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Everything posted by Percieval

  1. Usually with an MMO, playing solo on officials is one of the hardest things out there. This skill system is MMO based which means you need to work in a group together to achieve certain goals.
  2. I’m 51 and can’t go any higher yet, probably need more explorer notes or something.
  3. Bit weird then, since it’s an Early Access game and companies like Steam almost never refund those since the players accepted the terms that things that makes people want to refund, happen.
  4. No ofcourse not, if people can’t handle an Early Access game it’s better to leave it be for a while.
  5. Now I understand your way of thinking. That ends it for me here.
  6. I get your concerns, but from the thousands of posts, 80% are about the same issue as yours. Devs are already looking into the whole claiming mechanic.
  7. I’m pretty sure you would’ve known they are aware of the issues stated above if you did any kind of research first. As for the refund; I don’t think Steam will refund your game after 27 hours. Atleast not with the reason ‘It’s not working like I want it to work’.
  8. Their Early Access game* they’re testing things out.
  9. I’d wipe any duping companies, if they want to play fairly they can come back and if they don’t, stay away or be banned again.
  10. Asked them for a statement but nothing yet. The only thing they could do is wipe them entirely but then again; They’re not the only ones, when the chinese started doing it NA and EU companies did it too I believe.
  11. I think the purpose of the game is to go out on a voyage and find yourself a home without much help..
  12. 100% agree. Decay stats are really messed up.
  13. So what do you want, to delete the PvE ones? Tell us
  14. Goodluck killing a company that duped galeons in the past..
  15. MMO’s usually don’t have singleplayer mode, but imo it can be done with this game.
  16. Again, yours and their decision to make. if you asked me, I would have made the game open and free for everyone for 2 weeks or something to test it to the max. even enable all the skills so people can go ham, but its their decision not to do so and then I can complain about that (like many people do on the forums) or I can try to help. There have been topics with people only calling the game shit and there have been topics of people saying what they would like to see changed and if other people agree...
  17. Lots of people start complaining about the chinese now, took some time though.
  18. Agreed, it needs to be looked at but I don’t think it’s on the top of their list right now.
  19. Never said that. But knowing and ignoring have a different meaning.
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