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Everything posted by Muffinman

  1. Ever wonder why real life renting has laws? lol This game has two big issue with a landlord system. 1. Player maturity/morality. 2. Resources and regions. (Resources to include play time availability) In early game to patch 18.x I settled in E2. When the crew and I sailed down to the southern zones, we became salty with the ease at which players had it. We began to hate the game solely because of the disparity from difficulty. Now players are going to have to race for decent land. Yeah, that won't be a shit show. Not at all. I foresee server crashings in Grape Shots future. Wait, what am I saying? It's already at that state. I don't know any player that will want to be a landlord with extra game conditions. I certainly am not looking to be someones landlord in E2. Neither am I interested in managing a company for a video game. Been there, done that. Better things to do.
  2. Your words say it all. To expand on them if I may? Who the hell is going to work to be anyone's "nice" landlord? Actual nice landlords are rare among the count of millions. Even then anyone that is a "nice" landlord will undoubtedly have some catch up their sleeve. Nice for a price. I predict landlord player/team will either have personal schedules or, have a schedule forged around other players. The easy (negative) solutions of "nasty" landlord(s) become rapidly appealing. A matter of when, not if, this claim idea spark more conflict. They could have limited claims per player as well, limit the number of players per company. Either way, good luck to all on the race to be someone else's... worker. (As to not offend the weak with "negative" vocabulary.)
  3. I don't mind a challenge but, the lion killed me in two hits of my Journeymen Plate. I lost all my good gear and had no warning that fucking thing was there. That is with "nerfed" alphas. The Devs "fix" of making the game "balanced" makes me concern for their ideas of how game mechanics work. I mean, look at the crap they want to add. Subs and Crabs yet the sea floor still glitches out 3/10 times I log in by rising 10' above sea level. How about islands spawning in the way or, the over spawning creatures in some zones. Crossing over zones half the creatures on the boat, players included, get raked off into the water and the sails don't close. Watching the boat sail off on toward the horizon. Last week an NPC crew men mysteriously ascended to what ever heavens in the game. So much needs to be FIXED before they add more broken content to the game. They are just fucking themselves by pilling more problems ontop of the problem cake. It's now layers thick.
  4. Anywhere near the head should count. Period. None of this sliver, magic pixel, safe space. It shouldn't be this ridiculous to tame animals. Speaking of animals, when will the devs dull down alphas? I'm losing my patients with alpha lions snatching me off my mount and killing us both. Regular lions are already a pain with that ability, alphas are just a second tier dick move ability with nothing to counter it. At least give players a way to get out of the mouth faster. ffs.
  5. It's not that people aren't willing to travel for it. It's a problem when the certain areas have everything they need in such abundance they are giving it away for free. My company sailed a galleon for 4 hours to M10. (Snooze-ville to the max sailing for 4 hours while avoiding ghost ships.) From there we took our sweet time trying to figure out what people wanted to trade. A week worth of island hopping and still, nothing. BP's and gold everyone seems to have. Metals, mounts, special quality items, nope. The players still were giving us animals, gear and, even offered a free Brig. I like that everyone is nice but, no one wanted to trade. It was sad really.
  6. This game has 1 big issue around it's main objective being trading. Why trade when I go harvest it myself? Ok, fair enough. People aren't looking to sail a few hours to risk boat and cargo. Also fair enough. Why not join discord? Why should anyone be forced to use a third party platform for the main objective of the game? How about a solution then? A trading hub for players to submit a Purchase Order. It may be best to place these trading hubs in local regions if not the free ports. Here players can submit request for materials in exchange for other materials. A bit of an announcement for players to review and determine if it's worth their time and investment. For example, 100 honey for 1000 iron. To fulfill the orders, both parties bring the goods to the hub and can choose to pay the hub for guaranteed protection of the goods. Increase the cost of gold the longer the goods sit at the hub. This also incentives travel if players want to forgo the protection cost and deliver the materials directly to one another. The idea of an additional skill tree to improve gold cost, view requesting material locations and/or, view the distance to each hub, trading ships, weather conditions and such. Just an idea.
  7. How about the devs put something in game for such a system to forgo discord? Lets begin with trade hubs located around the map. Then place merchants there that allow players to submit "Purchase Orders". These Purchase Orders can be placed by players to offer this amount of items for another amount of items. Companies/players can then look at these Purchase Orders and determine if the items they want are worth trading. As well open a trading skill tree that allow players that can place and/or take on more Purchase Orders. Open weight values in the tree for specialized crates that can be placed on boats and other neat ideas. Just saying, discord is not a proper improvement for trade system in a game based around trade.
  8. On no communication with people in other servers? What are you talking about? You go to that server and chat. Boom, chat with them. You obviously haven't read we sailed 4 hours. Obviously we are traveling outside our server. As well I mentioned getting honey. Well you aren't getting honey in the northern regions now are you? Guess you'll have to sail down to D7 on Okograve and mine it yourself. Would you look at that, I didn't need to trade for honey, simply harvested it myself. Ahm, Problem number 1. Remember? Here we go back in the circle of this discussion. The incentive to trade in the game to risk a boat and cargo isn't worth the 4 hours of sailing alone. Ignoring the amount of time it took to gather the cargo and building the damn ship.
  9. Refuse to help myself? Look here high horse rider. You jump to assumptions quickly. Having to use another program to incentive trade deals is a poor solution for any game based around trading. I can already communicate with players in the game without discord. We do make trades with other players, and we have banded together with other companies in our region. The vast amount of resources still is nice, however, it's fucking stone structures and basic game needs. Not exotic gear. You are missing the point entirely about the horrible trade incentives in this game. That or you are just refusing and simply playing the roll of a troll. Trade values aren't worth 8 hours of sailing for the chance to lose the ship and cargo.
  10. Oh yes, because my friends and I didn't choose one island to live on. We spread out across this enormous game to not be able to help each other by a 30 hour sail. Let me make this clear. Having to use resources out side the game to make the base objective of the game "Better" is a shit game.
  11. I have to leave my friends behind for strangers just to get some better trades for a game based around trading? Yeah that is a poor solution for a game.
  12. 1. Let me get this straight. You offer the discord as a solution to improve my trading deals in a game being heavily detailed around trading? What would be the point of the in game chat then? Both text and voice are now a waste of coding. 2. A community that chants, "leave" to the already dwindling player base is only going to make the game harder for them. Which is ironic given the patches pushed by the Devs. Gottao make this game harder for the larger companies. They should eat the smaller companies and watch a game change like the tides of the seas. What happened to all the players? Well you see, they quit. For multiple reasons. Not exactly the best idea now is it? Enjoy having to grind more and less people to trade with!
  13. Um, have you not been on the internet? People don't get along in large groups. They often want gain for little cost. People don't play games to do weeks of grinding for 1 silly unworthy reward. Sailing is a snooze fest at best and I love sailing. This is my personal summary of this games idea of trading. Biggest problem with trade: Why trade when you can harvest it yourself? Current player solution? Walled off areas and entire islands to prevent others from harvesting that resource. This does force players to trade but, now at a higher cost. Yeah, no thanks. Not looking to put in a week of grinding to meet the ridiculous demand of another player for trade value. Second problem: Go out and find the best bag for your buck. 4 days later finally found someone worth trading with. Well hell... now I have to work on weight issues, time issues and crew issues. Gotta keep the boat stocked for repairs and gold to pay the NPC crew. Well shit, there's 1/3 of the boats weight. Ok, I'll have to sacrifice my trade supplies. Now I'm at a 5/8 of the boats carry weight. Come on strong winds in the direction I need to go. Nope, no such luck. But hell, plenty of fog, storms and SotD to party with. 4 days worth of this shit? No trade value is worth losing a ship and it's cargo. Third problem: Yeah I need a resource to trade for another resource, so I can trade for more resources. Take Honey and bears for example. There is nothing on my island that someone else can't get from another island. Expect! High level bears! A great trade value as it seems. Let's see, need some honey. Well back to problem 1. Harvest it yourself. Ok, need a base of operations to make a boat. Well thatch structure didn't hold up to the multiple alphas. Great levels though. Ok build wood structures. Well that seems to delay them just long enough! Well... shit... they can hit through the walls and take out interior features. Ok go for stone... well hell... back to problem number 1. Harvest it yourself or trade? Let us hope to find players or a company willing to trade 4 stacks of wood, some rocks and thatch so we can get sap or honey. Yeah... no... no one wants this. Well fuck it, it's not worth sailing back. Die and respawn back at base. If the ship sinks let someone else enjoy some free shit I suppose.
  14. This is just a game. I can't enjoy the wind in my hair or, the smell of the sea. Sailing 2-4 hours one way is a snooze fest. Logging out at sea to go and enjoy life is a good way to through away time, a ship and it's cargo. The Devs have asked players to pretty much make this game a life chore. Yeah, no thanks. I'm not joining a major company to be someones resource monkey. Enjoy the game with what little players are left.
  15. 30 gold is nothing. lol
  16. Our island of 5 companies sailed together against the SotD as a united fleet. At the beginning of the week we put down 25-30 SotD. Each company got so little from even reds at level 30+ we gave up sinking the rest. It cost more to repair ships and pay NPC's than to sink these mobs. Now at the end of the week there are 7 SotD just outside our home bay. We have no choice but to sink them. Again... I'm all for a challenge but to be honest, the lastest patch with stone cost has really F'd our game time. My company wants to sail out and joyfully sink more SotD on the PVE server just for the enjoyment of the sea battle. Now we have to focus on game chores. Perhaps I have this wrong and will gladly accept ideas. This game is more work less reward. We focused two weeks on tames and lost countless of level 40 bears. Finally they improve the tames making the two weeks of hell worth it. Now stone structures are a pain in the ass no longer worth the work and reward system. It remembers me of my early days on EvE Online. I stopped playing after a week of being a corporations resource monkey. All work no reward. This game is going the way of EvE. It's going to be a massive shit show for new players. Putting a bad taste in the mouth of all players. Some will find it time consuming while others get tired of the SSDD (Same Shit Different Day). I really hope the Devs figure out the work and reward. Right now it seems to much like Zap Branagin's tactic of wave after wave for a bottle cap medal anyone can buy off of amazon.
  17. Ok, we've lost our second ship, a brig, to the SotD because they are spawning at high rates. We can't keep up with these mobs. PLEASE NERF THEM ALREADY!
  18. Did they think so little people would run off to the FOY?
  19. This age idea seems neat but, like most toys, it's just for show. In the end it's a lame gimmick. Yawn. I'm not impressed.
  20. Spawn at a free port, get the water, die and respawn at home. Well done Dev team. We figured out how to cheese your idea of a challenge.
  21. Don't worry, they will nerf your pets to make it "Balanced". I really don't think these Devs understand what balance means. To me it seems as if they are fucking this game up to balance out for the 500-1000 player companies. Let me make this clear. There. is. no. balancing. for. such. player. numbers! Any game with such numbers will make of course cheese game mechanics. Stop fucking the rest of us just to increase the difficulty for big companies. Want to nerf them? Put a limit on the number of members a company can have. BOOM! Zerg issues fixed. Seriously making this game to much like eve Online. If I wanted to play a game like eve online, I'd just go play eve online. FFS.
  22. Forget the door issue, I can't interact with anything. Storage, smithy, animals. It's all unavailable.
  23. These Devs have no idea what they are doing. This game was already bad enough when it came out. "Balancing" a game for a company of 500 players is neglecting the rest of the player base. To that I say, enjoy your 500 player base. It's going to be short lived.
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