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Jack Sparrrow

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About Jack Sparrrow

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  1. Hey man if u are interested me and some friend we have in O9 a sweet sweet spot we are just 2 guys working as hard... if u wanna join us we are more than gladly to take u in the party we dont need money we need people to enjoy the game together. If u agree il need to talk whit my buddy first and second we have a sloop and a schooner but we are 2 guys is the perfect spot rocks wood thatch fiber all over the place is a little lacuna is perfect.
  2. same problem here i was on a raft traveling from o10 to o9 and boom game disconect me passed like 10 hours and stil wont let me in. the sad part is that i have a slooop in a lawless zone so whit the decay sistem i think that ship is gone.... fuck this shitty game il wait for Anthem and leave this shit and never play a survival shit ever, i know amazon team they are doing a sandbox mmo survival new world or something like that.. il never do the mistake and play this type of games.
  3. How can a lvl 1 puma(lion) kill me lvl 32 armor up bow arrow... is mind blowing... u fire 20 arrows u see the arrows in him but he will not take dmg until u are closer to death. PS i had(time past ) a sloop and a fuking croc almost tear down the sloop and kill me on the sloop over and over( eventually i escaped the croc just to face 3 boats of the dammed... gang bang on boat).... so survival time yeeey. I had luck saved buy a guy and now im on a good island we are working for are goals.
  4. Sadly they say is a pve server but all the pvp things are in pve still claiming. I don't know if they wanna let u actually enjoy the game whit system like decay in game, vitamins, water, flaying crocodiles, alpha snakes, ghost ships( or dammed one)pack of wolfs, lions,pumas jumping on u from 500 meters aggro range. U dream to make a boat and sail on the other islands to explore to settle in another good place to raise buildings to harvest crops to do trading, nope sir u got watch out about that pesky every meter and centimeter of the game wolfs/crocodiles/pumas/vultures/ and u finally did the boat and start sailing u end-up dead by the ship of the dammed and u have to restart all the thing again. Good luck and having actually fun in the game.
  5. Man if u are feeling tired to chase land im in H11 on pve EU im not a native english player but i have 3 flags if u wanna join me il be more than happy to build together o boat. recetly like today like 2 hours a ago i just lost my pretty schooner to those pesky ghost ships im so demoralized right now.
  6. So guys english is not my native language so bare me. I played 53 hours on PVE server EU for the exploration and building and finding discoveries. I have attach a picture where am standing, First of all the game is nice(don't care about flying crocs and the bugs ) never played a survival game before and is fun BUT .... i think almost 40 45 hours i played is on the raft i don't know if that is intended or not but my frustration is truth the roof. How can a single man claim an entire island is amazing, why do u have infinite flags i don't get it. I think i lost over 15 rafts at this point many of them just exploring the islands in hope to find a place on my own ( crocs where parking on my bed and never leave killing me at the respawn and so on and on). In this moment i don't know what to do im siting in the middle of the ocean and looking at the island's no one on them but all claimed by one or 2 dudes( thank's to the latest pach i cant even contest the spot because i need to wait 3 days). I admit im a solo player guy, that's way i chose pve server to freely explore the world, this is not survival this is a test of frustration, im sick of navigating on a raft to go island to island and to find only that all place are taken by one guy. I just wanna settle down in one location and build a better ship and then explore all the cool stuff. New Bitmap Image.bmp
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