... denn das ist harte Arbeit andere dann auch wieder los zu werden. Spieler können auch im/unter Wasser bauen und so ziemlich schwer zerstörbare Angriffsbasen auf Feindgebiet errichten. Alles zu bauen verhindert das Fremde bauen können. Außerdem bekommt der Inselbesitzer eine Benachrichtigung wenn du deine erste Struktur auf der Insel baust, mit Koordinaten wo genau. Last Oasis hat mich vom Thema nicht interessiert aber ich hab ein paar Let's Plays geschaut. Die meisten der ~1000 Atlas Spieler(Hype neues Spiel) sind eine Woche später zurück gekommen von LO und hatten plötzlich wieder mehr Spaß an Atlas. Die Walker Offline zu verstauen ist aber ein Vorteil in meinen Augen. Diese Spieler hatten in Atlas größtenteils alles versenkt und gelöscht und mussten von vorne beginnen.
  8. @chukiki The way you are posting your opinion is not leading to a discussion about your opinion. You are free to post your opinion but i am close to hit the report function for every post you are writing because what you are doing here does not help this forum and the Atlas community at all in the long process of Atlas development and the long absence of devs at all. I am myself telling a lot of critism to the developers and i think some points are going in the wrong direction. But i add this to a discussion and respect other opinions as well. We will not get one of the devs commenting in this forum to topics but at least we can see if some of our points here are readed by them. I did start a test today. Let's see if this free information will be patched in the next 1-2 month. @Nami is still not online here for month.
  9. @Ranger1k So we have different opinions about that and we both are somehow right. Future will tell us if new ships have 30k HP each module for example and before 6k each plank. It's a balancing issue. For Solos more easy to repair of course. As i mentioned in another topic there are lot's of players out there that are not able to stear a ship in combat, but for those it is a great expirience to be part of the combat. I recommend to watch youtube videos searching for " Atlas EU PvP" most of this is land fight (Jugalvi, decoyy) I am not sure if Zeroden is playing anymore but there are some fleet combat videos out there. It's chaos and nobody wants to be the one grappled to sink. There is never a total comitment, the weaker side always runs, the stronger side always hunts. New Videos of latest patch are from Don Toni for example who shows his "solo" play which leads to sunk ships. I played with him for one year and make him buy PC instead of playing Xbox. I know he is a good captain with two years expirience but you make one mistake and your ship is gone, that's the game. But you invested building a common gally in 2-3 hours(not consider farming) and level it up to 50-60 which takes you 15-20 hours. Than you upgrade to legendary of mystical(1,5h) and again it's gone in 5 minutes if you are the one that gets grappled by enemy fleet. I hated gallys as their loss did hurt me pretty much but some have fun playing them as well.
  10. There are some points i could agree with your opinion but lots where is do not agree at all. Going through the hole list is too much effort. Some of your points i would even consider as bullshit. Puckle NPCs should not take damage from ranged weapon because they would be useless if so. But their easy spam now is a issue. No need for crew transport ships and sailing anymore. Farmhouse are not bad but should work 1 tribe has max 1 per island gathering all resources. placing distance for farmhouse is ok or maybe a little far to avoid abuse of several tribes with second accounts. Warehouses should be available for more tribes per island = reduce placing distance. HP of shipyards are good. You don't want to lose them(your mystic one) by 1 cannon horse in 5 minutes, do you? But they should not be spamable as shoreline or harbor protection with a placing bug. Ships on open Sea not green anchored should be capable in like 15-30 minutes time. Instant capture is maybe historical correct but i think not balanced for a MMO. Current capture time is too long. Otherwise the enemy just needs to destroy one plank to sink it before capture or during capture. blueprints are the reason to play this game for long time, to go out and find all types of resoures(before trading). Maybe they should be balanced a little less powerful to max 175% structure/damage + crafting buff. Sails buffs are great besides the weight sails that should change the cargo rack 20% slow down. moveable cannons.... holy lord NO... you have already cargos for strong tames which is fine. 90kg cannons should have even more weight. Horses speed is too slow.... you can pass puckles that don't shot you because you run to fast for them to turn... Ever tried to catch a running cannon horse trolling around on your island? You can bola or hook but that said it is not easy to do so. Auto attack of animal when they get attacked while you sit afk on them? Good idea...not... don't go afk capturable structures is a fest for offline "raiding"? I think you consider a timer before the expire timer ends? Well would be nice to capture a very good island with bases and a harbor that may took the builder 1-2-3 month to set up? LOL small character is good for land combat and needs a debuff there. But I for example make small character as it's more options to make a safe cabine around the ship steering wheel for mortar protection or against snipers without loosing 3rd person view. Ship building and game mechanics know how.... others would say an exploit... ship crew limitcan be an issue but i think it's not anymore. You do not need crew transport ships anymore. Also crew is i think minimum 50kg each which slows your ship... make sure you throw their clothes away xD If you do not level crew your ship structure and damage can get more level so more powerful. Following this the skill points for ships are currently a very well balanced system. Also Weight was balanced well in Season 3/4. It got changed but i do not play season 5. remove whale, treasures, SotD,... remove all PVE content? Do you want a even more boring game? Players ask for more to do on the seas. I only agree there are bugs with treasures that could be fixed or improved. Drops should have more value... getting grey stuff from a lvl 60 red galeone.... or 110% damage mystic cannon? No Drops of ship sails... that's the issue.
  11. @Ranger1k If you play PvP and you are in a ship fight you are happy to have so much parts for repairing when you are playing the repair man. Also a good captain can avoid combat for some seconds to give his repair man the time to repair. Of course in a "fleet fight" you are doomed if you are the one that gets grappled. THis is because of the lag of tactics and naval knowledge of the players. If you consider the fil "Master & Commander" those two ships hunted each other over month... or if they face each other they need hours to get in attack range if one does not want to start fight with an disadvantage. If you look at large sea battles in the 18th/19th century for example in the Napoleonic wars Britains vs Nether Lands you can see line tactics the british introduced and the nether lands improved with ship signal flags to turn aginst the british. But we don't want to play a game like the real life battles happened. So i think we all are happy with out survival and farm game which gives us also the content of ship battles. I like the 3 class system so far. A fast agile small ship, a medium agile and fast ship and a heavy fortress with worse turning. As explained on PvP only noobs start with this youtube best ship builds but expirienced players just lough about those and drive fast - mostly with handling sails. Is there an exploit in the current ships? Maybe one. You can reduce weight by don't carry repair material. You carry diving attachments and spare planks. If you run out of metal you add and remove the diving attachment. If you run out of wood, fibre and thatch you delete one lower deck full life plank and place a new one. You may safe 1000-1500 kg by this knowledge. What happens with the new ships? you have less lags because of less structures, ok i may agree. But regarding repairs you have the kit with close to no weight -> hugh exploit? You don't need that much repair hammers(only a few kg). Some think the NPCs cause more lag than structures. I think it's more than a year ago when there was an anouncement that stated the old 3 ship types used to take about 1 year of modelling as every plank along the ship has different geometry. This is an issue that may can be solved by less modules but it is a big change in the game mechanis of a sea fight. The balancing will be difficult. I think in about 1 year shooner, Brig and Galleon will be removed from game. Until than we have to deal with both ship types... alpha testing the new once and playing with the old. I hope we still have the option to build ships without gunports for transport but why do that if you get all resources by trading. I also liked the option to make special purpose ships like whale hunters, harbor run shooner with turtle roof for sneaky attacks, graple gallys with low weight speed build, combat gallys with small cannons for cutting sails, combat/attack gallys with large cannon, harbor run gally with turtle design to brake into harbors, special torpedo brig/gally, transport brig/gally for weight and tames, brigs with large cannon for long range heavy damage, brigs with only 3-4 cannons boradside for speed,... Everybody who says there is no diversity is completely wrong. Best sample was Season 4 start when american mega joined the EU PvP with their meta speed sails large cannon gally builds and speed sails stern cannon brigs learning that they can only run on EU Server with handling sails and small cannon bar shot design. PvP players remove all rear cannons on EU once the ship is max level. Also i had arguments against the increased ship level but it's now more fair. The gab between lvl 52 common and lvl 62 max ships is less than before. You are not forced to hunt those rare shipyard blueprints anymore. What the game is missing is fair battles regarding the amount of ships facing each other. But this is up to the players. You can ask others for a 1:1 or 2:2 fight and they may accept.... but of course they can send also 10 vs you or deny the battle at all.
  12. Thank you George, this is a great summary of this quest. Reading all you other commends over the last year i thought you would have done this already several times. But as you play solo your progress is much slower. You analysis is very good regarding the chance to complete the power stones as solo player. I tried this also on a Private PVE Server and i did not finish one stone. In a group of 3-5 players it's much more easy to get the hydra to the beach. Of course in a Mega Tribe you can just go there with 50-60 carabine guns and shot every monster in your way.(like you can kill the Kraken this way too) @G5 there can be a hydra spawn on top of the mountain(lower left spawn) where you may have to climb up about 30 minutes and it's difficult to kite her down without getting ignited. So you may never go there to even search for hydra... if she's up there you do not want to be the one killing her for others to get a more easy spawn. Power stones caves are easy if you go in with 2 players... the first runs in and jumps from the bridge while the second one is close following. Of course some caves have snakes where it is difficult to jump over them without getting one hitted. But after some trials you figure out how to do and can tell pretty safe when there is the time to go in with the key. Make sure you are nacked and also drop your crap steering wheel skin... if you die there will not be a pocket left... only if you die with the key. The way to reset the powerstones is putting them in a cargo rack and drop it followed up by picking the floating cargo up again. You can reset everything that spoils... for example your tresure maps. You can repeat this as often as you like to. As I don't play anymore i don't care if the devs will read this now... i even guess they are not in this forum so probably that will give us proove that they are not reading our feedback here. Otherwise they may consider this as a bug that needs to be fixed as players should expirience much more hardcore with loosing stuff just to an expire date.(Keys should last 12h at least) The Kraken fight is not that difficult. You can do it solo with a Brig. It should have 5 or 6 small cannons each side to target the tentacles. With 6 100% cannon and 100% ships damage you may not destroy one tentacle with one salve so you may consider using improved cannons and get your ships damage up some levels. Make sure your crew is not lvl 1 and has more thann 200-300 HP. Don't use rear facing cannons, the NPC there can get hit by the kraken shots and those cannons can take much damage and get destroyed. Make sure you skill yourself to HP as your first trial will be difficult to figure out when the Kraken starts his area lightning attack which can kill you if you get two times in it. I recommend to have 3-4 healings and maybe a monkey for healing buff. The SoTD in the fight have reduced damage but more life so you try to avoid them while killing the tentacles. If you destroy all tentacles you have to drive to the center and manualy aim the head from close range. Auto fire order does not work, only for tentacles. The lightning area attack is visible some seconds before the strike so it can be avoided with good timing. The attacks are set to a fix duration but it's possible that one tentacle can repeat the area attack. If you get in the area attack you can not use the steering wheel. Make sure you wistle the sails open to get out. Xbox Players may face issues that the healing is not working/buged. The damage to your ship is very low and most likely will only hit your rear upper planks. So it's solo possible and you don't need much repairs as long you don't get into the SoTD. My suggestion is a ship with 200% armor skill and 150-180% damage. As you drive in circles you may use handling sails to have better wind angles. Galleons are not good in turning so it's kind of a waste to go in with more than a Brig. A Shooner can do this job too but your planks have less health so it's more risk if you don't trust your sailing skills. If you have a made or passengers the safest place is maybe on deck or sitting on a chair under deck. Standing under the deck maybe looking out of the gun port to see the action can make you glitch out and swimming with the sharks... you will die and don't get the quest(yes, happend to me in my first trial as passenger) Majestic Kraken: You could use harvest boost after killing the squids if you have all 9 power stones and complete the Ice Dungeon by killing the Yeti boss. Chance to complete solo = 0% So this ships costs is completely useless. It's a Brig with double amout of cannons which should have to be much more weight compared so it should be slower which means it will lose PvP vs a Brig. For you as solo player fighting SotD with broadside attacks it could be a good ship... so hey, we got PvE content added.
  13. The simple answer is that this game is sold with a single player option but this single player was never addressed by the devs to work well and there was no changes nearly since the release in 2018. All this bugs are known but they will not be solved. You can play on online servers or you play solo single player using all admin controls(cheats) to deal with that.
  14. Ok i looked it up and i should write "gather". I am not native speaking english so forgive me, i guess you can read my posts anyway. So one month later when i asked the devs to actually reply to this topics questions it did not happen. They are not here and they are nor alive it seams. @Nami Content Count 0 Joined June 18, 2020 Last visited September 1, 2020 Consequence: Game deleted today. Sad but true... it was a great time once.(To the end of season 3)
  15. @Ranger1kI think repair crew is not an issue at all as long you are not a solo player. In my time playing Atlas activ on EU PvP i found a group and was always in a tribe with 5-15 players. You have usually only a few expirienced captains that can participate in fights while you have others learning the game or who are even scared of SotD(or of the Xbox lags). Even after we played one year together we agreed always to drive a brig with two players and a galleon with minimum of 2 or 3 knowing there can spawn some more if needed. Because Atlas is a MMO which is based on teamplay. We also switched who actually is the captain daily. Also an expirienced repair man(captain) can give advise to the learning captain on the wheel... you have usually lot's of time to keep an eye on the battle. Some of my best battles i had was actually teaching my ladies in a great fleet battle while repairing their mistakes or trying to prevent them from doing those Beeing the rat looking out of the gun port when enemy has side swivels... well you get it. On a brig it's ez for one to repair. I had once a battle driving a brig vs. 10-15 enemy Brigs about 30 minutes fighting them(not running) and my repairs man played his second day. I told him what to do and how to replace planks for getting repair material as well place and delete diving attachment in that battle. He was great and we survived that for said over 30 minutes. Our harbor was blocked by another 10 gallys btw. Of course Galleons have lot's more planks but also more life and more cannons. You get a disadvantage for gaining other advantages. It's not meant to sail a Galleon solo into combat.
  16. @Chucksteak The top players customize to build the lowest weight possible counting every cannon and roof on the ship if it's necessary. They stored even equipment into grills which had once the weight of 1kg which was fixed in last patch... besides the grill was also stone structure on the ship. You could let the decks open or don't place swivels for deck protection... next 100-500kg weight safed. Taking only 300 shots or 1000 shots into battle... guess who wins 1 vs 1 brig fight? Even tricks about repair material allowed knowing players to reduce the weight about 1-2000kg compared to other players that may think a brig with 6000kg is ultra light weight(not at all). Of course the knowledge spreads so it occurs that everybody is building the same style over time. So the question is how will the game change with only prefab ships and a different repair system? 1 hit with the hammer restores full plank section health instantly? No repairing of single parts over time? less work for the repair team? What about a harbor run? Unsinkable gally with 10 players repair team and instant repair?
  17. I never played the last 3 month but i just had a look on the ramming ship for example in this video: Wow... a ship with weight 900/9000 with so many cannons(you can't remove) and 2 freaking medium sails.... wtf... it makes 5000 damage ramming a level 3 green SotD Brig.... WOW.... awesome... useless? I wonder what the purpose of this new ship is about? Who got the idea to name a ship class "Majestic Kraken"? It looks different watching the video of Skarvig on youtube(2 days old and already watched by the devs -> color bug)... well different high and short... 2 large sails instead of 3 on a Brig. Well this gets more realistic at least. I just wonder if there will be a third ship with 3 sails as the largest one.... and remove of gally, brig and shooner from the game. So Atlas will be more like SoT... only prefab ships without customization and individual fighting purpose... oh wait ... maybe we get a whale hunting 4th type ship with non removable balista. Well a video of speed with active Sextant would be nice to compare the speed based on this silly low weight of the ship. Just had a look on the latest youtube videos from EU PvP... well there are ship fights... fast speed shooners, handling brigs and even grappling gallys but no ramming ships i could see. And it seams gold is no issue wiping bases with 5-6 Dragons dropping barrels and grenades or jumping into puckle towers and that stuff(decoyy)... seams like nobody needs ships in this game. I just clicked on the delete game button... sad but true. PS: I am not native english speaker so keep false spelling up to you... i think you can read and understand my text.
  18. Hi Conch, welcome to the team. I believe you are real if you post here and if you answer to questions that follow up to your selected Q & A. Who cares about discord? That is a chat tool for spammers where no discussion is possible in the ammount of useless comments. Nobody can follow that. So just be so kind and keep focussing on posting infos in this forum where everybody has easy access to informations. So conclusion: The developers team is working on a complete change of the game. The current status of an Ark copy with a new theme was "succefully" tested over 2 years. What can we await? You shut down all servers, work on the game for 1 year and than give us a new game? I don't believe in implementing all new features in the current game anymore. I gave up on the optimization because hell i loved the game back in Season 3... but that was the past.... a game we will never have again. Hire some players for a closed test server -> actually you should pay those testers instead of getting founded by the players that suffer your decision or just quit playing. I spend more than 2000 hours for 20€. Not a bad deal for me but still it feels i paid too much for all the issues i faced so far. I liked this kind of sandbox game actually. There was nothing than a undiscovered and unsettled world. The players had to settle down and build towns etc., they had to harvest everything to do so by hand, they had to group up to do big things. Only issue... you can't have a realistic environment in a online game where people troll on PvE and just use the PvP tag to just destroy everything... red = dead, and ofline "raiding" for no loot.... Other said to that there are some hardcore rollplay servers where you actually have to care about your life instead of fast recovery dieing, interact with your sourrundings etc. but of course that is not a game for everybody. The game gives many options but currently the most important seams to be missing -> access to ships. It was such a great expirience to gatter resources and build a ship by your hands. To collect tames like elephant and giraffe to be able to build brigs and even galleons with a decent amount of time to spend for harvesting. On 1x settings there is no need for gold to make farming a ship cost you time. But nowadays you don't need to search NPC... just drop a puckle manned and unseat to have it for the ship(once we had npc gatter ships). Resources are gattered by automated farmhouses. If you do not have farmhouse and warehouse to trade you don't have gold and you don't have ships. Why the hack a shooner is not for free? It tooks you about 10-15 ships build and lost in fight at least to get you on a level where you know what your ships need to survive. Or you are lucky to meet somebody telling you. But than you need to actually have a good ship and than learn to maneuver it in battle. I don't see how new players can learn this game and stick to it in it's current state(other than never leaving their island). Atlas will not be a sandbox survival, farm, build and >>sail<<game anymore Atlas will not be a MMO that focuss on building teams. Players build companys to develop an friendly and foe environment that is not guided by the developers Atlas will not be a fraction based game as this is not working with the current environment of a sandbox where players can build everywhere with a theoretical complete freedom in decisions. Atlas will not be Sea of Thieves or some kind of World of Warships in pirate theme... ESports in Atlas, wtf?(pick ship, pick server, clikc start and fight - sink and restart) Conch, Tell us what is Atlas and what shall it be in the End of 2021?
  19. Well if this is really that easy and everbody can do this? When i last played(April 2020) i was only able to connect max 3 farmhouses even i could place more in the warehouse range. On PvE there seams to be no place for everyone to have his own island. And you can't destroy enemy farms. On PvP of course you can if not protected but yours are not protected too. The gold income of the trade has to be much increased than first release. There was some post mentioning that it was only few 100 gold a day. Sounds like the islands protection towers are not worse the money to build them? Do you destroy them with a sloop? or just go there with a cannon tame?
  20. @Chucksteak Please do not quote only a part of my thougts. I mentioned that the nerf is good in regards to the current state that you can glide cross grids and that you can glide from one island to another. That is why I suggested to reduce the total height of the islands as the most mountains are just stupid and cause the "exploit" using of the glider as mentioned. So if reduce the height of the islands and allow players may only to build up 100 parts on top of each other there would be limits that allow you to glide on a island or to nearby enemy ships on the sea but don't allow you to glide to other islands in the most cases and especially not out of the grid. -> Issue solved and no nerf needed. In all your other points I agree to your opinion. @Whitehawk i don't think fractions are the good solution. This game lives from lots of different self build fractions and the theoretical freedom to go everywhere and build everywhere. You can just wipe others to gain control of areas you like to(if you can). My biggest concern is actually that all players think that they need to be pirates that think PvP is always red = dead. The trailer showed us you can use skins to play as "marine" troops for example. But this would be roleplay that most players will not stick too. You could make a player build fraction royale marine that plays like the police. But you would have to do this job very carefully like in the real world. And there is no law others could respect this(on official PvP server). Also nobody ever uses skins than just for fun. I remember captain Delic who actually build a police station and a police station and played as police officer who actually helped new players as well hunting pirates with his vessel. But that was also fun and meanwhile he was a leader of one of the largest Mega frcation on EU PvP server. So his actions were not respected by many players xD Like you name yourself trading company on PvP but your actual purpose is to go everyday with a cannon horse on islands to destroy others builds. We can talk about so many things but the players will not change. PvP -> Red = dead PvE -> missing lots of game content and still toxic as hell(even this is most likely only the small part of the players - like you have real interaction and companys like Sturmberg for example that really do create content for and with other PVE players. So the devs are limited in the claiming system and things like offline protection and ship protection. If they add to much the players may don't have any freedom left. But if you play on lawless you have no protection at all and the claimed islands have mentioned issues while they are actually also good for companys. This game is not like Ark for solos. You have to be in tribes of at least 5-10 active players to make all content and protect stuff.(on PvP) I myself spend at least 200 of my 2000 hours played diving placing stone structures in the sea to defend my harbors and ships. I spend 300-400 hours collecting or buying NPC and place them to puckles and cannons and still i got wiped off islands 3 times in one season until the 4th settlement finaly worked and lasted to the end of the season. In the end you have to consider it is still a game that shall make fun playing it in the evening for some hours after work. And you should not be afraid to go sleep. And I guess there are lots of players out there who have the fear of loosing everything during the night, during the day... and for myself it was not good for my RL health. If you spend more than one month with about 10 players to fight for an island, settle it, protect and defend it, building the defences, taming and breeding what you need, farm daily, make the journeys to collect resources for mystic ships parts, hunting the blue prints, paying the horendus costs for the NPCs(now reduced) it was all so much work until you got ready to fight on the seas and you could loose all this progress in literaly 1 evening of combat time. Just one player can shoot some cannonballs on your anchored ships and they will all sink. If you play with Xbox players you even need to reduce your structures that they can actually move in your small harbor with 15-20 seconds lags. But hey they are lucky if the game does not crash and they are more lucky when their PC mate take 30 seconds to get the ship out on the seas and also later back in the "safe" harbor. Remember the days where tribes had one main island and one Xbobs island?
  21. well of course you can hide some boxes underwater or try to find bushes that may not be searched by others. Also i do not know all islands completely there are some where you still can fall through one mesh layer or have an opening to pass through and place structures on the mesh below. But this is exploit using and when detected will lead to a permanent ban. I remember my island had a water fall in a second mesh 1m below the true surface. But you just fall through the true surface. So as we passed this position regularly we had tto build an escape structure from that hole to stay up on the mountain... otherwise you dropped down to the ground level. At least there was no way to fall down below the mesh which was possible in other Unreal engine games. I guess this map mesh bugs are pretty often somewhere to find. Well building harbor in the water you are allowed to build in mesh as there are "rocks" which are visible but have no collision. This places are very good hideouts as well. Enemys can find this if they try to build nearby and get message area blocked. You can also build triangle stone bunkers with like 10-15 walls following each other. This could make players leave if they don't get inside after 200 balls shot and runnning out of amunition. But that's also more gambling than secure life. Putting everything on the freeport is the other option but it does not feel like a home. So why not give players a safe zone? This game should be about the seas with land based supply structures of the survival and farm elements. It's not ark anymore where you have cafes in the map to place hidden homes.
  22. Am i right for 100k XP on a ship you need only 7500 gold? (considering level 60 is maybe about 100k XP -> am not sure about this but lvl 52 was about 70k if i remember correctly?) This is pretty cheap considering the costs for a galleon and the time you need to level it up to max - building it 1x common and then upgrade it to blue print parts. Well at least devs are working on the game but i read nothing that could bring me back to play Atlas again right now. Dolphin: great but no need for sloop blue print planks? At least you have more time for crafting as you don't loose the 5-10 minutes for sailing out and back to 100% distance. Diving will be tugh without running out of air as a pirate holding your breath^^ Dolphins can't be stored on a ship... they do expire when zoning... they can die when getting to the surface... remembers me on that day when i tried hooking a chest but hit a jumping Dolphin that shot me like a catapult 4000 meters away from my ship Well it was new and i forgot placing a bed on it so i had to travel to golden age 3 grids with a second ship to place bed and bring back both of them. 5 hours of time but lukily not sunk by SotD. Ship costs for my opinion still far too high. Players should at least build shooners for free if gold is meant to decrease the ship amount. Maybe Brigs and Galleons were to cheap in the past for the server capacity. Well reducing the allowed amount just leads to second accounts with a second tribe to store the ships so it does not work on PvP.(but hey, more money for more sold games) If the story about the Dragons is correct there should be some worse balancing on the gold and trade routes if it is not based on a unknown exploit/duping etc. This tribes should have same ship ammount like other seasons before... so balance for small tribes and new players is even more worse than ever. Farmhouses: Why not make 1 Farmhouse with an interface where you can choose gatter percentage and make it working 1 per company per island. Players have sliders to adjust the gattering. You can choose if berrys you need 0% and maybe 25% thatch 10% fiber 30% wood etc... and remove restriction of placing distance.(necessary for PVE servers) THe farmhouse collects all resources that are on a island no matter where it is placed(on the ground level max. 100m high for example) Idea of blue prints farm houses with increased storage and gatter rate(shown in interface) is working well with only 1 per island. This will also make it more easy to combine it to the warehouse. You do not need the radius around it to connect, you just need a circle that includes the island. This circle can ask 1 farm house allowed y/n for this company in this circle and also same for warehouse.(connection issues solved and more Players get access to it) Of course it can be abused on PvP with second accounts to get more farmhouses to work on one island... but to be honest players should not abuse such solutions and there are ways to counter such trials. Coffee will be the needed item for every land combat. Not bad. Maybe that's enough your enemy dies from running out of stamina while shield bashing you Horse stun nerfed may make other animals of more use now if they could catch up to a horse. horses will mostlikely just run away and hide in the water for 5 miuntes diving to attack the next position. Good luck hunting with a lion or a crab to catch the rider with some luck. Bola stun well i didn't realy care about land combat. The trick of dodging attackes 100% while being bolaed may now not work anymore as you can't stand anymore.(Devs noticed that exploit dodge move which requires a little skill at least) ranged weapons damage is really low and most PvP combat is based on closed combat(stun) as others mentioned already. Maybe the plate armor should not work vs fired bullets?(did not in reality at least) Does this effect also ranged waepon damage on creatures like Yetis(little ice dungeon bosses)? most players never used BP firearms other than in the ice dungeon. The costs are far to high for a raid to lose it. Nerved barrel damage is necessary as long barrels can be trown. But now it gets difficult to counter enemy horses with barrels. No suicide runs with lucky placed barrel due to timer. So you can only catch good horses with flame swivel. Horses will still dominate land combat due to swivel and speed. Even less torpor and coffee can allow players to have more chance to fight them...(if in range) to bola or hook the rider is still very difficult and good luck closing up to a cannon horse with two players that only stand for shooting when they are safe. This is the worst Atlas expirience hunting horses on a open island. Well you don't glitch off the cannon anymore due to fence spam and collision(Better for the attacker). But of course you have to spam every shit on your island that enemy horses can't move freely. Maybe puckles do work now much better as you can place them manned(much less time needed) so every settled island gets spammed with 1000 of puckles. Well sometimes horses run that fast that puckles do not shoot. Or the option you set the puckles are wrong choosen if not set on target all. Remains the old issue of structure and puckle+NPC spam to protect your islands from intruders if you are nor the one Mega Tribe with unbeatable amount of players that are always online. Well some like this expirience and consider this to be their loved hardcore survival combat expirience. I hated the permanent thinking about what if we get attacked... all the "useless" defence building that can be destroyed 20x faster than you farm and build it. And of course the never safe ships... just one cannon horse destroying one plank when anchored.... in my opinion the claimed island system is not hat bad but the combat time was too long for me. I would like to have a permanent peacetime on your structures and green anchored ships until an enemy places a war token on your tribe with 24h in front. That would make land combats and large raids more predictable and fair for the defenders. The Attackers have to consider the allies of the defender. This would not be an issue for see fights and ships would be more safe when anchored. I think this game should move away from the toxic destroying to more interaction between the enemys. But this is a thing that players minds have to do in a free environment. Well a fix rule roleplay would be to harsh for everybody but some kind between the current red is dead and a total roleplay would be more enjoyable. Why not ask an enemy if the have time for a fight? This happened to me only once and it was a great 2:2 brig combat that lasted nearly 1,5h with only one sunk ship but many fun and great sailing and moves. Because for me this game is about sea fights. And this is not 20 ships vs 1 with a harpune gally holding in place the enemy. Also glider nerf is good for the game regarding safe places to build(PvP). But why not just changing the islands and cut off the high mountains.(Max 200/250meters) Also restrict players max structure building height? Than there is no need to nerf the glider. You can still use the glider on your island but you will never reach an other island with glider.... neither crossing th border. I watch some spain streamer and he alawys blackscreened after the glider start to hide using some exploit to increase the flying distance after he jumps off. When he reaches the island in the other grid he turns on the lights again.... obvious [...] Bases build on mountains safe from cannon tames are good but not needed up in the sky...(you can still get in with grenades besides the puckle spam) climbing your ladders 4-5 minutes or placing 5-6 elevators in a row to get tames up... This is just worse island design. Islands need to have a sequre bay that you can use as a harbor with decent water depths for galleons close the the beach. If green anchored ships are secure for most of the time players don't need insane harbor structures.
  23. Unfortunately I have to let you know that you joined this game in a very sad time. Even you started with friends the game play is currently very broken due to the new dev team adding new stuff and thinking about rediculos balancing aspects. I loved playing this game for about 2000 hours during the season after Xbox lounch 2019/2020. It had a great map and and quite good balancing and server capacity to get your own island with about 10 players we controlled a relatively uncontested complete grid. Well it was not good for Xbox One players because of too low performance. Now you start under the hardest hardcore survival conditions with no access to ships(gold cost) and no access to land(claimable islands but very less of them). Maybe your biggest failure is to start learning this game on PvP server without having someone to teach you. I promise you that you will play about 1 year under this conditions until you get an idea of the ship fight meta... (of course there seams to be none except some mega tribes) I stopped playing as many others after the wipe notes released the ship gold costs and the implemented barrels on cannons at that time(which is luckly not possible anymore). I recommend you to go on a private server with increased gatter rates(3x). 10x is stupid but to play on the official servers with 1x is a real pain. Best are servers that include safe PVE settle grids and some PvP grids. This is the only way you can play PvP "ship fight game" in the evening and having a good time going to sleep or work without worry about losing all.(Yes ALL) The players that managed to get something build up and feel safe, have done all PVE stuff(for the 5/6 time) just have nothing else to do than destroying. This is the current online world of Atlas where you don't want to loot anything from your oponents because there is nothing vulnerable but you just destroy because you can. But you are lucky. They could have imprisioned you and if they now what to do they coul keep you alife for a month for example where you can't do anything than be locked in a cage pressing your "shout" buttom in the hopes this will dry your stamina that you may die from this. This will take you about 1-2 hours if they don't stop you doing this^^ (I am not sure if there was a change that even closed this suicide option or make it even worse in some of the last patches) Besides all this the game can be realy funny playing it in a group. You will learn tricks like overweighting yourself and get pushed forward by your mate hitting you with a spyglass that does no damage. A great function improving the teamplay(if it was not concidered as a bug/explot) Once you get 414 discovery points you can move faster due to a learned skill. There is really much to explore and learn in this game. For example taming which got very useless due to farmhouses(elephant, giraffe, rhino) But on official PvP without knowledge and protection(offline fear) you will not climb to the stars, that's for sure. And that is a very bad way this game is going. It was difficult to learn once for me too and i got lots of help from allied players to get decent knowledge and beeing the greatest captain of one of the last Sea battles of one of the longest and greatest seasons on EU PvP(for one evening at least). Ah that was fun sailing my mighty Brig versus 13 enemy Brigs and the Gally fleet waiting in front of the harbor not able to get the harbor run started. @Wichtelman your playstyle is not including 10% of what Atlas should be and allow players to do. There is no reason playing like this on PvP server. You don't get raided because everybody knows that you do not have anything to loot at all. And i guess your base is up on a mountain that can't be reached by tames with cannon or catapult on the cargo. Otherwise it would be raided daily. (if there are still players out there... with no ships they can't afford raiding lawless daily^^)
  24. Well nothing more to say than just quit this game after 2000 hours. So much feedback that gets ignored. At least the Devs are up to do something again. But I will not play Atlas as a game tester for stupid ideas anymore. But the message let us know that Devs decided to test some features before releasing to the online servers... that's new and good. Even on private server i am not interessted on paying gold for ships... i like this game so much.... or better i liked how it was.... I can't motivate myself to grind that much for a shooner... i want to have a brig for the first 2 weeks and i want to have a farm galleon to collect what i need for legendary and mystical fighting brigs that i don't mind if i got sunk after having some fun on the seas. Leave the game is the only option they may understand. Hopefully they will do it to some playable game that can be released in the future.
  25. Well jeah, people are out on the seas busy with their farm galleons to collect the production of their outposts. They even don't need to stop for tames and they don't need to farm. So the waters will be crowded. Oh wait, you can send merchant ships that you don't need to drive yourself. It's an automization simulation game. But i also like the idea to combine the buildings when devs think that we should have the automated farming.
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