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Ben de Witt

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Everything posted by Ben de Witt

  1. As a solo player I have a nice base in the lawless region on a tundra island in D4, EU PVE. I had luck with the specific conditions on this island and especially with my neighbours, with which I built an alliance. My only concern was the four day timer, which would had made it impossible for me to settle there for the long haule. In theory I am fine with the planned solution: no claiming flags on PVE. I do hope, that they are tackling the foundation/pillar spamming though.
  2. Yes, the wipe is justified if it is introducing a (better) solution for the claiming problem in PVE. And I have my doubts, because the core of the problem seems to be to find a just and playable distribution of limited space. But they aknowledged the problem, so I am curious if the coming changes will better the situation.
  3. I think you are misdirecting your advice. But, whatever. I expected wipes to happen within EA. And I am hopeful that the changes better the state of the game further. So, I am 100% amped.
  4. Thank you for your help to clarify. But, no, i do not think, that you are right.
  5. Could you elaborate? I do not get, what you are saying.
  6. To get into third person mode: Mouse Scroll Down To get into the orbit camera mode: k
  7. Because you have to allow failure within the process of developement. The vision of the game has to be put into the real (game) world. There is no a priori system to create game mechanics, where the developers could deduct the outcome. The outcome is mainly empirical, with real people trying to play according to the rules of game mechanics, which are in the state of test.
  8. That could be true. Dayz Standalone is a good example for this phenomenon. Early access has its merits and disadvantages.
  9. Everything can be done better. But bugs and failure of planned systems will emerge all the time during early access, and rightly so. It is the time to try things out and to see, how players react (and adapt) to planned systems and features. Previous to the start of the early access phase, the developers only had their experience as successors of ARK, some rough ideas and a few prototypes on closed test servers. Maybe it should be put much more emphasize in the marketing of early access games, that the state of the game is rough and in open development.
  10. Agree. That are all open questions, and we will provide the answers in the coming month. I think, that is the purpose of us taking part in the developement of the game. I am not playing either. But I am excited about the prospect of a new start after the wipe.
  11. Thank you. But yes, it is a real difference to take part in an early access game compared to a released game. I think this is not really clear to everybody who bought the game. Hence the frustration.
  12. Please refrain from taking part in early access games. It is only for adults.
  13. That is garbage. You seem to be on a war, that nobody is really taking part in.
  14. Everybody is able to understand the emotions of dissapointment and frustration because of the wipe. But the game is in developement, it is not finished. You have to adapt your assessments about the game to the developement process you take part in.
  15. In PVP the settlers could try to remove the owner of the island. I do not see, why they have to be hostages of the owner?
  16. I think we can settle our argument with your statement. There is no guarantee, that the game will succeed, and that is not the prospect I hold. But I hope and wish, that it will succeed after 24 month of developing in an open early access process.
  17. No, we are talking about the same thing, and you are wrong, your numbers are meaningless for the verdict about the game, which is in EA, in active developement.
  18. That maybe true, but it does not prevent it from becoming a great game. I think a large number of people who bought the game did not take the EA status of the game seriously enough and are now terribly dissappointed. Maybe Grapeshot is to blame for this misconception because of their communication and marketing. All I know is, this game is in early access, meaning it is not ready developed, and it allready has a lot of the ingrediances, that could make it to a great game, that I look forward to. Your numbers are meaningless, they refer to a game in EA.
  19. Game is not dead, it is not even born. Right now it is an embryo, which will develope over time, with the help of the players, into its intended form. Your numbers may be real, but without meaning.
  20. Jat mentioned, that they also want to wipe because of left over code from bugfixing.
  21. All this wipe-whining is rubbish in my opinion. There are foundational changes coming, which make a wipe neccessary. Every adult should be able to grasp that. The current state of the game - within this EA phase - has too many dead ends. I want this game, which I allready liked to play for about 500 hours, to get much, much better. So, wipe as often as needed, please!
  22. I like the announced changes. On paper it looks like good improvements to the foundations of the game. I am excited!
  23. Nice: "First of all, we’ll be revamping the Land Claim/Ownership System. We recognize that for a lot of players, land is incredibly difficult to get, and in some cases impossible, unless you’re in a lawless zone or playing with a large group. This is something we’re planning on addressing by introducing some new mechanisms related to land claiming..."
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