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Everything posted by Chucksteak

  1. Don't take it personally. Punctuation and sentence structure is what allows us to understand your thoughts better. Also, anything that takes longer to read and digest than your average shit at work usually gets skipped after the first sentence. Welcome to 2019.
  2. SCA is pretty much everyone not Dynasty.
  3. No, unfourtunalty its not my ingame name. But this is my online identity on all forums. I have been to lots of areas on the map, certainly not even half or more. I have played in a mega, we were in top 10, they still are even now prolly lol, bouncing from 1 to 5 normally I imagine. I left the mega and went solo. It was more my style. The whole dont attack theese people and be sure to farm x of y as your to do, but deffinatly dont build your own base pissed me off. Im here to be a pirate, not a private first class in somone elses army.
  4. Back on topic.. Im asking specifically you, why would you not try Empires. As a mega that is.
  5. Put your feathers down, your just getting clowned a little cuase everyone here has done all the things you did. Hell, many of us do that solo as passing entertainment griefing megas.
  6. You cant just go around saying your the best becuase you say so and expect to be voted king of the free world or......wait...nvm. I can't say that anymore
  7. I disagree, ive also seen servers in games come together to defeat a zerg. They were themselves not a zerg outside of a singular goal. Once achieved they go back to buisness as usual. Lineage 2 comes to mind for me. Also, take away fast travel and you just knee capped the bigger companies and merly annoyed the smaller companies. This can be proven with math. 50 people can fast travel through one bed in a 50 man company. Only 10 people can fast travel through a bed in a 10 man company. Who has the advantage with fast travel? Make beds 1 per person, only 1 person can travel through 1 bed reguardless of company size. But why LOL. The other mode is DESIGNED FOR YOU!? Bonkers!
  8. If every mega you know is going colonies, and your at 60+, and I might be wrong, but I think you stated previously that you preferred the old rules set, why not take your guild to the Empire settings and not break up into segments? This is the actual intent, not to break you up but to put you in the league you prefer to play in. Your intention to immediately begin your best efforts to undermine the system and start with a full 2 company alliance is indicative that you fear to compete. Its also possible your setting yourself up for GM retribution on your company and its members. On top of that, if all the megas do this and drive away those who return to this game and it dies, its your own faults for being short sighted assholes who fear competition soooo much you might as well be Russians. Also, your not a mega at 50 members, but you certainly are before you get to 100 members. Any company that has to split to go into colonies is a mega, sorry. -CS
  9. I think the worry is that a mega will prefer to split into 10 companys and all exist in one discord, and consistently work as one unit against what is theoretically all the other 50 man companies. Or even against an alliance that may hold 2-4 companies that dont exist as one unit in a discord. The proper place for this play style would be the Empire servers ofc. That, however implies they compete with other megas, and that is antithetical to most, if not all, megas.
  10. I actually had to look this up as I've never had to define a "Griefer" to anyone before. As it is, the devs are trying (as best as they can), to curb the foundation spam, to the point where Island owners can demo or destroy them and are encouraged to do so. To me, foundation spamming is an unintended way to play the game at this point. Therefore pillar spamming an "enemy" Island would be griefing by definition. 1. Pillar spam deliberately irritates and harasses other players in an unintended way. The devs do not intend for Island owners to be impaired in their ownership while not in a raid window. 2. This action by you is not being deterred by the penalties implemented against this. You don't care if they demo your pillar, and you don't care about any upkeep cost to building the pillar. 3. This one is an assumption on my part. The person spamming pillars is probably getting pleasure from the act of annoying others. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Griefer "A griefer or bad faith player is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game (trolling), using aspects of the game in unintended ways.[1] A griefer derives pleasure primarily or exclusively from the act of annoying other users, and as such is a particular nuisance in online gaming communities, since griefers often cannot be deterred by penalties related to in-game goals.[2] This creates a strong division between griefing and cheating, since cheating is done with intent of winning the game and thus is discouraged by in-game penalties. Methods of griefing differ from game to game. What might be considered griefing in one area of a game may even be an intended function or mechanic in another area. Common methods may include but are not limited to.... -CS
  11. But there were like 3 whole people bitching hard about how the old mega tribe rules all system was so much better. Also there were several very large companys that already paired down to 250 from 500. I am hoping a large number of them go try the settings made for them.
  12. The tames are just lame. I like the concept of using them to farm, or ride around, but arming them.....stupid IMO. As far as the balance of things, Sea of Thieves did a great job of balance. All weapons of the same type do the same dmg. All fights are won or lost off of skill. Don't get me wrong, the extent to witch this is done in SoT makes the combat go stale after a while, but the weapon types were limited to 4. The balance is perfect for skill. I would personally make BPs offer different appearances far more so than adding anything to stats. this would keep them relevant without disadvantaging those who don't/can't farm as much. The weapons should also be balanced against each other, for example the sniper rifle hits harder than the pistol but reloads 2-3x slower, relative to the dmg differential. All of this is kinda moot as it is though, they gotta get those hit boxes working better first.
  13. Man I really hope not. I really hope they all go try the Empire setting. Although to be fair all my anecdotal evidence says they don't actually like to PvP each other.
  14. No, besides the unfortunate amount of semi illiterate people who post here.
  15. This. Now all the megas can go carebear it up on thier own "hardcore" server.
  16. Fake news. I looked it up, this game is called "Atlas" a pirate game developed by Grapeshot. "Ark" is a dinosaur game made by Wildcard. Literally, the opposite of what you said. Perhaps some people who worked for Wildcard are now employed by Grapeshot? I cant confirm that. But you know thats kinda how an industry works. People who are in the same industry have similar skillsets an employer looks for. If I own a McDonalds, and I hire/steal some employess from Burger King, I am not now a Burger King owner. But I think you already realize this and are just trying to insult GS in a lazy way by comparing them to a company that made a way shittier game. -CS
  17. Thats just what they do. It happened in a different game with a different concept made by a different company that had a similar/same engine. 100% indicative of this game with this company. I prefer to think its more like PUBG. It is a game that is also a different concept made by a different company also using UR4. It was in EA for around a year and sucked for a while, plagued by cheaters (mostly chineese as it is what it is), and often crashed and lagged. But it slowly got better and better. Despite some missed dates with some things it released and works and plays awesomely. See what I did there.
  18. Aww, I missed the meeting where we all appointed you the spokesman for dedicated PvP players. Are you like our "Lorax"? Now to address the fake news. - 9/24 is not 25%. Its 37.5% so the worst you can say is 2/3s of a day is restricted, and even thats rounding in your favor. - In all PvP servers that are not freeports, you can PvP at anypoint in time. On some islands there can be a raid window set to not attack that island untill the window is open. Islands make up some 10-15% of the map and not all islands will have the same window, nor will all islands be owned (theoretically). This is to encourage PvP and discourage offline raiding. As this seems to be your biggest concern, I have to assume you preferred getting offline raided or raiding others offline. - Anyone can call it a PvP server becuase that is what the creators labeled it. Contrary to your opinion, the fact is it is labeled "NA PVP" means we address it as such. Oh also, you can attack other players on 90% of the map at anypoint in time. Making it, by definition, a PvP server. - We gave it like 6 weeks the way it was and most players stopped playing.....of all types. Sooooo, whats your solution? Go back to the way it was and ...lose all players in a week? -CS
  19. Oh please say this is true, can we please get a wipe in April? Id be fine with almost any condition to guarantee the largest group of cheaters fucks off. (Not all chineese are cheaters, but most cheaters are chineese, its a cultural thing not a racist thing)
  20. Yeah we certainly did. Nintendo, Super NES, N64...wait whats in this cow box...wtf is a Gateway...wtf is a Diablo!...oh forget that N thing! Boom, just like that I grew up and beyond the limitations of a cheap console.
  21. Lol, so youve super imposed the 1980's stereotype of a pc user playing "pong" on your average 2019 pc gamer. Here in the present, we've invented what we call the "laptop". Please compare the size, space and cord requirements of your console to that of any laptop and you will see witch one is taking up more space. Lol ffs you could almost play in on your phone .
  22. Why not just play it on PC? You catch shit, rightfully so, bc you dont have any experience to speak from in any form when you post here. So no one really takes anything you say seriously. Consoles are for kids anyways. Unless you are a kid, then no offense, but shouldnt you be off playing Fortnight?
  23. Have you played many MMOs? Whats your definition of time consuming. I suppose you can be in game for many hours. But its not like your losing characters youve spent years building and leveling. Compared to ANY decent and true MMO Atlas is not time consuming. And cant have been as its only been out a few months. Max lvl is almost handed to you, there is no skill required in building or harvesting anything. With NPC crew there is no skill required in shooting cannons or mounting turrets. The only slightly challenging effort is combat but only becuase you never know where that sneaky hit box actually is. I continue to take joy in all the bitching from people who are unable/unwilling to understand or google what EA is. What, you think this shit wouldnt be wiped at release anyways? You thought youd just get a good 2 year headstart on anyone who comes in at release? Baka! Oh wait no, you still think this is Ark (a terrible game btw imho) and you think this is WC. Let me inform you, this is Atlas made by GS. See, if i leave my compnay A and go work for another company B, that doesnt magically make company B turn into company A. They share the same engine. No one gives 2 shits about what happened in EA on another game made by another company with a completly different concept.
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