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Everything posted by DilBert

  1. Was that way before on PvP and they were not getting auto repair, why would PvE?
  2. Why would they? PvE is now getting the PvP system minus war token and raid times. Nowhere does it state repair structures are still part of it. They were for the no claim system only.
  3. PvP was never getting the auto repair.
  4. Have to manually repair. Sometimes you have to choose. Live under a overlord, be an overlord or repair on lawless. (Personally hate the idea of the PvP claim system used for PvE. way worse than the current system.)
  5. Auto repair was just a device for the old PvE no claim system. Was never a part of the PvP 1 flag= island system so there is no such structure coming.
  6. Lawless Servers Will continue to operate like normal, no islands on these servers can be claimed. Reduced structure placement rules Damage decay added over time on all structures Straight from the Capts. Log. what else do you need?
  7. That still wont get rid of the flag. As long as taxes are active from tenants
  8. On PvE you dont, cant destroy the bank so flag will not deteriorate.
  9. There are settlements in Pve. Same system is going to be used in PvE as used in PvP. they are just removing war tokens and raid times.
  10. Mainly because PTR can be wiped daily if needed. No need to worry about wipe rage when a server by definition can wipe at any moment. Plus if they wipe the PTR 1-xx times they can still claim to have only wiped live servers once.
  11. Seems no one is considering that they might wipe live servers to use as PTR. Then when satisfied wipe PTR for live.
  12. It says in CL23 as quoted PVP claim system does not use repair structures. Want to know how PvP claims work read about them in CL22 and the updates to it in CL23. None of which include repair structures.
  13. PvE Network No claim flags Damage decay overtime added to all structures A new auto-repair structure which players will need to upkeep to prevent structures from being destroyed by decay. Is the Old pve system with no claims. Is the new. There is no mixture of the two. You do not get claim flags and auto-repair. As said before the PvP system never used the auto repair structure. The only places decay happens to structures are lawless. Boats have it anywhere but claims. It doesnt get much clearer.
  14. The auto repair structure as never part of PvP claims. Only the old pve no claim structure. There is no need in mentioning the removal of a system never added. If it were never part of the PvP system and is no mention of it being added to it why would it magically become a part of it?
  15. PvE Network No claim flags Damage decay overtime added to all structures A new auto-repair structure which players will need to upkeep to prevent structures from being destroyed by decay. Is the Old pve system with no claims. Is the new. There is no mixture of the two. You do not get claim flags and auto-repair.
  16. With the Mega March update, the claim systems on PvE will change from being lawless-esque servers to the following: Use the same claim system as PvP, but remove the raidable hours and war aspect. This means that players will be able to claim islands, and anyone can build on those settlements. Each settlement will have an upkeep cost which is based on a variety of factors such as the islands ranking, the number of settlements that company has, and how many different companies are building on the settlement. Settlement owners will be able to set a tax rate, and also players will be able to place their player run shops on the claimed land.
  17. Repair structures were part of the no claim system. Wont be apart of the 1 flag= 1 island system. It is not a mix of the two. Only difference in pvp and pvp will be the war, raids, and ability of owner to destroy structures after the 12 hour timer.(time subject to change for pve later)
  18. Only build you can limit is cannons on PvP. can be set to allies only. Watch live stream and/or read last two capts. log.
  19. problem is they are powder guns. It takes time to reload and they are 1 load, 1shot. I mean if you want an reload animation after each shot instead of a minigame to improve the shot, I am sure they could do that easily.
  20. You do not have this option with the new claim system. You just have the deletion window. Best be on your toes.
  21. Lawless Servers Will continue to operate like normal, no islands on these servers can be claimed. Reduced structure placement rules Damage decay added over time on all structure
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