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Everything posted by Akai

  1. For me it was caused by planks. You have to place wall planks 1st. They act as the foundations.
  2. Amazed no1 mentioned the flying ship up there next to the Atlas logo. And the torpedo doesnt have to be sci-fi if its magic (mythos) powered one just the idea of torpedo is modern-ish.
  3. Akai


    Hmm just did treasure map that guaranteed 302 gold but i got only 246 i wonder where the rest went on claimed island since the tax isnt taken from what u get.
  4. Pillar/Foundation Spam will be only temporary since all structures will have decay dmg (PVE atleast) and the auto repair (Rust Cupboard) will most likely repair only connected structures. So depending on the decay rate ull have to deal with pillar spam only for some time. GL running around with hammer to repair each pillar/foundation. Bigger problem will be walling off resource rich areas.
  5. Pillar/Foundation Spam will be only temporary since all structures will have decay dmg (PVE atleast) and the auto repair (Rust Cupboard) will most likely repair only connected structures. So depending on the decay rate ull have to deal with pillar spam only for some time. GL running around with hammer to repair each pillar/foundation. Bigger problem will be walling off resource rich areas.
  6. Makes one wonder why theres WWII stuff ingame. Tek tier equivalent in atlas? Kamikaze in zero onto galeon doesnt seems too bad
  7. Thx for info. Also did it hit ur ship at all or just kited away? I already built Brig for it but have only like 2 balistas for back most aim at sides hoping i could somehow fight it without pure kiting away.
  8. How hard is actually to kill it with ship? not the island glitch way but proper way to fight it on sea?
  9. Ur supposed to be in giant company where u dont need NPCs but have real people as slaves on ships ...
  10. U can park with the back facing beach so no way to access the back ladder or park dingy/raft under it. all other are just placed in the snaps only 1 long so they dont reach water. That way other ppl cant place ladders on ur ships (yea you could place rope ladder on other ships in PVE) portable doesnt add to the weight (tested by company mate) so if ur carefull u can make ANCHORED ship like 90% safe. Also parking between 2 shipyards make it impossible to get next to urs with other ship. Its hassle but u can atleast defend against casual griefers hardcore ones will allways find way.
  11. Cant go into breeding here with thinking its ark. You have to keep it in right temperature whole time or atleast most of it and it starts eating from through after like 30% maturation. Breeding in cold regions helps alot since u can warm up room with multiple fires but cant do the opposite. For bear its about 15 hours till the 30%. Breeding in Atlas is pain in the ass same as the taming.
  12. Not perfect but u can park dingy/raft right where the ladder is. For brig or galeon its worth the hassle parking like that. Not sure if it will make it 100% safe but should make it much harder for the griefer.
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