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Everything posted by UnknownSystemError

  1. And yet as soon as these changes were announced our INT crafters got together on Discord and have decided that we will have a floating crafting galleon for exactly that purpose. All it does in PVE is make us save up all high level crafting for binge, go to a freeport, respec INT, sail out, find dolphins, jump overboard, get buff, climb back onboard, pick up min/max bred crow. (breeders were not too happy they now have a whole new line added for them to grind out besides the stuff they already had to do), craft away, finish, freeport to respec, and then go back to whatever you were doing. People will do all this and more to wring out a minimal return from a high level blueprint. You can always get that dreaded 0.1% result, but if you end up getting the other end of the range, your stuff is going to rock compared to everyone else. I pointed out a measure approach is probably best, because like so many other things, they don't know what they are doing for a PVE game (rewarding power creep and progression) and instead make kneejerk development decisions based on their inability to stop cheating and RMT actions on the PVP side. When was the last time you heard someone screaming about X countries people using aimbots "to win" in PVE.
  2. Unless they are doing something waaaaaay out of the norm for Grapeshot (not likely) the game will release for Xbox for d/l at 12:01 EST or PST. There is a long track record of this on title after title. Most titles have been PST releases, but just to throw enough confusion into the mix they have had a handful that have released at EST.
  3. The ghost ship moves in a circle through a bunch of zones. It is easy to spot at night, much less so during the day. There were threads out there that showed the exact path, but other than that it is just random luck sometimes.
  4. There is a bug on that tracker that never resets the counts. So every time someone moves from one zone to another it counts them. Every time someone logs in it counts them. The total just keeps going up and up. They had a similar issue the same time at release on Steam that was giving false numbers reported to the servers so people were being locked out of zones even though they were not at cap. They fixed it, but the guys who made the tracker seem to have not. Edit: Clicked on it right after writing this and the total has reset to 2179. So maybe they fixed it finally. Edit2: Nope, still broken.
  5. Think of your idea like this. As a PVE player you go to a restaurant and buy a PVE pizza. After you have ordered and they have cooked it, they bring it to the table. Then the waiter jumps up onto the table, drops his pants and takes a PVP dump on half your pizza. You naturally complain that you didn't pay for a half a pizza covered in shit. The waiter tells you "Don't like eating shit, just eat the half that isn't covered." Bet your restaurant closes down fairly soon.
  6. Dont read too much into it. For one their own posts show that the numbers were off due to a bug in counting for most of the weekend. The other was the "new car smell" effect. People logged onto pvp to see if there were any changes to the islands they want to go for and to see the new stuff. We had 20 people from our company on this weekend. Played a day, got offline raided, half have noped out till the 8th, the other half are playing on unofficial to fart around till the 8th. Will they get a bump? Sure. But just as quickly those that have came back will leave for the same reasons they left before as the core problems with the game have not changed.
  7. A PTR (which they already have one of) would imply a future wipe. They have said that there will be no more wipes.
  8. Wild Pirate Encampments (WPE) are collections of enemy NPC characters, defensive fleets, and fortifications which inhabit claimable islands.
  9. Shandy, the only reason they are not putting it on official right now is they can't figure out how to do it without wiping. They know that people will abandon the game again (all 200 active on each official) if they announce a wipe. It will come to official, most likely the week before Xbob (gotta make officials all nice and shiny for the new customers). Giving them ideas on how to fix their broken game has been done over and over, and they have proven either they are clueless or just not interested. They will cashgrab the Xbobs then pull an Erkel shrug and go "Who knew?" The only reason many are still here bothering to comment is that the game had so much potential, that was squandered through bad decision after bad decision. Oh...and where's my hat?
  10. Just like all their other ideas to slow down island claiming I predict this one will bite them in the ass. Almost a year after launch and despite multiple statements of "We have finally fixed mobs spawning inside terrain!" anyone who plays the game knows that on a regular basis mobs spawn under or inside terrain. The mechanic on having to kill all the mobs on treasure maps before being able to loot the chest will work the same on these islands. Need to kill all the pirate NPC ships and mobs on that island. So here is how progression towards island claiming will go. Instead of just farming enough gold to place down claim flags in the first few hours of a new server launch on official, people will need to grind out some actual combat capability. This means creating temporary bases in lawless to farm, and all the shenanigans that entails. They will get everything they need in short order (screw them solos and small casual groups that make up the bulk of their playerbase) and sail to the island they plan on claiming that has NPC pirate spawn to be cleared. Fight to clear it, put down their claim flag showing how many mobs are left to clear, and get the dreaded "there are two more guardians" message. Scour the island and won't be able to find them as they will have spawned inside or under terrain. On pve people will figure out how to grief or loophole said attempts leading to the oceans of Atlas once again being filled with the salty, salty rage tears of the affected. Lots of broken Xbob controllers as the twitcher edgelords throw their controllers on the ground in impotent rage. In order to claim an island, Pathfinders must destroy the WPE that currently live on it. This includes their patrolling ships and any enemy NPC within range of the Encampment center. Players will be able to use the Encampment claimflag to reveal nearby enemy NPCs. After claiming an Encampment, all Encampment will be structures transferred to the new settlement owner. Once defeated, an Encampment will never respawn. However, if the Encampment has not been fully defeated, it will reset to full strength if sufficient time has transpired without it being rendered.
  11. It is a b2p title. If you stop playing, it saves them money. There is absolutely no profit in this for them beyond cash grabbing any way they can. Fucked up your PC gamer rep to the point no one will buy your steaming pos? Throw it to console gamers and hope they as usual haven't paid attention and will drop the cash.
  12. What? I heard them say that they are now going to wait for the next Xbob console to hit because it just doesn't make sense to release it now. XBone 2 is slated for holiday 2020 release. So at least another year. Also they think the tech will have evolved on pc by then, so no wipe needed.
  13. Early last year when there were negative effects from vitamins you would indeed poop yourself to death. I would make a mini-game of how many I could stack on top of each other before I died when sailing on a raft.(got 4 one time) This was early iterations when if you had the wind against you, you went nowhere. They changed the hilarious pooping animation and sound around the same time they added the whole move even when the wind is against you thing.
  14. They say a lot of things are fixed that are later proven to be broken.
  15. @Forb Hidden That is indeed one way they end up clustered at the transition borders. But it is not the only way. I, as recently as last week was sitting near a transition border stopped while I was getting ready to die and respawn. Had 2 brigs and 2 schooners spawn suddenly right around me, at the border. So they are still spawning there.
  16. Nobody doubts their ability to cashgrab and scam the sheeple. All it does is put them right back here with an even bigger base of people out in the world bad mouthing their product. If the same BS is tried again that they did with the Steam release, how would the end result be any different. The thing with b2p games is after that initial cash glut from launch, you need community helping promote your game, not actively killing it. That way you get a stready trickle of new players over time. This hasn't happened for them with Steam, and sure as hell won't happen with a probable bigger price point on Xbone. You can hope the staff at least have been networking and will land on their feet with new jobs when the "sorry, we tried, but it just isn't sustainable!" rolls in. Jat showing up for an interview in his pirate cap for another job in the industry is the thing memes are born of.
  17. It was an issue. Right after they nerfed all the dupes, removed all the mythics over 60% and capped intelligence crafting we saw a huge drop in people offering full mythic 300% damage cannons for sale. Then they nerfed intelligence crafting by a further 30%. Their market gone, their exploit gone, huge exodus.
  18. And a month later it will be a ghost town again. They haven't addressed a single issue that caused people to flee in droves this time, cashgrabbing Xbox is going to do them no favors. Sure, they might get to survive as a company for a bit longer, but when people find out that they were lied to if they use the same trailer they used for Steam, that offline raiding is a thing, and that the hordes of RMT players have returned to try and make a quick buck by exploiting systems and using aimbots in pvp, it will go down just as fast.
  19. That is about keyboard and mouse support for XBone players. They won't cater to new players at a launch. If they decide not to wipe those servers, there are going to be many, many salty nublet tears in the ocean. Which they don't care about because you bought an early access game with no possibility of refund. Gotta love b2p ea. They don't have to make you happy beyond shiny wrapper to make you drop the cash. Also because they know if they tried to make it a sub-based game people would laugh at them as they uninstalled.
  20. If the structures have been there longer than 24 hours, nothing you can do. Hope the company that left them don't render them in for 10 days is all you can do. As a claimed island owner you can destroy any NEW structure placed on the island for 24 hours. If you don't notice them they go into the normal 10 day decay. Or in the case of things place without foundations like cookpits......40 days. Most likely the reason that spit of land was claimable is that the previous owners figured out that there is no reason to own an island that doesn't have a specific rare resource on it that you are too lazy to farm yourself and want to generate taxes from it. Basically they are gold sinks unless you are lucky enough to have one with easily accessible high level maps so that people generate you gold. Our company has one on EU that we patrol just to keep people from building shit structures on that has some nice treasures map spawns on it. We started at launch with 14k gold in the flag. Have never added more, and don't really do anything with the island. It is currently up to 32k. Unless you plan to play daily whack-a-mole you will have to deal with idiots and their clutter. BTW that is for PVE, if you are on PVP, no idea how that works.
  21. Nope, they will lose the pve people still here if they force pvp on them. Granted they are down to just a couple hundred at any given time on any official server now, even less if you take all the bots that are there to pump server counts out of the mix. Game is b2p. They have no reason to make people who have already spent their money happy, not like they can cancel their subscription. How they choose to address server types, wipes, and taking care of their veterans is what will make or break them. They may think that thousands are going to flock to the game if they can just hold on till Xbox release, but what happened to save Ark most likely will not happen here. We lost another few company members during the wipe talk, and a few more the other day when the abortion of a livestream was put out. Hard to stay motivated when people you have played with for awhile message everyone and say "take my ships, animals, and crew if you want them. If not, just shoot them in the face or set them on fire so you don't have to worry about paying them or feeding them. I'm out, peace!" Made sure to not put any actual player names in the image, but people logged on for 166 hours non-stop?
  22. Discord Darlings: 1 Forum Fanbois: 0
  23. Now, but you know the intent to monetize is coming. Either through DLC/expansions costs or through cosmetics store down the line. To much money being left on the table for them not to go for a piece of that pie once they get out of "early access"
  24. They ignore the old at their peril. They are the curmudgeons that have the disposable income, time, and dedication to make a progression game work. The younglings get distracted by the latest shiny and move like locusts from game to game, stripping content fields bare before dying in a glut of speedrun torpor.
  25. The twitch chat was literally a wall of text asking them to clarify about a wipe. Totally ignored. They know that if they announce one they will kill the game before they get it shipped to Xbox. They think that releasing it on console will save them. It won't. They troll you in game with broken mechanics, now they troll you with live streams that give no information. Pulled out literal dream board pie charts to try and explain where they want to force players to go. "We know these certain things are not fun, but nothing will change till after Xbox release!"
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