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Everything posted by Garfi

  1. Good luck with that more chance of them releasing space ships. Than doing any work to fix the current state of the game.
  2. It is unfortunately irrelevant now as I have tried to find my lost schooner (lost when transiting between zones E2 and E3) with a raft and therefore my last visit to both zones will on on that. And lets be honest I am not going to get it back by submitting a ticket. I don't think there is anyone to read them anyway.
  3. ok I like some of you post and can criticise none of your opinions - I have no interest in PvP so I wont get involved with serial 4. 1. Cannot agree more would love to see more ships (frigates, early ironclads etc) and variation in environmental enemies, why not have Vikings of the Dammed, that try to board you in the artic regions etc. 2. This must be a priority. All the adding pointless shit like markets and armoured docks must end. The game must work and be stable before any further new content is added. And then after adding the next new item it must be tested sufficiently by the community before the next thing is added. This is the normal intelligent way this is done. Not just, keep throwing new content at a game and hope the player don't realise it is running on two spectrum ZX81s in someone's mums under stair cupboard and is coded in basic. 3. I don't know if I agree here, the grind is the game. I know people say they hate it. but if everyone was just given ships free and allowed to go out and sail and battle etc I can guarantee the game would have been dead by now. Its the roleplay aspects such as the grinding to achieve a goal which makes the game worth the investment in time and energy. It also artificially creates a competitive scenario, that's why so many people seem to be obsessed with building huge bases. 5. The system you allude to is already in force and working in Naval Action (a clunky tiresome irritation of a game which I spent 2000 hrs of my life on. Although the scope of ships and sailing mechanics are amazing). I personally prefer the current blueprint system. It works great for now. 6. I honestly don't see why by the time you have done anything in a sloop you should have spent almost all of the level ups on weight and it soon becomes much more useful.
  4. Hi How do you get the IP of the official server?
  5. Every 10 to 20 minutes last night then glitch at border of E2 to E3 and no ship tames or gold. This game is really wearing me out.
  6. the whole Markets system seems to be a bit of a farce, I have three separate markets running (with support infrastructure) in two zones (I know two of my markets are in the same zone. Worse they are on the same island) but I don't seem to be able to get more than three separate trade routes to work. I must have visited and scouted at least 50 islands before I finally found one where I could fit in a Farm, warehouse and market combo to make my second setup. I have no working routes on my independent island although I have a list of five accepted routes. (this was my main which worked great till the restart the other day) The two markets together just trade with each other and both are suppose to trade with two other islanders. I know that sounds like 6 but I would argue it actually represents 3 trade routes, as I have reviewed the logs and have seen only traffic from one independent on each of the markets as well as the two markets trading together are actually working. I initially wondered if the Main island routes are all to people who don't know how to set up the trades. But after talking to a few of them I realise they seem to have set them up correctly and like I say they worked before the restart. I really hope the trade route limits are per market and not per user account. As this would make no sense at all. The idea of a game is to reward people who play it, not to limit everyone down to the lowest common denominator; so that a person who just plays for one hour a day with one market gets the same income as someone who spends 8 hours a day expanding their empires across multiple markets. This is just not realistic or fair. At the end of the day any game must hold the attention of its player and if the players feel they are achieving nothing by spending longer hours on the game; then they are going to play less, till they stop playing and they are certainly not going to recommend the game to their friends. Even in PvE players are still competing against each other and if the games reward system (Gold, possession and achievements) is broken, is unfair or has been applied in a badly conceived manner it can seriously effect the longevity of the game and ultimately its popularity. This game has the potential to be one of the best out there, it just needs the developers to start thinking. Even if they tried to put themselves in the place of the players (ie try playing the game) they would be able to see how their decision impact the player before they enact their decisions.
  7. After a long sail in adverse conditions, I can confirm Whale farming is truly a fun and profitable exercise. I equipped my 31st level Sloop HMS Rose with four catapults, crew and a ammo box and off we went. 15 zones and 3K of gold from dives, later and I found my first Whale, swimming along the surface minding its own business. I shot the beast with my brand new Carbine Rifle; these seem to be glitched ATM, about half the time when I load it nothing changes. Then I need to unequip, re-equip and fire the thing before it works again. But anyway I digress, Back to the whales. Once I had shot the beast in its massive tail fluke it slowly focused its gargantuan body on ridding its self of the small irritation, it perceived me to be. How wrong the stupid beast turned out to be. I turned my tiny ship to show it my Stern (nearly said arse, but remembered I am on a nautical game) and instructed the unfortunate fools manning the Ballista to open fire. Five or six barrages later and my screen is filled with huge achievement banner. I turned around, docked with the beast causing a small amount of damage to the fragile hull of my beautiful sloop and extracted my just reward, 850 beautiful shiny Gold pieces (obviously from the waistcoat pockets the Whale must have been wearing?), Some Blubber (250) and tonnes of prime meat, normal meat and leather. All in all a decent haul for the five minutes the combat lasted. Not, I would say a huge profit on the 7 hrs of sailing it took to find and kill the beast; but I feel my time was adequately rewarded by the fact my stupid boss was also paying me in real life to conduct this activity (although he probably thinks I am coding or something equally boring). Anyway that is the tale of my first whaling expedition. Well worth a go if you have a high level sloop laying around and a huge chunk of life with nothing else planned, to search the zones for signs of Whale tails.
  8. Don't seem to be able to suspend my market any more and we still appear to be restricted to 3 trade routes despite having 3 separate markets.
  9. Hi I am currently Level 49, I don't often respec just because I always forget something important and end up wishing I hadn't
  10. hi Ranger is it possible to agro the whale with an Arrow as the carbine is way to many skill points ATM and How do you know which type of whale you are attacking and does it matter?
  11. Hi Ranger, My main cash stream has been treasure diving for ages. I haven't tried Whaling as the cost in skill points for Ballista and catapults would prevent to many other skills I need as a solo player. I may have to rethink that soon, as I am getting seriously bored with most areas of the game I use to enjoy. The Minecraft building thing is to easy now. Any dickhead can build a huge base to keep their chickens in. Taming the big three is now such a pain I really cant be arsed with it any more. Sailing a ship above the sloop is to risky, crossing zones is so risky I wouldn't risk it in my dreams. One little glitch (or Galleon of the Damned on the border) and between 10 and 100 more Treasure dives (Probably 2 weeks of work) to build a useless schooner. And I really do not want to endure teaming up with people, I know this makes me sound like a grumpy old man (I am one) but I have been online gaming since the days of Everquest and ran Guilds in the past on games such as Eve, WoW, WoT, Planetside, Everquest etc. and I don't want to get drawn in to that or get involved in any of that shit ever again. Plus the wife would definitely divorce me this time
  12. I understand things are just getting worked out with markets, but it is starting to irritate me a little. I built a market within 30 m of my Warehouse which had a couple of productive windmills spinning away. All good! I then decided to try and get some trades working. I set up a load of trades based on the content of my warehouse and how much I was prepared to pay for various resources. All good so far. I clicked the find trades button and realised that all the traders were in my zone. Having travelled in the zone a little, I realised my trades where a little optimistic. There is no way I was going to get Gems for Copper when no gems were available in my zone. So, ok re-think right lets look at the forums, always good for a bit of advice. As a result scrapped everything and set up a load of trades one for one same products. Seems strange to me but I soon had more Parrot eggs than any one ever needed and enough Med cannon balls to sink a fleet of ships of the damned (if I could afford a boat to put them in), But lo praise the Devs! money, the gold stuff seemed to be accumulating at the rate of about 1000 gold per day. Being a sly and greedy sort (Typical bloody pirate) I immediately thought if I get this hoard of gold from a little Farm, Warehouse and Market setup I would get mutcho more by expanding my empire. So off I go, Into the newly built Schooner (It is actually the second I built this season, but it turns out schooners are proper shit combat vessels, they last no time at all against red Galleons of the Damned; especially when ambushed on a zone line). After visiting about 50 or so islands I finally find a location to set up a second Warehouse, Farm and Market setup. I was so happy I immediately setup my trades and offered my services out to the tiny amount of customers in the new zone and soon had some trades going. All good. I then notice a uninhabited island in the island chain. A little scouting revealed it had no food but ample Wood, Stone, Metal and Flint (always just thought of that as a type of stone but what do I know). So using the mass of rescores from base one and two I suddenly had a third market up and running. After setup, all was good and as well as trading with Base 2, at I noticed, half income I managed to get this market to trade with one other market (The island owners). All was good. I noticed the Main base income had slipped a little and I was no longer able to see my active trades on that market. But then the devs decided to have a restart this morning. As I am luck enough to work from home, I was able to log back on almost immediately after the restart. And guess what, no working trades anywhere. All my trades have disappeared and I cant seem to get them to work again, even trading with myself wouldn't work. So I trolled through the available trades on all three markets and cancelled everything. I then tried to set up the routes again and I seem to be limited to just three trade routes across the three Markets. WTF I had five running on my single market surely with three markets I should be able to set up fifteen, five on each market. Instead I assume am penalised again for being a solo player. It is almost impossible as a solo player to get room for a shipyard, let alone set up farms, warehouses and markets. Why the **** do we also have to be limited in the trading. If people put the effort into the fu****g game why treat them as if they were a side thought all the time. Some people do not want to be in guilds I have done that shit in numerous WOW type abortions and I do not need that shit in my life any more. Please it is bad enough that it is now impossible for a solo player to do the story line quests and almost impossible to get the high end equipment and blueprints. Don't make markets completely shit as well.
  13. You are luck best I can do is 'Connection Time out'. Really fucked off with this game.
  14. I disagree this game is dead. It is sick and needs first aid but the concepts are good and the many individual separate games within the structure are in general quite well designed. I love the taming, Tames, Breeding, base building, ship building, PvE survival, ship combat, ship discovery and land discovery. I don't mind the manual gathering with or without tames and was quite pleased with every ship I have built by my own efforts. What really spoils the game is the complete lack of investment. If a server is lagging it is because either it is insufficiently resourced or the code has not been optimised, usually a combination of both. It is no good complaining that other players are spoiling it for everyone else by building huge structures. If the game allows it then it must be a intended part of the game and the devs should devote more resources to that server/node. Everybody has effectively payed the same to play and therefore we all deserve to be provided with a good standard of play in whatever aspect of the game we prefer.
  15. Yet again it looks like there is no-one in the Dev team who has ever played any Multiplayer game or roleplaying type game. (they certainly haven't played Atlas) Instead of making the game playable and fixing the following: the terrible lag issues on most zones, the graphics glitches, lack of stability when sailing with cargo'd Tames, lack of stability when transiting zones, the lack of any product support, the solidity of the base building blocks (I hate spawning inside a floor block and having to free all the chickens and sheep which have sunk into the floor the rubber-banding at sea and land, The lack of pirate feel to the whole package, since being packaged into such a small world. I cant imagine any hidden pirate base being on island so overpopulated they make Mumbai slums look like millionaires row. They introduce Farms and Warehouses, without any real consideration of how. Both Farm houses and Warehouses have their place in the game. But, to effectively restrict the use of warehouses to the few players who don't have employment and can download and log on first after the patch release, seems to be a terribly short sighted strategy. Lets be honest, unless it is changed they may as well not exist in the game for the majority of players. By making the area restriction so large, all the Devs have done, is caused the majority of players to be, yet again, disappointed. Just like island ownership and the end game quests this is probably another part of the game the employed and those who don't want to be in a large guild will never experience. Well done Atlas team for trying but please employ someone with gaming experience or try making a toon yourselves and run around for a bit (you will never find anywhere to build a ship so you wont be sailing) you never know it may give you the incentive to fix something.
  16. - Rant alert - Honestly at the moment I would prefer if the Development team spent some time on fixing the game, rather than adding pointless fluff! Come on dev's, every time I try to do anything on the PvE server I get bounced back a random number of steps. This makes any sort of combat a complete lottery, I.e. you have one in 16 million chance of hitting the lion you are currently being carried by; as usually the lag means you cant get your weapon into your hand before it kills you. Carrying a tame, even deep in the hold on a ship, is a simple way of getting it to do some long range swimming. There is more Bears in the waters of some zones than ship wreaks or Ships of the Dammed. Passing through the zone borders on some zones is like playing Russian roulette with an automatic pistol, PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP IT IS EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING. The massive reduction of zones and loss of a server means, it takes forever to find a bit of shore to build a ship. Then when you do find somewhere, no doubt some five year old will cry about being to close to their base and start behaving like a baby when you ignore them (You know who you are). Due to the apparent lack of interest in this game from the developers, I had given up on this game entirely, until one of my friends pointed out the reboot and farmhouse, indicating some new interest from the developers. I really enjoy the game but firmly believe that any product should work as designed before it is polished with shiny fluff (although I really think you could give us some Frigates and 1st Class ships of the line :) ). - Rant Over - Could really love this game once it is fixed.
  17. There is really something wrong with the American psych if the first thing you think about when there is a flue epidemic is grab the gun and go into third world war mode. Enjoy the time off play some games and chill, I love working from home. Just wish Atlas would work
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