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Everything posted by Percieval

  1. Then this is a stupid post only made to seek attention. You can sink low Realist, but you just went underground.
  2. Well, there’s 1 solution. It’s to build a time machine and go back in time. All kidding aside, in ARK devs can force people into tribes. I guess they can also force you back into your own company. So my suggestion would be to contact Jat on discord. And do it quick, because the timer on your stuff is counting down.
  3. Been that for a while. It’s not bad but not great either. Before this game launched, my guess would be that 10-15K people knew about this game. Then launch came and the game literally blew up because all big streamers were streaming it so instead of 10-15K, it was 60K. So in comparison to 60K, yes it’s very bad. But compared to the 10-15K... it’s manageable.
  4. My suggestion would be to not use a trap at all if it keeps glitching out. Elephants are easily tamable without a trap. So try that.
  5. I have no problems with them. They’re stupid, but I never glitched.
  6. https://atlas.gamepedia.com/Bookshelf OT: No, only good ones. Bad ones we throw away immediately.
  7. U got some flying dutchman stuff going on. Thats lit.
  8. The stuff you asked for were accurate. You can also just ask if what you think it says, is accurate. But that would be stupid aswell. Or maybe just ‘try it out’ - even when that sounds very scary. I expect you to update the wiki from now on.
  9. No, I think it’s because PC players that already know the game and don’t need a wiki in any way. Don’t be lazy and update it yourself or don’t come in here asking it at all.
  10. You’re literally this stupid? He literally gave you everything you asked for. You did the exact same when I handed it to you, you’re not getting anywhere with this.
  11. You have the option to play either on PC or xbox and you play on xbox?
  12. The dude has had 10 months to see if the game is to his liking. This is the peak of ignorance right here. Man man man.
  13. If you run them over they break. Grappling hook is good. You can also just jump in and get it.
  14. But you already had the steam version?
  15. I have no idea how you can tame a joke.
  16. DM dev on discord. Fastest way of letting it know.
  17. When you hover over it it says ‘Needs to be crafted in: Smithy’. Here, you learned something new. Again the little kid accusations when all you let the peeps see is how childish you are. Like I said, it’s ironic. I also find it very funny that I need a better outlook in life when all you do is give pessimistic/hostile reactions. The irony again.
  18. Wrong shipyard. You need a small one. The shipyard is build in the smithy, not in your inventory. Pfft.
  19. Loll, it’s funny that you try to make a point here. Let me rephrase then: The US is the only worth country of naming because the others are only small islands or virgin islands of the US. I’m not sure what your comments about child or adults is about, to me it shows that you’re the kid in this. Which I find to be ironic.
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