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Will Parrot

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Everything posted by Will Parrot

  1. This ! I really dislike the look of those SoD, no sails makes it really look out of place. They shouldn't have the same problem with wind as other ships, they are obviously magic imbued why would they need wind to move ? They are already IA driven which gives players enough of an advantage over them. But give them sails even if torn sails make them look like actual ships and not floating science-fiction spaceships.
  2. Serveur qui ne demande qu'à se peupler davantage, j'ai 35 de ping. Après pas loin de 200 heures de jeu sur l'officiel l'expérience de jeu n'a presque rien à voir, pas de rubberbanding incessant, pas de mobs qui se téléportent... Je prend plaisir à redécouvrir le jeu dans un environnement plus serein avec une meilleure qualité de vie ! J'espère que vous êtes là pour durer ! PS : On est pas très nombreux pour le moment, personnellement je me trouve en A1 et en expédition dans les zones voisines.
  3. Its true they have the same in Ark, called Lat and Lon as well... But the difference that makes it really non-sense is here they pretend we're on a globe with right of 'O' being connected to the left of 'A' zones... Hence 100° longitude being neighbor to -100° making it a 200° 'arc' instead of 360° circle around the globe x). But well even without that lat/lon mistake it would still be no globe, we're playing on a big cylinder since there just as much travel time from A1 to 01 (north of which should be north pole and collapse into a single point if we were on a globe) as A8 to O8 on the equator... ^^ Anyway really nice job on the map, I've heard (and seen) actually another map tool that shows (in more or less real time) the list of connected players and ships (and their crew) on official servers (any shard of the official servers maps)... So don't know how they did get that info but it's certainly possible to get and show information they don't show on the official map.
  4. Ohh true PVE ! Didn't pay attention to the forum category... Gosh indeed I have no clue whether its going to work for you, I'm on PVP...
  5. Well you can get rid of it by sinking it... Either normal way or "heavy" way... And you can claim it for yourself as well by placing a flag on top of it... But the claim process takes a lot of time !
  6. You know that a year can also be a full rotation around a planets sun. Apparently ATLAS rotates fast around its star and the human beings on atlas dont live as many days as we do. Now it can be a choice to have it this fast or it may need further fine tuning but claiming that this needs to be fixed because we age several years in a matter of days is nonsense as we have little knowledge of the solar system in ATLAS.
  7. In fact to craft higher quality bluprints you need to gather different kinds of items from the different ressource categories... For wood you might have to gather 2 3 or 4 types of different wood items etc.. So something somewhat in the direction of what you ask is already in game.
  8. Definetely agree on that ! Its beyond me how they could not foresee and avoid that kind of problem or why they wouldn't want to avoid that especially given the experience of Ark where you couldn't even join official servers at some point because you'd respawn in someones' gated backyard and be unable to play... Let alone foundation spamming that prevents from building... Claims should auto unclaim for example in a few hours when no one from owning company is in the server shard, in a couple of days if people are in the server shard but not visiting a flags' area anymore and in a week maybe if people are sleeping inside but no one logged in... Constructions outside of claimed land should not prevent others from building at all no matter how close this would at least make it pointless to spam foundations in lawless zones... Constructions demolish permission timer should be tied to the number of snapped elements when not in a claimed area, foundations standing alone all around the place should have a very low timer, like a couple of hours maximum, that would allow cleaning up of scattered foundations in lawless zones
  9. Hahaha :') this was indeed possible on Ark, you could take scissors and change someone elses haircut, even chose to put a beard on a friends female character... x) You can probably get your character back to normal using scissors on yourself and setting your hairs back to whatever you want them to look like
  10. Just looks like the map is only showing top 10 company claims, everything is claimed everywhere almost since game launch, didn't check polar though... Tundra was claimed a bit after the rest of the world but my bet would be now all is claimed...
  11. Just, why ? To avoid direct player to player interaction ? Which is exactly the whole point and philosophy of that kind of game ?
  12. They are different for sure, Weight sails add to the max amount of weight your ship can carry, this is the only stat effect you can measure in game with numbers. Speed sails are faster than other sails but we have no direct measure of speed available so you have to find it out by comparison, measure time you take to go from A to B in a given wind/weight situation etc... Handling sails are better to sail close to the wind (ie, they tend to be more easily in the greenish area when going against the wind to some extent). But here again not direct measure with numbers so you'd have to compare IG with different rigs etc... In another post I suggested an item "knotted rope" or something like that to get a speed measure in knots... Others have been suggesting ways to indicate speed as well.
  13. I understand your concern about that especially given the number and frequency of alphas... However I'm playing on PVP and I think the kind of base you are describing is not "especially" on PVE, but exclusively on PVE, in PVP I have only experienced Behemot gate festival all over the place, regular claimable areas and lawless alike... I'd prefer to see more esthetically pleasing constructions though, such a pity... :/ I don't quite get where they are heading with lawless zones to be honest... Its not claimable but you can build, but you cannot respawn in bed on land... What the heck is the concept behind that ? If someone know of some official post explaining a bit their vision about that I'd appreciate !
  14. They could also make it so when no one of a company is online the structures enter a raid protection mode for let say 8 hours (any claim contesting already in progress would not be affected by offline protection mode), then after those 8 hours raid protection wears off, after 1 full day without anyone connecting structures enter a decay mode that would last for any amount of time for example one week, after a week structures can be instant claimed or demolished... Any one of the company connecting at anytime resets all of those counters, raid protection starts only given amount of time after last disconnection of someone in the company for example 1h (to not have whole companies disconnect when they are about to be attacked).
  15. NPC vendors is a bad idea I think, I'd prefer most of trading to happen between actual players, especially on a PvP game where you have incentives to both trade and/or fight... Its much more interesting on a strategic point of view than just being able to drop off/sell all your goods to an NPC who will never have enough of whatever you want to sell him...
  16. It seems to me that lawless zones were only intented to take people off freeports when it was crowded at game launch... I'm not sure lawless zones are going to stay around very long... I might be wrong thoughn, only a personnal guess. Looks like its all working as intended, even if you cannot respawn in your bed on land in lawless you can place the bed and you can still use it for fast travel if I'm not mistaken ?
  17. Hence my comment ^^. Nice job on your application, but really stupid choice to call that longitude and latitude from Grapeshot... Makes no sense at all with values from -100 to +100
  18. Whenever you fix anything you have to take into account what side effects there would be. Fixing an exploit at the cost of another one is a poor decision making. What is forcing out of freeports is much more than only that, if you want to list everything we can go on a bit: Even without decay and lvl 8 cap you'd have to move away eventually because of: Instant corpse despawn Impossibility to build anything on the ground (no shipyard...) Impossibility to store any much without multiplying rafts (cause of weight limit) And missing of some ressources And impossibility of taming anything... Gosh can't even end finding new reasons to move away
  19. As said just in the post above there are also Ships of the Damned that give gold upon defeating which makes PvE have just as many options to earn gold as PVP. About market you have the option to make your own market in your base... Collect coins with any of the above methods, collect goods or craft goods to sell and advertise your market around you, trade for other goods or coins... You have litterally averything you need, only thing that they could add to make it all more secure is a direct player to player trading mechanic (not an aution house, but player to player 'E' interaction...).
  20. This is not true, problem would not be solved by just making overweight boats not move. I can see one exploit already for that kind of "feature", you could stay at freeport with a raft and tons of storage on it, you dont need to move the raft thats just secure storage for you in a freeport... While you do whatever you want, farm more safely in freeport for example. Fact that you can't put unlimited weight into ships forces people to go out find some land even if in lawless to at leas be able to put some storage on the ground as ships especially rafts do not store enough for a player to get started. I would just remove the incentive to grief by making wrecks instant disappear like our bodies when they sink in freeports... Or at the very least if overweight the ship/raft doesn't move AND nothing more can be stored in any storage, no crafting sations can be used until the ship/raft is not overweight anymore.
  21. Will Parrot


    In the forge apparently alloy is any kind of ingot you can craft. So it actually depends on the type of metal that you have gathered, iron coal and wood I believe would work, so does copper sap and wood, or cobalt salt and coal I believe ? You can check the recipes in the forge anyway :)
  22. Hmm I have one question about the coordinates, is that a bug on your application's side or did they really develop latitudes and longitudes that go up to/stop at 100° ? O.O Really !!? What a freaking non-sense if that's the case ! Edit : Just as general information longitudes go from -180° to 180° around a globe (0 being Greenwich meridian on earth, and would be center of desert on Atlas is seems) and latitudes from -90° to +90° to each poles (0 being the equator line)... In a game where O areas transition to A areas on the right we expect to have a globe so should definitely map to -180° + 180° longitude, or they should not call it longitude in the first place... Same for poles when you go up to the north pole you're at +90° south pole is -90° of latitude and of course direct transition from north to south pole is not physically possible, never went to the 1 or 15 zones so I didn't try to check if they implemented a crazy transition from 1 to 15 and vice versa... Have some of you tested ?
  23. I'm also against this idea, already quite mad that ships of the damned have no sails, didn't see trading ships yet but I know as well they have none... I'd prefer all ships to have sails and be subject to the same sailing mechanics ! I'm also against that EZ mode 30% against wind patch they put up
  24. When you join a company, at least when you are leader of your own company you have an option to join the company you're being invited to personnaly or merge company. The first one will make you loose all belongings of your former company, the latter will transfer belongings of your former company to the company you're joining. Ship instantly belongs to your new company when you merge. I experienced it myself, I was last member in my own company when I was offered the "merge" option, I have no clue whether being last one is a requirement or being "owner" is enough though. However I agree with OP on the point that there should be somewhat personnal belongings, would be much better if your ship remained yours before during and after your presence in a company... Companies building ships should have an option of ownership when released asking if it is personnaly owned (releaser) or company owned. Ship should also be unclaimable, I see no reason to not allow ship trading or offering...
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