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Everything posted by TyGeR_STD

  1. All those statues you see around the world or what ppl have build to represent or also pay tribute to the gods. now we have a lore tie in
  2. Here's one. add different gods of sailing. 5 or 6 or how ever many different gods. each grid us owned owned by one of the gods, you can pay a tribute to the gods and if successful they will change the winds to be in your favor. if your not successful the winds might go against you. Or summon a storm, or spawn ships of the damn around you, or everyone on your ships gets struck by lightning and dies. different gods like different tribute. one might like food, cooked food better thst raw, one god likes gold as s tribute. one god will only accept a blood tribute. tie this into hanging players or using a guillotine. the next god may like armor an weapons. the next likes resources. so you have to figure out what god controls the grid to know what tribute to pay. Then hit a key or go to the alter (new crsftable structure) and it brings up the tribute screen, select the direct you want the wind to go, select the tribute you want to offer, press accept. the gods aprove! *insert cool sound and visual effect* and the wind changes for you! or you disappoint the gods, *insert scary sound and visual effect* and your punishment happens.
  3. I hate sailing in this game due to the travel time to get somewhere. I understand if I'm going 6 grids away it will take "some time". but when I leave my starting point at I have a good wind, but the next 5 grids the wind is low and against me... it changes a 30 to 40 minute trip to a 3 hour brutal event. We need to increase sailing speed so it decreases sail time. here's just a few ideas... Weight sails, they just had a change so leave them where they are at to see how they work with the current change. Handling sail. give this sail the ability to turn 360 degrees. Using this sail you can get a good wind sailing any direction. These sails should also give a bonus speed to backing up a ship to park. Speed sail, give this sail a 20% boost to current speed and a additional 10% boost when. Aligned perfect with the wind. Decrease the speed penalty given by weight. No penalty if below 40%. Add a stat to the ships for speed. You add points to increase your ships overall speed.
  4. The speed nerf on cargo racks makes them worthless. sailing in the game is horrible enough without more things to slow you down. This was one of the best things in this patch to now be turned into a steaming pile of shit.
  5. I had it happen a 2nd time and was unable to log in until they did a server restart to start the 2x weekend. makes me scared to sail anywhere when no one else is on. I dont know if I'll crash when I zone to another grid.
  6. After about 5 mins or so it seems like I can log in again but as soon as the game should load it will crash and start the cycle over again. Almost like my pathfinder is stuck between zones. Then the game keeps cycling between logging in and the Lost/Timeout message, but again, I can go to a different server and connect with no issue.
  7. @Jatheish having the same issue. each time when changing zones/grids. it takes about 10 to 15 mins before I can log back in. sometimes I get the message that "that account is already logged in" https://pastebin.com/R24SjZVP https://pastebin.com/2PWQnBR7 https://pastebin.com/3154wZKc https://pastebin.com/by38e69S
  8. Yes, most dye colors on ships are very dull and faded. would like to have stronger colors.
  9. Add a ramp attachment for ships that snaps on like the dive platform and dingy dock. it would be 1, 2, or 3 tiles wide depending on the ship type and a few tiles, to 10 or 15 tiles long. it would extend out the drop down until it hits land or water.
  10. Would be nice if you could set the pin code to a resource box, then the same pin code on lanterns, smiths, Loomis, or whatever, and it will pull resources from the coded resources box.
  11. Add a spyglass minigame, something like the sextant minigame. The buff would 1) let you see player, animal and SoTD, names and level (same as using spyglass) with out looking thru the spyglass. 2) shows all SoTD locations in your grid and surrounding grids on the map (and mini map if you have sextant buff). the spyglass would continue to work the same as it currently does.
  12. All of you should read the OP. Fighting SoTD isnt the issue, its zoning into a new grid and having multiple SoTD sitting on the other side. This is a legitimate issue for some players, specially newer players. when you zone into a new grid in a common sloop or schooner, and there sits a gallion and two brigs on the other side, there is practically nothing you can do. This is not a player or skill issue, it is a game mechanic issue. Removing SoTD from travelling in a pack would help in part, but it still doesn't stop them from clumping up on there own. If we could see SoTD location across grid lines, OR give ships crossing a zone line a 30 second immunity buff it would resolve the issue. Most people here seem to forget how it is starting as a new player. The game experience should not push them away.
  13. I dislike sailing in this game. not that the current mechanic is bad, it just takes FOREVER to go somewhere. It needs to be speed up somehow to make going from point A to B faster. Increase wind speed, or decrease the weight penalty. maybe no speed penalty as long as your under 50% total weight, then you start to receive a penalty. Also the sails need a balancing pass, currently there is no reason to use anything other then speed sails. For people (like myself) that have limited play time, the last thing I want to do is sail for an hour an half when I only have two hours to play.
  14. The additional level you gain for the amount of work/resources involved doesn't seem like enough reward. I would suggest adding 5 levels per quality type of the shipyard. Common level 41 max Fine level 46 max Journeyman Level 51 max Masterwork level 56 max Legendary level 61 max Mythic level 66 max
  15. I'm in a company, but do go out solo a good bit because a lot of my game time is not durning prime time when most ppl are on
  16. But by time I've spread them out, and killed them, I've either lost the loot the first few dropped or cant find it, or its disappeared.
  17. If we are looseing the ability to place large canons anywhere but gun ports thsts fine, I can embrace change and evolve my play style. but stop SoTDs from gathering/ spawing/ moving in packs. If I have to broadside SoTDs to fight last thing I want is 50+ cannon balls from SoTD Gallion and two brigs comming at me. I dont mind a fair fight, I dont mind the chance of looseing my ship, just give me the opportunity for a 1v1 with SoTDs. not trying g to fight a pack everytime. Also, change the NPC AI crew so one NPC is responsible for the left and right gun port at a time. 6 NPC crew should be able to man all 12 gun ports on a brig, or 5 NPC crew should man all 10 ports on a schooner. Also, a better way to stop the shotgun meta would be any cannon not in a gun port doubles weight X the number of cannons. so if a cannon is 100LB, the 2nd cannon not in a port is 200lb. the 3rd is 400lb, the 5th is 800lb, the 6th is 1600lb and so on. Now you have a risk vs reward for non conventional cannon placement.
  18. Hello, Having an issue with discovery points for landfall on an island. It seems if you spawn onto a bed that is on a island you have not been to, you will not get the discovery point when you spawn over. Even leaving the bed area and running around on the island will not give the point. But I can spawn to a ship, jump onto the same island then I get the point. I have had this happen on several different islands in different grids.
  19. When might we see new ship types or sizes for players? maybe even new skins for current ships sizes to give us more options and new looks. What is the possibility to link a resource chest to other crafting stations (smithy, loom, ect) so it pulls the needed resources directly from the resource chest. link with a pin code or some other way. would also be a great QOL that when crafting something in a players inventory, if I have a smithy or resource chest open it will pull the needed resources from there. So players do not need to constantly resources around to craft.
  20. I'm on a small island in O5 and we have noticed a large drop in spawn rates of everything. almost no spawns for stuff to get hides. we went thru yesterday to kill off amm the small spawns, (monkey, rabbits, birds) but that didnt seem to help. Feels like the spawn rate was cut by over half.
  21. I agree, at first I thought maybe it was just me, being in a new ship, not lvled up with basic sails. but after sailing around a bit more tonight, it does feel a lot slower. I dunno, could be the fact we're back in basic ships,
  22. I agree, I dislike the pack of SoTDs. I do really like the different sizes we have now. would like to see them go back to single spawns and not the pack spawn.
  23. I use Numberpad 1 for Jump, and Numberpad 0 for Crouch, I also rebind Numberpad 2-9 for hot keys#2-9. I had to delete some stuff out of the .INI to get my Jump and Crouch to work, once I get back home and can start to change it I can let you know what I do if it will help you. I know there is a line I have to delete because Numberpad 8 is hard coded to open the Atlas. There are a few other changes to make it all work.
  24. Yes, and with an hour or two of editing the INI file I can get it fixed enough to play the with out to many issues, but there are some keys that I cant get to work with changing the INI. Like the moment keys, I can change them to the arrows but driving the boat will still be on WASD. I'm no coder or game designer, but if I can fix 75% of the issues on my end by editing the .INI it seems like it shouldnt be to difficult to do it correctly for the game.
  25. Not so much a PTR issue as much as a game design issue. Unable to edit several of the keyboard keybindings to work with a left handed setup. Able to make changes to the .INI fine to Frankenstein it together to make a left handed setup usable but not able to do it threw the in game keybinding editor.
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