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Bastian Auryn

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Everything posted by Bastian Auryn

  1. Has anyone figured this out yet? I'm still not sure how to increase ship stats. Has anyone figured this out yet? I'm still not sure how to increase ship stats. Has anyone figured this out yet? I'm still not sure how to increase ship stats.
  2. I would also like to know how to increase ship carry capacity. The above suggestions do not seem to work.
  3. I think the point he was making is that there is a lot more Player-Versus-Offline-Player than there is actual active fighting involved... Offline raiding feels more like griefing to me than anything else... there is literally no risk to the attacker when raiding an offline players base. There is no challenge, there is no strategy... just destruction of stuff... because you can...
  4. While one could add arguments to the startup commandline... there are still 200+ separate .bat files that would need to be changed manually. It would be nice to have some way to flow a single set of *.ini files into all servers.
  5. @ChromeSDK I am loving this tool! I would like to be able to adjust the server settings but this needs to be done for each server individually. Is is possible to create a game.ini and GameUserSettings.ini that gets applied to all servers when they are created? It appears these get created the first time a server is started up.
  6. I am loving this tool! I got it up and running in less than an hour by following your instructions. I did have a few questions... 1) Is there a way to force a server save prior to shutting down the servers to prevent rollback? 2) How do I make it start in PvE mode?
  7. Agree. And yes, this aspect has been covered already. I takes a lot of investment of skill points, and a lot of time to find and trap a high level tame, more time sailing across the map to obtain the preferred food, taming time itself, then leveling up the tame... only to have it all taken away in an instant by the mere fact you encountered a lvl 200+ alpha wolf or lion. There is literally no chance of survival or even escape. The balance issues need to be addressed!
  8. I think the point of the OP was that a tremendous amount of time and effort goes into finding and taming high quality animals and it all disappears in an instant to a random Alpha. There is no chance of survival for you or your tames... Sure, you could re-spawn and corpse-walk it back to a taming trap to kill it safely in retributiuon, but that does not make up for the loss of your tames. The problem is balance... the Alphas are much much more powerful and lethal than anything else... so much so that if you even see an Alpha wolf or lion, you are already dead as is everyone around you.
  9. This is the reason my wife and I stopped playing. Tired of hard earned tames getting killed instantly by RNG... its simply a death sentence.
  10. In game you can use the "Discovery" tab in the character screen to select whatever region you want to. It will state "Lawless" if that zone is lawless. If it states nothing, it will be claimable zone.
  11. Rather than implementing an entirely new game mechanic (which will probably go very badly given the history of "fixes" so far) there are far more simple adjustments that can be made immediately without much effort at all... such as capping Alpha levels to 30 like the other wild animals. Another solution is to limit the areas that they can spawn in. Also a general reduction of Alpha spawn rates would also help. Could also reduce their aggro range so players at least have a chance to see them before they aggro. I have nothing against something new, but in the meantime it would be nice if you and your army of high level bears to not die in just a few seconds for the offense of being too close to an Alpha spawn.
  12. The Alphas really do need some adjustments... We lost two 60+ bears yesterday within 30 seconds of disembarking from our ship in an attempt to gather some seeds to a single Alpha wolf. There is literally no chance of survival or even escape once an alpha wolf or lion aggros onto you. It doesnt matter the tame level, which beastmastery skills you have, or what equipment you have. You and your tame will die within 2-3 bites at most. You cannot even out-run them or leash them to de-aggro even if you have a head-start. I cannot imagine that this is working as intended. What is the point of investing many skill points into beastmastery, finding and taming high level creatures using the preferred food that you sailed half way across the map to obtain only to lose all of it almost instantly to a random alpha spawn?! The level disparity between your "uber" level 75 (30 base+15 tame bonus + 30 level cap) tame and the random Level 250 alpha which is not only 4-5x your tames level but also an alpha with even better stats is just plain ridiculous.
  13. This is exactly what will happen if we pick up our foundations. We did not claim vast chunks of land, we just wanted to prevent random transients from building ugly structures in our front yard and leave. The islands are so small and some resources only spawn in a small specific area. This will just encourage people to just block off resource areas with large walls just so they have a source of wood, stone, thatch, etc. I have no issue with the respawn radius, but I think it needs to be reduced greatly. There just is not enough land to keep the radius at their current sizes.
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