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Everything posted by Stationmonkey

  1. For what its worth you can now pick up and set down barrels and keep the water in them. So you can run around the island dig a hole and place the barrel fill your jars and fill the bucket then move to the next dig-able spot. Rinse and repeat. =-/
  2. Lol, I am a "casual Player" and if you think its "farming to death" to build a ship your crazy. Does it take more than 30 minutes to make a Brig? Sure, But ffs if you think a sloop or even a Schooner is somehow a farming nightmare..... Well my little snowflake.. Please melt somewhere and stfu.. Because its only a few hours work to build a Schooner. Sure its a bit to make a pretty one with bells and whistles. But God if you have problems with needing a day to build a ship then go play WOW or something with instant gratification and leave Survival to people with patience.
  3. Hello, I am looking for a German Company as I have recently moved to Germany and am in the middle of my Integration course. I have a lot of learning left to do before I am fluent with German but I want a community where I can continue to learn outside the classroom. I am hoping I will be able to find that here. (and now to try saying that in German *with an American Keyboard....*) Hallo, Ich suche eine Deutsche Company, da ich kuerzlich nach Deutschland gezogen bin und garade mittenin meinem Integrationskurs bin. Ich muss noch viel lernen, bevor ich fliessend Deutsch kann, aber ich moechte eine Gemeinschaft, in der ich auch ausserhalb des Klassenzimmers lernen kann. Ich hoffe, dass ich das hier finden kann. (Auch fur euer Verstandniss.) Currently on EU PVE but will happily reroll PVP (kind of want to)
  4. Making it too long would be breaking the game. SOTD don't attack (well they aren't supposed to) anchored ships. So you could just Anchor and avoid being blown up. I think a little longer might be ok to get an anchor spot not right on the beach every time. But admit it it would just be an exploit.
  5. Stack 2 foundations on each other and they stop being able to spawn in your house. I know we shouldn't have to do stuff like that but while we have to you may as well do it.
  6. Ok. An argument for why steel ships float. Well quite simply displacement. For a steel ship to be rigid enough you need around 5 or 6 mm of sheet steel. For the same relative stability you would need several inches or probably feet of concrete. We could go into fluid dynamics and what displacement is. But I am fairly sure that would make for some very boring reading for anyone who happens along the topic. To reference the lead thing.. Well Mythbusters proved a lead balloon can float with enough helium so.. Whatever a minuscule content is in the hull is irrelevant to total mass. But yes Boats are made of steel. Yes its not porous and far more dense than concrete or stone. But also relative weight to sheet size ratio needs to be considered.... I know I know this is a game and its all just 1's and 0's so technically it could totally work. But come on there does need to be some realism and stone ships are woefully unrealistic. Concrete ships would be as useful as thatch ships so make little sense as well. (I do however think metal panels strapped on like Civil War ships *CSS Virginia & USS Monitor* would be a great option.) But metal ships and stone ships in a pirate game is ridiculous. imho
  7. Be honest your first thought was white knight LOL mine was. But hey.... Don't judge a post by its title? >.< tehe Honestly there is entirely too much hate it really does seem like people think all the fixes from Ark should function here as well. Not accounting for the vastly different mechanics of this game. And expect a 25 dollar game to be whole and complete. So ya that's a thing somehow. (And remember 2018 when what like maybe 10 games came out complete and they wanted full retail for the incomplete games?) For 25 bucks I can play the heck out of this game. Its hard, but I want it to be. Its buggy, but its also a whole new direction for the creators to go in. Expecting perfection from an Ark port is ridiculous, and expecting it from a very different implementation of that software is even more insane. Work with what we have, give feedback, even rage at them when they do things woefully foolish *stone crafting kerfuffle* But remember at the pace they are putting content out they seem to be working a whole heck of a lot more than the 8 hour days most people work. They seem very intent to make a game with tons of content. They are going to make mistakes. But they are also going to make good moves. So, a bit of patience (I know, I know, in this day and age asking for patience is like telling a Millennial they aren't the center of the world) but its necessary... Fixes are going to swing wildly from good to bad and back. Probably long after the game is complete.
  8. .... Concrete is porous, and far far less dense than stone... So ya that's a thing. But not going to be fast. Not going to be strong. And not going to function in a Pirate world. Haha ok you run around in your concrete dinghy while everyone else is rocking their big ol' wood ships. Sounds like a plan!! =-)~
  9. Can you have a stone ship in real life? Have you ever seen one? I sure haven't... Think before you ask questions. Buoyancy "Physics" says NO!!!!! >.<
  10. HAHA Escalation much? I think fighting back in a game is vastly different than real life scenarios. But like I said if you prefer the "haughty" approach more power to you. .... Well my grandmother was Iroquois so... I have that going for me! tehe
  11. Technically I am an American who lives in Germany. (so you can hate me without fear. *everyone hates Americans*) No worries LOL
  12. warum nicht? I mean if you want to be "haughty" by all means go ahead. But ya seriously why not?
  13. Simple suggestion... Fight fire with fire. Grapple onto their ships over encumbered. Whining about it does nothing. If they fix it eventually then yay. But while waiting for it to be fixed.... Well Tit for Tat I say.
  14. Its back up looks like a 1h rollback
  15. thats why they changed it to password12345
  16. For what its worth to anyone who doesn't want to make a company and never be able to join one with all their progress. I just put a tiny shipyard down built a raft and put a bed on it. It shows up on my map and I can spawn on it now. ... Of course my Schooner and the Sloop I had don't show up. (nor does the new sloop I made to get back after my death earlier) So it does seem if you build a new boat and put a bed on it it will show up for you to spawn. (for what little that's worth....) =-/
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