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Everything posted by CypressFrost

  1. PvE claim system needs a re-work. Season 1 had the right idea with being able to claim parts of an Island, it just needed a limit. It created a neighborhood feeling and kept all the servers with a healthy amount of players. Everyone interacted with each other and it was unique to any other game. Please think about giving PvE its own unique claim system. Right now everyone hoards up in lawless or has to grovel to get someone to let them build on a claimed Island. New players that don't come at a season launch are just straight out of luck. Think about it please.
  2. Any chance of different shoulder tames? Peacock or maybe a fox that sits around our shoulders, (a little like the otter)? Plus are there any plans for more female friendly skins/hairstyles? Everything thus far has been male targeted.
  3. Had a new Idea! Bee Keeping! So... I was gathering honey to take advantage of the wonderful 3x taming... and it crossed my mind that it would be cool as all get out if we could bee keep. Not like the bees in Ark, I'm over that. But full on bee keeping. Having to hit the honey comb until you get a queen and a mini game of catching her in a jar? You'd have to build a hive for them, and when you wanted to collect you'd have a smoker with a mini-game and if you messed up you'd get stung unless there was a bee keeping suit maybe? Maybe no suit cause that'd be funny to watch, mess your team mates up on purpose and watch them run, being chased by bees.... I haven't read any above comments so there may be overlapping suggestions. Bare in mind, tames are not y'alls focus, but some of us came just for that. I am one such fan base. I don't like ocean/sailing, fighting. I like farming and breeding. I followed friends over to Atlas and we have tons of fun even with me not being involved in the "pirate" aspects. Beyond playing with a mortar for kicks and giggles. :3 Bear - Honestly love it, though it'd be nice to have an option to select what I gather. Going for fiber and have to drop 5k berry s every few seconds gets old fast. And not just the bear, just about every other gathering tame. It is slow lumbering but that's understandable, and I love that it eats berry's along with meat. Wolf - Oh my holy no. My poor wolves attack EVERYTHING. Its nearly impossible to get one, let alone a prime leveled one. IF you can find one not attacking something and ergo getting killed, (cause the nerf has rendered them impotent), then you have to hope you can get it to a trap without it aggroing to something. And if you get it tamed, then it just sits in your base, useless. It can't hold a candle to the tiger and bear. Bulls- I wish they had more of a use beyond impregnating my cows and eating all the food. Lol, lazy bums. I'd say thatch but I really want Giraffes to do that and I'd cry if they became more useless. ( Addition, what about have farms that after being laid, could be 2X2 size? Has to ACTUALLY need to be plowed, and you have the cows on wander fertilizing it.... though in real life they'd eat it all... so maybe you can make farm land that lines up and plant grass/hay that could continue growing/feeding the cows as they made fertilizer that would gather in the plot, then you'd take it out and go use it on your vegetable/fruit plots...) Elephant - Love the weight, hate the stamina. Not only does it blow through it quick it takes a horribly long time to get it back. Also another creature that I wish I could have an option to opt out of berry's when gathering wood. Pig - I actually like the pigs, they look neat and the tusks are awesome. But, they have no purpose beyond fertilizer. Real life hogs are dangerous and can gore you with tusks and are known to be quite good at finding mushrooms/truffles. Giraffe - Change nothing beyond the berry option thing. LOVE THEM! So beautiful. Though I wish all the tames were easier to paint more complex designs on, everything gets all blurry and mushed in the transfer. Can you imagine a galaxy painted giraffe? I legit paid $20 for a galaxy painted tiger. I would for a giraffe the moment it came out. Horse - love them except the AI when trying to chase them down to tame. They always go for water. Maybe if you could grapple them with multiple people or use a lasso to passive tame it or bola it? Lion - I adore Lions, except that its just for how they look. They don't have bleed like Tigers, and they don't have knock back like Bears, so mine mainly sit around. No real use. Ostrich - I love them except they have no purpose beyond running around, which I use a horse for since their weight is AMAZING. So Ostrich is just for a pretty bird. Maybe if the had a nest to incubate eggs for you? Penguin - Cute, snuggle crazy but apparently don't help temps when raising baby's so that's all they're good for. Rabbit - please give these a purpose, insulation, a buff anything. I love them, and have a severe hoarding issue with them but with them being useless my company mates are not amused. And maybe nerf their size? It's very distracting seeing a rabbit the size of a dog awkwardly sitting atop my shoulder though it has tempted me to see if my dog would be able to perform such a feat. A few possible creature additions along with a more detailed explanation of painting possibilities. Tames/Mobs: Deer - could act as a passive tame, and passive gathering or a passive heal ability Foxes - Cute, popular, passive tame, could "fetch" things, or act as an insulator. Would be exceedingly neat if they could wrap around a players neck like an Otter. Dogs - many breeds to choose from but I could easily see a type of herding dog, Pyrenees to help herd animals, Wolfhound to help hunt wolves and other large creatures, or German Shepard's as attack dogs. Cats - could use to hunt rats, could also act as a insulator, could use as a small creature to snag other small animals, (kind of like a living bola). Rats - Mob, aggressive, small and hard to hit, could infect with diseases Goats - Good for milk and butter, passive tame, could be carried on shoulders. Ferrets/Weasel - could fetch, dig and be worn for insulation. Peacock - Shoulder pet, passive, could add a cooling affect, or a stat buff. Hawk - Attack buff, also could be used as an attack pet to heckle other players or wild creatures. Owl - Could also be used as a living bola, hunt rats, and add a cooling buff. Game Content for Tames: Blankets - could be used to warm baby animals or players could soak in water barrels to cool off baby animals. Hay - used as bedding for baby animals to keep warm. Fan - could be held by player and used to cool off baby animals. Bottle - could use cows or goats milk to feed baby animals to increase imprint and to also emphasize the usefulness of tames. Brush - could be used on horses and sheep alike, to increase affection points?, and also to groom the sheep to get higher quality wool. Armor for Tames - could implement many different kinds of armor for tames, making them customizable with paints, and different quality's for designs. This could really make a MMO feeling, in my favorite MMO's the thing I loved most was customization. Yeah we all had the same tools to design our characters BUT what made it yours was finding that color combo, that armor, and for our companions that armor, that really made it OURS. Affection Points - could have an affection meter for tames, not just imprint on them for a buff, but an active meter to pet, groom and feed your tame for a lasting affection boost. I realize this would make for a difficult build but it would give an edge over Ark while still allowing those of us into the more docile side of Atlas find a niche all our own. FOY potion for tames - a potion made in the the FOY used on tames to reverse them to their baby stage and enable them to be carried on your shoulders. Only select tames, and make it a complicated recipe.
  4. Bump, dealing with this joke that's called breeding at the moment.
  5. A few possible creature additions along with a more detailed explanation of painting possibilities. Tames/Mobs: Deer - could act as a passive tame, and passive gathering or a passive heal ability Foxes - Cute, popular, passive tame, could "fetch" things, or act as an insulator. Would be exceedingly neat if they could wrap around a players neck like an Otter. Dogs - many breeds to choose from but I could easily see a type of herding dog, Pyrenees to help herd animals, Wolfhound to help hunt wolves and other large creatures, or German Shepard's as attack dogs. Cats - could use to hunt rats, could also act as a insulator, could use as a small creature to snag other small animals, (kind of like a living bola). Rats - Mob, aggressive, small and hard to hit, could infect with diseases Goats - Good for milk and butter, passive tame, could be carried on shoulders. Ferrets/Weasel - could fetch, dig and be worn for insulation. Peacock - Shoulder pet, passive, could add a cooling affect, or a stat buff. Hawk - Attack buff, also could be used as an attack pet to heckle other players or wild creatures. Owl - Could also be used as a living bola, hunt rats, and add a cooling buff. Games Content: Blankets - could be used to warm baby animals or players could soak in water barrels to cool off baby animals. Hay - used as bedding for baby animals to keep warm. Fan - could be held by player and used to cool off baby animals. Bottle - could use cows or goats milk to feed baby animals to increase imprint and to also emphasize the usefulness of tames. Brush - could be used on horses and sheep alike, to increase affection points?, and also to groom the sheep to get higher quality wool. Armor for Tames - could implement many different kinds of armor for tames, making them customizable with paints, and different quality's for designs. Affection Points - could have an affection meter for tames, not just imprint on them for a buff, but an active meter to pet, groom and feed your tame for a lasting affection boost. FOY potion for tames - a potion made in the the FOY used on tames to reverse them to their baby stage and enable them to be carried on your shoulders. Only select tames, and make it a complicated recipe. Fashion - Obviously there will be more clothes, but an even more advanced design of clothes for male and female specifically. Basically clothes that can only be worn by each gender, and make certain designs only acquirable by quests and achievements. Make it something people can grind for. Maybe add buffs to them as well, or make it to where we can "enchant" our armor and clothes. Paints/Dyes - we already have quite a few colors but many designs don't transfer all that well due to the small palette. Could also implement "special" dyes that have unique effects and designs. Like a galaxy dye, etc. Or for effects a "flashy" dye, a dye that would cycle through different colors. Make the cycles random, and popular "flashys" could have a lower restock in the shops or as a monster drop. Poker - make a poker mini-game in taverns that allows players to bet gold, and can win a possible "pot", also allowing tavern owners to take a percentage of the winnings. Bards - make it possible to play for gold, craft your own musical tunes. Business Meter - allow a rating system between players, so when someone renegades on a deal, the wounded party can give them a certain number of points docked. This could also be used to reward company's, points could be given for good trades or when people in a company have been kind to new players or helpful in general. Could even offer rewards for certain point goals. 100 pts - special flag design 200 pts - company stat buff etc and so forth. It would help players to know who to trade with, who to avoid, and would promote players being helpful. Of course some company's might want to just be blood thirsty scalawags. I'll add more as I think of them.
  6. Anyone seen the fountain of youth recently?
  7. Join our Discord, meet the friendly people of K11! A variety of tames and materials! Lions Tigers Cows Bulls Crows Seagulls Sheep SoftWood Silver Rushes and much much more! Click the invite and join us!
  8. Ok, Devs. "We understand that we can't make the game as hardcore as we'd like." Then whats with the new Stone cost?! I get why PvP might want it, so others can't build stone and easier to raid. Have you looked at ALL at your PvE fan base? This? Just screwed us. The Stone was the only way to defend against Alphas. Are you listening to ALL your players or just the PvP branch? You nerfed the flame arrows, (though that helped us PvE people to deal with Alphas,) you have given us very little in the gathering with tames department, and we can't breed. You have a whole nother bevy of customers over here. And like it or not, us PvE'ers will be the ones still here when the PvP people get tired and move on. We like to hoard and build and collect. I've played games that sold special mounts and spent over $400+, and I know many of the people I play with now have the same mentality. We build, and we sit on it. But if we can't defend it, (which we can't because flame arrows suck, and stone costs to much now,) then whats the point. If you'd listen to your PvE community more you'd realize that we're the ones who'll be here supporting y'all. PvP players quickly move on once they've gotten they're fix and change out often. PvE players are in it for the long haul. Please at least consider our input.
  9. Do not. DO NOT build on ceilings. All tames and players offline fall through the floor. 39 tames lost to tigers. 39, including Giraffes, Elephants, Rhinos, Ostriches, Cows, Bulls, Sheep, Penguins to name a few. HOURS of work, just poof. I have included the tames that were killed. I don't know if theres anything an Admin could do, but the amount of hours lost is just baffling.
  10. Apparently, the tigers didn't spawn in, all the tames fell through the floor, as did our characters. (We built on pillars, as does just about everyone in K11, so we don't kill trees and wild spawns.) Everything got killed because everything fell through the ceilings they were sitting on. 28+ Giraffes, Elephants, Rhinos, Ostriches, Sheep, Cows, Bulls, Bears, Wolves, everything is completely cleared out.
  11. Tigers spawned into our base and killed everything. Hours of taming and sailing, wiped.
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