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  1. 2 points
    You are right, I haven't considered PVP because I refuse to play it. It's far too much of a time commitment for me and the grieving is something I exclude from my life whenever possible. I didn't realize that a shipyard could be destroyed so easily, but I guess anyone could wander by with a ship full of cannons and destroy it. I remember when I first started playing Ark I didn't understand why my base was half destroyed each time I would log on. I hate the fact that you practically have to be on all the time to protect your builds so I simply stick with PVE.
  2. 1 point
    Not played in MONTHS, came back and all the same fucking bugs are still here UTTERLY FUCKING INCOMPETENT when you going to fix it so i can get on the fucking ship using the FUCKING LADDER thats there? WHY the FUCK does a ladder stop working just because it is touching the fucking sea floor? TWO FUCKING HOURS ive been trying to get on mu FIUCKING SHIP. The FUCKING LADDER doesnt fucking work so i built a nFUCKING CAUSEWAY out to sea so I could fucking get on my ship buty the FUCKING CAUSEWAY IS TOO FUCKING HIGH TO GET ON So I put a FUCKING LADDER ON THE END OF THE FUCKING CAUSEWAY nope. ladder is not fucking recognized by the game... there is NO FUCKING ":CLIMB LADDER" available What the FUCK kind of utterly FUCKING INCOMPETENT bullshity is this hoy MOTHER FUICKERS dont fucking bother fixing this bug theres no fucking way im ever fucking playing this BULLSHIT fucking game ever again. You can actually delete my fucking subscrption for every fucking game. BUnch of FUCKING CUNTS developing this shit
  3. 1 point
    Dude, you should have known that anytime there is a wipe you need to leave rookie cove within an hour, not a day and not several days but 1 hour if you want a chance at grabbing land. even if you wait a day on pvp and you try going to lawless, all of the other players will already be built up and easily wipe you repeatedly. on pve it is just as bad. You take more than a day and there are structures spammed everywhere and you still won’t be able to build. if you didn’t know that then I feel bad for you. If you already had that knowledge, then I don’t feel bad for you. You WILL sacrifice your life to this game or you WILL leave the game. Only two options.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    cause new broken content is more important for developer than fixing bugs from start
  6. 1 point
    i have just come back 2 days ago and just now with this post i discovered we can do trading, ty for the details.
  7. 1 point
    You can trade with server squares arround your market. All routes u see in market are server squares arround ur market.
  8. 1 point
    yes, but you havent considered this, in a pvp server that same shipyard can be destroyed in literally 30 seconds regardless of how many ships it have built. i dunno, i think they want to give gold a meaning but they overdid it by A FUCKING LOT if you consider that the average gold you get from 1 treasure map is around 200 gold (since map quality is random). ok, but then you go kill a high level SotD and you get trash, the nice part before was that you could just skip straight to brigg and do SotD hunt for fun only, and not only that, designing your ship to fit your play style was great, now i have to be stuck with a standar crappy ship for an eternity for what?? a once in a while SotD hunt?? they have been making lots of changes since 3 years ago, and all of them were terrible, i still remember when they nerfed the carbine and then nerfed the glider, at that time those were the 2 things i was having the most fun with, making changes for the sake of making changes is nota good idea.
  9. 1 point
    I agree. It appeared at one time (or still does) that the devs were/ are trying to create a game that resembled the board game Risk - a game of land conquest. They would showcase the top land dominating companies on the website. This is great for hard-core players (well not great b/c it forces them into a huge time commitment), but not so great for casual players or players that can't afford that time commitment. If you consider the plausibility that there are more casual, non-hard-core players with lives outside this game, you're alienating a huge amount of potential players and buyers as well. I think most players are primarily looking for a pirate game of adventure, not a game of land conquest and domination.
  10. 1 point
    The last time i played i did so in the desert biome, so yesterday i created my character and started working towards moving to africa, first kick in the nuts came when i went to free port with my bear, hired 3 sailors and instructed them to follow me to the boat, the moment the last sailor jump on the boat my bear simply stoped existing, banished without a trace, i took it like a man and altered all my plans since i had to retame my bear as you cannot find bears in the desert (unless you do now), while sailing around in the process of re-taming my bear the 2 unassigned sailors i hired also went puff, simply disappeared, when? i have no idea, i only know they were with me when i departed but at some point they simply werent anymore, i took that hit too and proceded with re-taming a bear, after a rather frustrating time finding one i manage to tame one, so back to the begging right?? lets go to africa i tought, so i did all the sailing needed and finally decided on an island to stablish my base, can you guess what happens next??? yes, my new bear was gone. i dont know why this game keeps existing tbh, they keep introducing content when this basic bugs still exist after 3 years as when you try to hide a dead body under a rug, the fundamental code of the game is absolute garbage, i imagine this new team is trying to build a game from scratch using as a fundation the same piece of shit coding the past team wrote and i just cannot comprehend how they cannot realize that you cannot build a castle in a swamp. i came back after not playing the game for 2 years, i expected NOTHING from the game, and yet it still managed to disappoint me, honestly just kill this monstruosity, discontinue the project and let it die in peace.
  11. 1 point
    Yeah but it isn’t obvious to new people genius. Still whining I see. Maybe if you minded your own business you wouldn’t be so whiny. You aren’t contributing anything so I am not sure why you bother. I am at least talking about the game and sharing info for new players. you however are just complaining about what I say and that is all. Pretty sad to be honest.
  12. 1 point
    Man, I have seen salt before but damn you whine a lot. I get it, you wanted atlas to be even mediocre let alone good instead of a worthless failure, we can’t even call this thing a dumpster fire anymore lol. things don’t happen the way you want them to. Welcome to the real world son. I don’t blame you to be honest.
  13. 1 point
    Because we do not allow Naming & Shaming / Witch Hunting on the forums. At best, it accomplishes nothing. At worst, it starts fights and flame wars based on the "they said" vs "they said" model; plus all of the people that like to pile on and throw in their insults. And, it is a rule that is put in place to protect everyone. It does not take much work or talent to fake a few pics and post them as proof that someone was violating the COC; or they could just skip that work and just make the claim in a post. In-game issues can only be handled through support tickets. And, I have no say over how support tickets are handled; I cannot even see them, except when people report their own ticket (which does nothing for your ticket).
  14. 0 points
    I've had to resort to playing solo because I can use cheat commands overcome the bugs. The last time I played solo the Wild Pirates were almost indestructible. You would hit them with a canon volley, see their health go down for literally 1 second, then go back up to full health. As an aside, I think the fleets of the damned should be replaced by wild pirates (as assets). It doesn't make sense that the seas are *that* "haunted". Ghost ships should be more of a rare occasion.
  15. 0 points
    The only person you are making fun off is yourself. How about you get back under your rock and take your empty threats and captain obvious posts with you.
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