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Everything posted by Ankhwearer

  1. This should be in b ug reports, not general discussion.
  2. Yes, sugars are sap. Also, Wheatgrass is a plant in Eastern Temperate that gives Wheat. And the main wood is called "softwood", not pine or poplar. You can also, rarely, get "Darkwood" from bamboo gathering. Technically it is "Wild Onion", not onion. And you get Potatoes by digging.
  3. All insects except bees drop it, but it is an uncommon drop. or make it yourself by finding a source of sap.
  4. This is WAY better to play than the launch of other EA survival games, like Subsistence. And you accuse them of ignoring issues you have reported. Until three weeks have gone by, I feel it is premature to describe a report that hasn't been fixed as "ignored" . Also, you aren't messaging "devs" in Twitter. You're messaging GS communications. EA is paid beta test. My years at Nintendo and Xbox says they've landed square in that description. ------------------ And if they are ignoring you, what does posting hate here accomplish?
  5. I believe they deliberately don't allow name change. That way if a ship is claimed, previous owners can still find it and wreck their revenge.
  6. 7.3 dropped alpha frequency. Still a problem?
  7. Claim challenging is broken, which is intended to be their solution. Build on a Lawless zone, if you don't like the way claims work. Which few do right now.
  8. Some of these are mitigatable on your part. Fires and smithies can be indoors. Boats sinking by weight is a design flaw, sure. But obviously intended for limiting transport. And those are the only two issues you were able to identify. Seems like not enough justification to me to say the game is "balanced" for griefers, like this was intentional. And everyone agrees that the claim system is bugged, not that challenging claims shouldn't exist to get rid of abandoned construction or empty landgrabs. No sure how you would report griefers using these exploits when you usually don't know who they are.
  9. During the Century Link problems, I was getting this constantly.
  10. i assume you are only challenging my last sentence. They can't defend against decay. This landgrab isn't sustainable. But yes, it's still going on. I didn't say it has stopped yet. Just reduced in number. And the world map doesn't support your narrative. Most islands are still contested, not one company owned. The rest of your post is off topic. I agree that the claim challenge system is currently broken. And that the rest you mention suck. But we were discussing the number of claims you should be able to make and whether a company of 40 should have the same number of claims as a solo.
  11. All players were respec'ed. Just re add your level bumps, increase your skills again. They changed skill costs, so they needed to have us all do that over again with existing characters. But there was no "wipe".
  12. When you die, choose the bottom right option "change home region". Note: you're dead, so no gear transfer.
  13. I don't agree. That's too few claims. Why should a ten person company be restricted to the same number of claims as a solo player? And that is definitely not enough claims for a 40 person company spread across three islands. Only the land rush needs to be fixed, the first 5-7 days in a server. The ability to contest claims in abandoned land takes care of the rest, if players can be patient through the three day wait. Spamming claims died down naturally once an actual base gets started on.
  14. Which is why I said "good !uck". Not every temperate resource is in every grid.
  15. That's why half of the map is Lawless, where you can't make a claim. Building works, but decays pretty fast.
  16. Good observations. May I again request you answer a question? So Bambi, if a successful contested claim took all of the buildings, how should that work? How long a decay, what process to stop the challenge?
  17. Yeah, it's tough for solos. But that's only the decay for Lawless zines, which apparently are intended to have permanent inhabitants. You ask "why should I ever build (in lawless( and the dev implies answer is that you are supposed to claim land elsewhere and build there. As game g o rd into week two, we'll see how decay of claims works, if they can fix bugs in that system.
  18. I was pretty clear that I was describing how ARK worked for anyone reading this thread, including you, in the hope that those who hadn't could start there. Surely that was helpful for someone, if not you. Obviously no one knew 100% how to do this when you asked. So we collaborated with speculation. And now you want to punish those interested in this thread because our speculation was wrong? Disappointing.
  19. The spamming of claims are all hitting the end of their claim timers. You should be able to find a spot in a day or two. Me? My system is to just not die. Haven't left my Lawless island, have a nice base that can't be stolen as long as I login in every four days. No bed, but spawning on the other side of the island is barely a handicap. Those few times I die.
  20. So Bambi, if a successful contested claim took all of the buildings, how should that work? How long a decay, what process to stop the challenge? Because a flag and a single floor shouldn't lock a plot of land forever. Or should an entire castle that was abandoned. Neither should a challenged claim have a perpetual unusable dry dock if the buildings aren't oassed, but challenge is allowed. And your anger seems predicated on the idea that these results were 100 intended by the devs, rather than being a mistake. For me the hope is that they will learn from this land rush they apparently didn't expect. What MMO gets 50k users on day one?! Claim spamming by the first players in rafts is pretty harmful, and not possible in an established world. But day one nothing is established. And I know we're all impatient, but decay timers are only just expiring. You are being pretty impatient, unwilling to see if one or two more days resolved the problems with existing systems. But I do expect the next land rush, whenever that is in the future, to be run differently.
  21. My base area, former an open air catfish pond, became lightly wooded amidst heavy forest. That happen right after the server upgrade to 7.3. A massive change. Resources still a problem for you today? My house is practically overgrown!
  22. It was pointed out the two c!aims might be better, with an intent of one inland for your base, one coastal for your shipyard and harbor.
  23. Yeah, that sucks. Who wants to spend all day following the griefer to return the grief? Not me.
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