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Charlie Manx

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Everything posted by Charlie Manx

  1. Having trouble with treasure map spawn location I host a 3x3 server but when I made it in grid editor released 4/26/21 I used the 15x15 map and down sized it to a 3x3 the problem I am having g is no matter what grid I pick up a map for it is always for b1 or c1 does anyone know how I can get maps to spawn for the other grids. My grid list is a1, a2 ,a3, b1, b2 ,b3, and c1, c2 and c3
  2. Well thank you again grapeshoot for not answering anyone's question about private servers just shows how much you really care about your game!
  3. How do you convert the old json file over to the new grid editor every time I try and open it it keeps giving me an error and all jpg file have been converted to png
  4. Ok thank you that was very helpful so now if the pve server ever comes back up I have to check because I think the 220 bear was imprinted
  5. I am not good at all the logistics with breadi g bears but I am trying to bread a good Melee bear 1 bear is 210 melee another is 220 melee how can I get there melee higher and there level higher when babies are born any help would be great thanks everyone!
  6. Not sure why I am even commenting on this because it is not like the devs are gonna read this and even give 2 shits!!!! Real simple for the devs play your broken ass game and fix all the problems people are complaining about bring back the NA server so everyone is not forced onto 1 server, fix the hugh ass lag that everyone is complaining about with a ping of 100 to 250 no body can do anything, fix the chat for all players are censored not just us xbox players, fix all the Resources that are labeled wrong, fix the farmhouse and warehouses to where you can pull more then a stack out at a time and limit 1 per company 1 per island and reduced the fucking range on it because some people can't place one down or better yet get rid of them because now you just Eliminated the use of any animal oh and fix it to they burn wood first and not thatch and fix the warehouse so it collects everything because right now no wood no thatch, fix the SOTD there is so many dormant ships not moving or doing anything and as far as your quote for the SOTD crossing the boarder thats fine but answer the person question to many people are loosing ships because of the server switch from grid to grid give it about a minute or 2 so the game can catch the hell up with itself due to the hugh ass lag. Fix the issue with the sinking of ships after you delete everything from it the shell of the ship stays there and you can't do anything about it And STOP WORRYING ABOUT FUCKING PVP AND GIVE PVE SOME SUPPORT ALSO!!!!
  7. well from what i can tell is grapshot only cares about PVP they don't care about what any of us are batching about with lag, people spamming island cause look witht that if they where concerned only 1 farmhouse per company would be allowed so not only that the whole Tamming animals is being g such a pain in the ass is bullshit ever time you sail there is a shit load of SOTD and cyclones every 5 mins then you have the rubber banning due to lag/ping they should of kept the servers they had and not make everyone on 1 server for PVE but that just proves my point that they care more about PVP because there are 2 servers for them and the new map sucks as much dick as the nastiest whore you know do this is my tear apart of the game do t care if anyone agrees with me or has anything g bad to say because I have stopped playing this game just like I did destiny 2 because they mad that game a shit show also so thanks no thanks ATLAS YOU FUCKING SUCK
  8. Yep lost a monkey and a bear from it
  9. is there a bug with tier 3 taming cause nothing will tame
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